By Kathryn Maureen Ryan
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

CAIRO, Egypt – Witnesses have reported that an air strike in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt’s north-eastern region bordering Israel, has killed five suspected armed fighters. The attack also destroyed a rocket launcher near Israel’s Sinai border, the launcher may have been intended to launch rocket attacks into southern Israel. The air strike is believed to have been carried out by an Israeli drone.

Air strike kills five suspected militants in the Sinai Peninsula. (Photo courtesy of Al Jazeera)

The attack occurred just one day after Israel briefly closed its airport in Eilat, a Red Sea resort close to the Sinai, in response to unnamed security warnings. In the past, Eilat has been targeted by rocket fire from the Sinai region.

The Israeli government has remained silent about the attack. However, Israeli officials have suggested that if Israel where involved in the attack, the state would be interested in remaining silent in order to avoid embarrassing the Egyptian military. The Jerusalem Post has reported that Israeli Defence Forces may have coordinated with the Egyptian military in order to conduct the attack. However, an Egyptian military official has denied Egypt’s involvement.

An Egyptian military spokesperson denied the report that the militants were killed in an Israeli airstrike and suggested that there may be another possible cause for the explosion. Egypt’s official news agency reported that explosion destroyed a rocket launcher set up near the Israeli border to launch attacks into Israel, and at least five Islamic militants were killed. But it did not elaborate on the cause of the explosion.

Uncertainty over the political future of Egypt has led to rising fears in Israel. The overthrow of former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has raised fears in Israel that extremist militants could exploit anger over the coup felt by Islamists in the region, which could result in more attacks from the Sinai region. Tensions have risen between Israel and Egypt since the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak. Over the past two years, Israel has increased surveillance along the Egyptian border and is currently building a 150-mile barrier along the frontier border in order to keep militants and African migrants out of Israel.

Despite rising tensions between Israel and Egypt, there is evidence that the two states are cooperating on anti- terrorism efforts. A former senior Israeli defence official said that the airport closure came after the Egypt government sent Israel a warning about a possible attack originating in the Sinai Peninsula. He cited this as a sign of greater corporation between the two states. “The cooperation is not new; the level of cooperation is new.” the former Israeli official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the diplomatic sensitivity of Israel’s relations with Egypt.

For more information see:

Al Jazeera – Deadly Air Strike Reported in Sinai – 9 August 2013

Jerusalem Post – Report: IAF drone strikes Jihadist Rocket Launcher in Sinai, Killing 4 Terrorists – 9 August 2013

New York Times – Sinai Blasts Kill up to 5 Islamic Militants – 9 August 2013

Washington Post – Egyptian Officials: Israeli Drone Strike Kills 5 Islamic Militants in Sinai Peninsula – 9 August 2013

Author: Impunity Watch Archive