
Brutal Attack Highlights History of Discrimination of Roma in France

By Kathryn Maureen Ryan
Impunity Watch Managing Editor

Paris, France – A sixteen-year-old Roma boy known as Darius was found bloodied in a shopping cart in a suburb north of Paris last week after he was Kidnapped and beaten by about a dozen youths who accused him of stealing. French President Francois Hollande condemned the attack, calling it an unspeakable and unjustifiable act and saying that all efforts would be taken to find those responsible. Hollande added that the attack was “against all the principles on which our republic is founded.”


Dancers from Europe’s largest ethnic minority perform at a pride event in Paris last year celebrating Roma culture and heritage. Despite their numbers, an estimated 12 million across Europe, the Roma have historically been marginalized where ever they settle across the continent. (Photo Courtesy of the Guardian)

Police say the young boy was dragged out of his home at an unofficial camp and into a cellar by a dozen locals, who accused him of breaking into a nearby flat the previous Friday. A police officer said “A group of several people went to find him in the camp and took him by force.” The boy’s mother contacted police when he was taken, the police found him unconscious later that night. The victim was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition.

The boy had been known to police who had linked him to a number of thefts and break-ins but he had never been convicted of a crime. “The motive of this lynching, it was vengeance,” prosecutor Sylvie Moisson told the press, saying the boy’s condition remained life-threatening. “To practically condemn him to death is barbaric,” he said.

Anti-racism organizations say there has been a disturbing increase in violence against the Roma population. According to the human rights organization SOS Racism the attack was the result of an alarming change in attitudes towards Roma in France, which it said was “the clear result of the disgusting tensions into which our citizens have been plunged.”

Aline Le Bail-Kremer, a spokesperson for SOS Racism, says the incident is not surprising considering the current atmosphere in France. The incident reflects the growing atmosphere of ethnic tensions and discrimination of Roma which has persisted in French culture. Bail-Kremer believes the anti-Roma sentiment in France is reflected in the recent success of far-right political parties in the European Parliamentary election; she said “the fact is the National Front, which is a xenophobic party, won an election in this country and won a lot of gains all over Europe.”

Cases of hate crimes against the Roma population are not uncommon in France and even elsewhere in Europe. In February of this year a case against a 40-year-old man who was accused of throwing a mixture of bleach and cleaning fluids at a group Roma living near the Place de la République in central Paris was dismissed by a judge because the case reportedly lacked evidence. In May 2013 several Roma families were attacked at a campsite in northern France, and in October 2012 locals drove a group of Roma out of an encampment and burned everything at their campsites.

The influx of violence against Roma in France reflects a culture of discrimination that exists in the country. The Roma are the largest ethnic minority in Europe with a population of about 12 million across the continent. The Roma population in France face the reality of institutionalized racism from a young age, not only do their parents face difficulty finding work but Public Schools often refuse to recognize the legitimacy of Roma encampments, cutting children like Darius off from the level of access to education that is given to others living in France.

For more information please see:

The New York Times – Beating of Roma Boy Exposes Tensions in France’s Underclass – 25 June 2014

The Guardian – Broken Camp, Broken Lives, As Vigilante Attack Makes Itself Felt On Roma – 21 June 2014

National Public Radio – Brutal Vigilante Attack on Roma Teen Shocks France – 19 June 2014

Al Jazeera America – Savage Beating Of Roma Teen in Paris Prompts Outrage – 17 June 2014

The Guardian – Roma Teenager in Coma after Being Attacked By Residents of French Estate – 17 June 2014

Russia Losing Support as More Eastern European Nations Choose European Union

By Kyle Herda

Impunity Watch Reporter, Europe

CHISINAU, Moldova – Three Eastern European nations have all made moves that seem to support Western Europe. Moldova, Georgia, and Bulgaria have all taken a step away from Russian alliance due to European Union influence coming from Western Europe. Moldova and Georgia agreed to sign an alliance with the European Union while Bulgaria has halted work on a pipeline that will bring gas from Russia to Europe.

With reports of Russian tanks entering Ukraine, fears of conflict spreading to nearby countries escalate. (Photo courtesy of Al Jazeera)

Moldova and Georgia have both agreed to sign a June 27th association with the European Union. While both countries would still be far from joining the European Union, Moldova claims that the next step is to work towards gaining membership, with Moldovan Prime Minister Iurie Leanca stating they will “actively and effectively” work towards this goal. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will make one more visit to Chisinau in an attempt to convince Moldova to back out of the signing and work towards a stronger alliance with Russia.

Also playing a factor in Moldova is the United States. On June 7, Vice President Joe Biden announced that the United States will be giving Moldova an additional $8 million in aid to help businesses and help Moldovan businesses work more closely with other European markets.

Similarly, the United States continues to increase its presence in Europe as it sent over two B-2 stealth bombers this week “to become familiar with air bases and operations” in Europe. While the Air Force did not relate this move to the conflict in Ukraine, this appears to be a show of force and a further strengthening of assurance to allies that the United States fully supports the European Union in the Eastern European conflicts.

Bulgaria is another nation being forced to make decisions on which nations to align with, and they seem to be leaning west. A proposed pipeline through Bulgaria that would allow Russia to sell gas to Europe had its work halted in an attempt to further squeeze Russia’s economy even further.

On the other hand, Belarus lays on Russia’s border and appears to be leaning towards supporting Russia in the east-west dispute. With over 60% of respondents in a particular survey claiming they would prefer a Russian alliance and only 18% of respondents in the same poll preferring a European Union alliance, and over 65%  supporting Russia’s gaining of Crimea, it seems as though not all Eastern European nations are anti-Russia and ready to align with the European Union.

Only time will tell whether the east-west dispute will remain solely in Ukraine or spread into the surrounding nations that separate Russia from NATO countries.

For more information, please see: 

CNN – U.S. Sends B-2 Stealth Bombers to Europe 11 June 2014

Business Insider – Europe has Finally Found a Way to Make Russia Hurt Economically in Ukraine Crisis 11 June 2014

The Voice of Russia – Belarusians Turn from Europe to Russia – Sociologists 11 June 2014

The Moscow Times – Defying Russia, Moldova and Georgia Look to EU 10 June 2014

The Voice of Russia – Moldova’s Association Agreement with EU may be Serious Test for Relations with Russia – Deputy FM 10 June 2014

The White House – FACT SHEET: U.S. Assistance to Moldova 7 June 2014

Thousands Take to the Street to Protest Spanish Monarchy

By Kathryn Maureen Ryan
Impunity Watch Managing Editor

MADRID, Spain – Thousands of Spaniards have taken to the streets in dozens of cities across the country to protest the Spanish Monarch. The protesters have called for a referendum to abolish the Spanish Monarch, which they see as out-of-touch and outdated. It only took a few hours after 76-year old King, Juan Carlos, announced he was abdicating the thrown in favor of his son for Anti monarchy protests to take to the streets across the country. According to an El Pais Poll, almost two-thirds of the Spanish population are opposed to the continuation of the Monarchy in Spain.

Protesters flood the streets of Madrid with the color’s of the country’s Second Republic, calling for an end to Spain’s Monarchy and the establishment of a new Republic. (Photo courtesy of Al Jazeera)

On Saturday, dozens of left-wing political parties and citizens organizations came to support republicanism. The Protesters chanted ” España, mañana, será republican” meaning “Spain, tomorrow, will be republican,” as they waved the colors of the country’s Second Republic, red, purple and gold, which was established in 1931 but overthrown just ten years later by Generalissimo Francisco Franco at the end of the country’s civil war. In Madrid the protests, were among the largest mass rallies seen in the nation’s capital. Thousands of protesters also gathered in Barcelona, chanting “Dear Felipe, nobody has chosen you.”

The anti-monarchist movement, which has gained popularity in Spain due to the public frustration with the political system, corruption, and high unemployment, views the country’s royal family as a main part of Spain’s political problems. Mercedes Trujillo, an anti-monarchist campaigner said, “we don’t want them to think we are like babies, that we can’t decide what we want. We don’t want a king, we want to choose,”

Supporters of the Spanish Monarchy have held smaller demonstrations. They argue that the monarchy is a uniting force, keeping Spain’s regions together in a way that a President would not. Alberto Nunez, a supporter of the Monarchy, said that the king “has been for socialists, for populists, he has spoken to governors, presidents from all over the world no matter their ideology. A president of a Republic might have issues.”

In the Basque region, which has a unique language and culture and has long sought greater autonomy from Spain, of Northern Spain estimated 100,000 protesters formed a 123km human chain linking the Basque town of Durango to Pamplona, the capital of the Navarre region. The protesters waved Basque flags, calling not only for the end of the Spanish Monarchy but for the right of the people in Basque to vote for their region’s independence. The Protesters linked arms and raised their hands in the air, holding Basque Flags, as helicopters flew overhead. In recent years Basque leaders have negotiated more tax independence from Spain. The Violent separatist group ETA, which has been weakened by arrests and decreasing popular support, declared an end to its armed struggle in 2011. On May 29 adopted a symbolic declaration of self-determination.

Demonstrators participating in the human chain linking the Basque town of Durango with the Navarran capital of Pamplona leap mountain pass of Kanpazar on June 8, 2014 (Photo Courtesy of Reuters UK)

In recent months democratic independence movements have gained popularity in Spain, partially inspired by demonstrations in Catalonia. The Catalan President, Artur Mas, told the press last week that he was forging ahead with plans for an Independence vote to be held on November 9 which the central government has said it will block on constitutional grounds.

For more information please see:

The Guardian – Majority in Spain Want Referendum on Future of Monarchy – 9 June 2014

Al Jazeera – Anti-monarchy Protests Persist in Spain – 8 June 2014

International Business Times – Thousands Stage Anti-Monarchy Protests Across Spain – 8 June 2014

Reuters UK – Basques Form 123-km Human Chain calling for independence Vote – 8 June 2014

President Obama Visits Europe in an Attempt to Bolster Eastern Europe’s Support for and Confidence in the West

By Kyle Herda

Impunity Watch Reporter, Europe

WARSAW, Poland – President Barack Obama visited Poland today, the first of three European countries he will be visiting to show a sign of support and belief in security in the region. While there, President Obama promised help to the warring region.

Pro-Russian fighters attack a district control border headquarters in Luhansk. (Photo Courtesy of The New York Times)

Problems in Eastern Ukraine have worsened since the election of new Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. Violence in Slovyansk continued to climb as Ukraine’s military entered the city and pushed through a new offensive against the pro-Russian rebels. Locals even reported hearing Ukrainian combat jets and helicopter gunships… and heavy artillery barrages…” At least one government helicopter has already been shot down since President Poroshenko’s election on May 25, 2014.

On Monday, the rebels also pushed forth a new offensive, attacking border guards base on the outskirts of Luhansk; both sides are reporting casualties.

Russia’s continued heavy military presence along the western border of Russia, in addition to the recent and current events that unfolded in Ukraine, have led nearby nations to worry about their future during or after the Ukraine conflict comes to an end. While in Europe, President Obama will stop in a few European countries in order to encourage and show US-backed support for the Eastern European nations.

While in Poland, President Obama called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to pull Russian troops off of Russia’s western border, encourage pro-Russian rebels to stop fighting, and back Ukraine’s recent presidential election.

In addition to verbal support and symbolic support, President Obama also swore to support Europe in other means, both financial and militaristic. He asked Congress to fund $1 billion to support security of NATO allies. President Obama also stated that he would be sending more military personnel to central and eastern parts of Europe. The US, however, still chooses not to supply weapons to western Ukraine.

While in Europe, President Obama will be meeting with French President Francois Hollande, while Russian President Putin will also be meeting with French President Hollande and also German Chancellor Angela Merkel, all in hopes that some peace agreement can be made.

As the body count continues to pile up, now with over 180 deaths according to Ukraine’s acting chief prosecutor, Oleh Makhnitskiy, nearby former-soviet nations like Moldova and Belarus are certainly feeling the heavy shadow of Russia extending over Eastern Europe. President Obama’s requested aid to NATO and the scheduled meetings between national leaders in Europe this week may prove to be positive steps towards stabilizing Europe.

For more information, please see:

CNN – Obama urges Putin to make choice over Ukraine 3 June 2014

Time – Ukraine Military Launches Offensive Against Rebels 3 June 2014

USA Today – U.S. Reaffirms: No Weapons Will go to Ukraine 3 June 2014

Washington Post – In Ukrainian Presidential Election, Chocolate Tycoon Poroshenko Claims Victory 25 May 2014

Tensions Remain High in Ukraine as Gunfire Continues and Presidential Elections Draw Near

By Kyle Herda

Impunity Watch Reporter, Europe

KIEV, Ukraine  Ukraine’s interim government will attempt to restore security to the unstable country through Presidential elections on May 25. A vote of more than 50 percent is required for a candidate to be elected; should no candidate receive greater than 50 percent of the vote, a run-off vote between the top two candidates on June 15 will determine the race. The current front-runner, billionaire Petro Poroshenko, served as foreign minister and economy minister, and supports Ukraine’s integration with the West.

Pro-Russian rebel stands in front of a statute of Vladimir Lenin in Donetsk, Ukraine. (Photo courtesy of CNN)

The elections may stand to unite the country more through a leader elected by the people that the entire country has a say in, both the eastern pro-Russians and the western pro-Europeans. Or the elections may lead to further dissolution of the country if one side refuses to recognize the elected leader.

Ukraine troops remain active in the East as gunfire has already killed 24 Ukrainian servicemen. Most recently, an armed attack by pro-Russians on a checkpoint has let free a detained pro-Russian leader.

Residents in the Eastern region of Slovyansk, the center of the pro-Russian rebellion, have grown sick of the conflict and call for an end to the fighting. Resident Lina Sidorenko said the pro-Russians “must stop with this banditry so that there can be peace!” Another 300 Slovyansk residents shouted at Vyacheslav Ponomarev, the separatist leader in Slovyansk, that the fighting cannot continue.

Ukraine’s richest man, Rinat Akhmetov, also joined in the fight against pro-Russians in Slovyansk. “No one will frighten us, including those calling themselves a Donetsk People’s Republic,” Akhmetov declared. He urged his employees to attend protests against the pro-Russians, and a similar protest last week in Mariupol pushed pro-Russians out of government buildings they seized in the Black Sea port.

Two other regions of Ukraine seeing action are Donetsk and Luhansk, both of which had pro-Russian rebels declare independence from Ukraine through referendums in a similar fashion to Crimea.

Amidst this chaos in the East are security forces sent in by Kiev to take back buildings captured by pro-Russian rebels. Russia has asked Ukraine to remove these troops and called the security and military personnel destabilizers.

In response, Russia has what NATO estimates to be 40,000 Russian troops on the border outside of Ukraine. Other countries have called on Russia to move these forces and remove the threat of invasion, something Russia’s Defense Ministry claims to be working on. However, NATO has claimed there is no evidence that Russia has actually removed any troops or dismantled any camps along the border.

For more information, please see: