
International Day Against Homophobia: Eastern European LGBT Communities Face Continued Adversity (Updated)

By Madeline Schiesser
Impunity Watch Reporter, Europe

MOSCOW, Russia – May 17th is International Day Against Homophobia.  LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) communities around the world plan to mark this day with events such as gatherings and rallies.  However, in Eastern European countries in particular, signs of discrimination against LGBT peoples remain prevalent.

Moldovan gay-right’s activist Artiom Zavadovsky stands by a banner with the promise, “Everything will change for the better.” (Photo Courtesy of RFE/RL)

Last week, a man, age 23, in the southern Russian city of Volgograd was tortured and murdered by several of his companions when he admitted to them he was gay over a few beers, according to investigators.  Close friends and family of the victim deny the allegation he was gay.

At least two men, ages 22 and 27, were arrested in connection with the murder, and are belied to have allegedly beat the victim, sodomized him with a beer bottle, smashed in his skull with a stone, and then dumped his naked body.  A third has been questioned.  Activists in Russia say that it is rare for police to specify homophobia as the motive for a crime.

Local laws banning dissemination of “homosexual propaganda” to anyone under 18 have cropped up across the country, and a bill for a national ban on “homosexual propaganda” will receive a second reading in parliament later this month.

Authorities in Moscow rejected requests by the Russian LGBT community to hold a gay pride march later this month to celebrate 20 years since homosexuality was taken off the books as a criminal offense, despite the flexibility of the request to accept several alternative days for the march.  They claimed the venue the activists wanted was booked.

In St. Petersburg, one of the first cities to ban “homosexual propaganda,” authorities accepted an application for a rally to mark International Day Against Homophobia.  Despite the ban, portions of St. Petersburg and other cities, usually green-spaces, were designated, under the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev, as “free-speech zones” where citizens can hold events by simply notifying authorities in advance, without going through the often difficult process of receiving official permission which typically results in denied applications.  Activists took advantage of this procedure in St. Petersburg in order to hold their rally, despite several cries from anti-gay politicians to ban the event.

In Moldova, activists have been met with some success recently in combating intolerance and this week launched their 12th annual weeklong “Rainbow Over The Dniester” festival to coincide with International Day Against Homophobia in the conservative and predominantly Orthodox Christian country.  Festival organizer Anastasia Danilova believes that access to information has greatly helped people become more tolerant.

Despite the increasingly tolerant attitudes towards homosexuality in Moldova, Festival organizers decided to move the venue of a march scheduled for May 19th from downtown Chisinau to another part of the city due to pressure from authorities over concerns of clashes and social tensions.  The Orthodox Church has criticized the march and called for a counterdemonstration the same day.

In Ukraine, the parliament is considering two bills that if passed would infringe on the free-speech rights of the LGBT community.  The bills, similar to Russia’s “homosexual propaganda” laws, define propaganda as any public activity that spreads positive information about homosexuality, such as rallies, parades, demonstrations about LGBT rights, discussions, or special courses.  Violators of the laws could be sentenced to several years in prison.

Meanwhile, legislators have postponed discussion on a bill to prevent discrimination  against sexual minorities after about 300 protesters gathered in front of parliament May 14, carrying signs with slogans such as, “We are the majority, and we are against homosexuals!” and, “No to Homosexuals, Yes to Family, Save Ukraine!”  Presently, sexual orientation and gender identity are not prohibited grounds for discrimination.

A report released by the E.U.’s Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) on Friday, based on a survey of 93,000 LGBT people throughout the E.U. and Croatia, confirmed that East European states had the highest records of  homophobic behavior, while over 1 in 4 respondents reported being attacked or threatened with violence in the last 5 years due to their LGBT identities.  Of those attacked, more than half reported that they did not report the incident to authorities because they believed no action would be taken.

However, despite the findings of the survey, Ioannis Dimitrakopoulos, head of FRA’s equality and citizens’ rights department, said there appeared to be a “pattern across Europe whereby things seem to be improving for the younger generation.”

The FRA survey of 93,000 LGBT persons shows high discrimination in Eastern Europe. (Photo Courtesy of BBC News)

For further information, please see:

BBC News – EU LGBT Survey: Poll on Homophobia Sparks Concern – 17 May 2013

Amnesty International – Ukraine: Discrimination and Violent Attacks in Pervasive Climate of Homophobia – 16 May 2013

HRW – Ukraine: Reject Discriminatory LGBT Laws – 16 May 2013

RFE/RL – Moldovan LGBT March Location Changed – 16 May 2013

RFE/RL – St. Petersburg LGBT Activists To Test ‘Propaganda Law’ With Tolerance Event – 16 May 2013

RFE/RL – Moldova’s LGBT Festival Seeks To Build On Recent Successes – 15 May 2013

RFE/RL – Ukraine MPs Postpone Antidiscrimination Debate After Protests – 14 May 2013

BBC News – Arrests Over ‘Anti-Gay’ Murder in Volgograd Russia – 13 May 2013

REF/RL – Russian Officials Say Volgograd Killing Was Homophobic Attack – 12 May 2013

Surviving Neo-Nazi Member Faces Life In Prison

By Alexandra Sandacz
Impunity Watch Reporter, Europe

MUNICH, Germany – On Monday, the surviving member of a neo-Nazi unit went on trial for numerous racist murders. Beate Zschäpe, 38, is accused of her association with National Socialist Underground (NSU) who killed 10 people, most of them of Turkish origin.

Demonstrators displayed photos of victims in front of the Regional Court in Munich. (Photo Courtesy of National Post)

Four male defendants, who face lesser charges of aiding the NSU, are also on trial with Zschäpe. Zschäpe could face life in prison if convicted. However, she denies the charges.

Sebastian Scharmer, one of the lawyers, said, “The idea that the N.S.U. only consisted of three very dangerous far-right extremists is very difficult to imagine.”

Prosecutors claim the three members assembled “to realize their racist ideals, influenced by the Nazis for a preservation of the German nation through carrying out murders and explosive attacks to bring about change in the government and society.”

Prosecutors also state that the NSU was behind two bombings in Cologne, Germany. Both bombing were intended to kill “as many people as possible only because of their non-German origin.” Although no one was killed, twenty-three people were wounded in the attacks.

Although Zschäpe is not accused of her direct involvement in the murders, the group’s decisions were made jointly.

Zschäpe’s lawyer said she will not testify at her trial.

Outside the courthouse, German-Turkish community groups and anti-racism demonstrators gathered to display banners. One read, “Hitler child Zschaepe, you will pay for your crimes”.

Osman Can, a leader of Turkey’s governing party, believes the trial is a “question of humanity.” He continued, “The violent methods that are seen in this case are not only aimed at Turks. They are against Jews or Roma, or any viewed as ‘others’ in German society.”

In addition to the demonstrators, around 500 police officers provided security and members of the public and media lined up for a chance to attend.

After the trial began, the judge subsequently adjourned the trial until May 14 after the defense team accused the judge of bias. Zschaepe’s lawyers filed a motion, which complained about a search for possible weapons or other objects while the prosecutors and police were not present.

This NSU case originally caused controversy when the police wrongfully accused the Turkish mafia for the murders. As a result, the head of Germany’s domestic intelligence service was forced to resign.

Lawyers for the family of the first victim, Enver Simsek, stated, “With its historical, social and political dimensions, the NSU trial is one of the most significant of post-war German history.”

Mehmet Daimagüler, another lawyer who represents several of the victims’ survivors, compared this trial to the Allies’ prosecution of Nazis in 1945 and 1946 in Nuremberg.

For further information, please see:

BBC – Neo-Nazi Murders: Beate Zschaepe Goes On Trial In Germany – 6 May 2013

National Post – High-Profile Neo-Nazi Murder Trial Begins in Germany Amid Tight Security – 6 May 2013

NBC News – “Hitler Child” Goes on Trial in Germany for 10 Racist Murders – 6 May 2013

The New York Times – Neo-Nazi Trial Begins in Germany – 6 May 2013

“No Soup for You!”; Neo-Nazi Soup Kitchen Shut Down

By Madeline Schiesser
Impunity Watch Reporter, Europe

ATHENS, Greece – Police were called in on Thursday morning to break-up a food distribution event catering exclusively to Greeks and run by ultra-nationalist party, Golden Dawn, in Syntagma Square, across from Parliament.

Members of Golden Dawn hand out food outside Athens party headquarters after Mayor Kaminis forced them to move their Greek-only food distribution from Syntagma Square. (Photo Courtesy of Kathimerini)

About 200 members of the fascist political party, Golden Dawn, dressed in black tee-shirts, arrived earlier than announced and began distributing bags of food for the Greek Orthodox Easter Holiday to only people who had identity cards proving their status as Greek nationals.  This policy ensured that no non-Greek immigrants or migrants could receive the handouts.

The Greek-only food distribution in the social and cultural heart of Athens violated a municipal ban, and riot police were called in to close down the food pantry.  The police prevented Golden Dawn’s truck from unloading and in the resulting scuffle between police and party members, the police used riot shields and pepper spray to repel party members who fought back with thick wooden poles still attached to rolled up Greek flags.

Eventually, the Golden Dawn members moved their distribution site to party headquarters in a different Athens neighborhood.  Traditional Easter foods including potatoes, lamb, eggs, and sweets were distributed.

Last year, Golden Dawn also operated the Easter soup kitchen in Syntagma Square.  However, this year, after the party announced Wednesday that there would again be a food distribution this year, Athens Mayor Giorgos Kaminis publicly vowed to stop the “hate-filled” event.  Kaminis further explained that the event, in addition to being “arbitrary, racist and illegal” was not permitted because Golden Dawn had failed to seek permission from the City of Athens.

Concerning shutting down the food pantry, Kaminis later stated, “What happened today is a victory for the democratic state.” He continued, “Thuggery will not prevail in this city as long as I am mayor.”

Kaminis also said that the municipality of Athens feeds about 9,000 people a day at its own soup kitchens.  He further asserted the authority of the city: “Syntagma Square will never be used again by anyone to hand out goods. This square belongs to the city’s residents. Only the municipality can decide how it is used.”

Later in the day, Kaminis was at a municipal charity distribution center when a Golden Dawn deputy and MP, Giorgos Germenis, attempted to punch Kaminis and to draw a handgun, according to Kaminis.  Germenis’ punch landed on a 12-year-old girl, who suffered some bruising, and Germenis was apprehended by security before he could harm anyone else.

Of the incident, Kaminis commented, “The only thing these people know is the language of violence.”

Golden Dawn has seen a surge in popularity in the past year as Greece has faced increased unemployment and harsh austerity measures.  Blaming immigrants for Greece’s financial woes, the party has pledged to rid the country of foreigners—a promise some Greeks find increasingly appealing as jobs become harder to find.

One pensioner explained why he accepted the Golden Dawn handouts: “I couldn’t afford to have Easter this year, so I came here to get some food so I could sort of celebrate it.  I don’t know if people can be satisfied with this, but I know I’m not happy about it.  We used to be able to enjoy the Easter holiday, but now we don’t.”

Golden Dawn has avowed that its food distribution was completely legal on Wednesday, and cited how agricultural producers often hold similar events in the capital.  The party went on to claim that Kaminis was elected “with the votes of migrants.”

Head of the Golden Dawn parliamentary group, MP Christos Pappas, asserted the legitimacy of the food handout: “We organized a completely legal food handout here in the center of Athens to hand out food and help struggling people during the holidays.  The Mayor of Athens disagreed.  He thinks Syntagma Square is for immigrants, junkies, and anarchists, but we tell him no, the center of Athens, Syntagma Square, belongs to Greeks.”

Meanwhile, controversy over Golden Dawn continues.  While some Greeks praise the party for cleaning up neighborhoods, others condemn them as thugs.  Nevertheless, this once-marginal group, which bears a swastika-like emblem, but rejects the neo-Nazi label, is now Greece’s third-most popular party, having won 18 out of 300 seats in Parliament last year.

For further information, please see:

Al Jazeera – Police Shut Down Greek-Only Soup Kitchen – 2 May 2013

Guardian – Athens: Golden Dawn’s ‘Greek-Only’ Food Handout Shut Down – Video – 2 May 2013

Kathimerini – Athens Mayor Attacked After Police Stops Golden Dawn Handout – 2 May 2013

Kathimerini – Athens Mayor Hails Efforts to Stop Golden Dawn Handing out Food as Victory for ‘Democratic State’ – 2 May 2013

Kathimerini – Police uses Tear Gas to Prevent Golden Dawn Handing out Food in Central Athens – 2 May 2013

Telegraph – Golden Dawn’s ‘Greeks Only’ Soup Kitchen Ends in Chaos – 2 May 2013

Norwegian Politicians From Four Major Political Parties Call on Foreign Minister to Implement Magnitsky Sanctions


30 April 2013 – Representatives of four out of seven the majorNorwegian political parties in the Norwegian parliament wrote to theMinister of Foreign Affairs, Espen Barth Eide, urging him to consider sanctions on Russian officials in the Magnitsky case. They specifically asked the Minister to replicate actions taken by the US government to cancel visa and freeze assets of those officials in Russia who were complicit in Sergei Magnitsky’s unlawful killing.

“We ask the Foreign Ministry to consider whether Norway can also freeze any assets in Norway and deny access to the country those who were complicit in the imprisonment, torture and murder of Sergei Magnitsky,” said representatives of four political parties of Norway, including the Progress Party, the Conservative Party, the Christian Democrats and the Liberals (

This case [the Magnitsky case] has become a symbol of the significant shortcomings in Russian democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law,” said the Norwegian politicians in their letter.

The politicians also stressed the importance of protecting the rights of those accused of complicity in the Magnitsky case, and the need to give an opportunity to appeal and come forward with information that “sheds light on the matter seen from the accused side”.

For further information, please see:

Law and Order in Russia

France Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage and Sparks Opposition

By Alexandra Sandacz
Impunity Watch Reporter, Europe

PARIS, France – Last week, the National Assembly of France approved the same-sex marriage bill by a vote of 331-225. This bill, which also allows couples adoption rights, made France the 14th nation in the world and ninth in Europe to pass such a law.

French lawmakers respond to protestors who tried to disrupt the final vote. (Photo Courtesy of TIME)

The French Parliament passed the “Marriage for All” bill, which affords homosexual couples identical rights to marriage and adoption that were previously limited to heterosexual unions.

Christiane Taubira, Socialist Justice Minister and author of the bill, stated, “It’s a generous law, and a law of equality. We believe the first weddings will be beautiful and that they’ll bring a breeze of joy, and that those who are opposed to them today will surely be confounded when they are overcome with the happiness of the newlyweds and the families.”

However, opponents to same-sex marriage blamed the legislation for distorting “time-honored definitions of marriage and endangering children by permitting gay and lesbian couples to adopt”.

Many high-profile groups promised to continue legal challenges to block the law’s application.

Frigide Barjot, a comedian who uses her stage name, told her supporters, “We are going to show them that this is not over. I solemnly ask the president to hold a referendum on the subject.”

Claire Baron, a mother of two, stated she “will oppose the bill until the end.” She continued, “I’ll keep going to the protests, I don’t give in. The bill is not effective yet, the president of the Republic must listen to our voices. We are here to defend family values. Children need a mom and a dad.”

Just hours before votes were casted, thousands of police gathered outside the National Assembly building to prepare for the protestors on the streets who started forming days leading up to the vote. In addition, thousands of police who were armed with water cannon were organized near parliament to deal with any repeat of the violence seen in previous demonstrations.

Inside the National Assembly chamber, two opponents tried to hold up a protesting banner, however, they were shortly ejected.

Socialist President, Francois Hollande, made this same-sex bill his top social reform goal. He is expected to sign the bill once it clears constitutional challenges. Although opponents of the measure will try to argue that marriage is a constitutional matter, the council is unlikely to block the new law.

For further information, please see:

BBC News – Same-Sex Marriage: French Parliament Approves New Law – 23 April 2013

The Huffington Post – France Legalizes Gay Marriage After Harsh Debate, Violent Protests – 23 April 2013

International Business Times – France Legalizes Gay Marriage, Becomes 14th Nation to Do So – 23 April 2013

Time World – France Legalizes Gay Marriage Despite Vocal and Angry Opposition – 23 April 2013