
Renowned Indigenous Rights Advocate Murdered in Mexico

By: Brianna Ferrante
Impunity Watch Reporter, North America

CHIHUAHUA, Mexico – Julián Carillo, long time defender and advocate of Mexico’s indigenous, was killed by a group of unidentified attackers some time after midnight on Wednesday, October 24th.

Julián Carillo in Chihuahua, Mexico. Photo Courtesy of Erica Guevara-Rosas at Amnesty International.

Carillo was a Rarámuri indigenous defender and leader of the indigenous community known as Coloradas de La Virgen, located in Sierra Tarahumara, Mexico. The community has a demonstrated history of turbulent legal battles involving both the Mexican government and private entities. The encroaching forces often threaten infringement on the community’s ancestral territories as well as exploitation of its natural resources.

Three weeks prior to the killing, members of the community had made a formal report to government authorities regarding an intrusive mining coalition in their lands lead by private individuals.

The community exhibits high levels of crime, poor security, and a distinct absence of basic social services. Multiple organized crime groups occupy the region and constitute a steadily growing presence. Carillo frequently met with Amnesty International in recent years and shared concerns about locals being pressured to appropriate lands to criminals, whom utilize it for cultivation of poppy and cannabis. In an attempt to seek assistance from a distant police force, the former landowners were met with threats or for some, assassination.

Reports from Amnesty International demonstrate nine land-reclamation related murders have taken place in the past two years.  Five of these victims have been among Carillo’s own family members.

Approximations from the Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders & Journalists, 16 human rights defenders have been killed in Mexico since January. The budget for the mechanism is also scheduled to be defunded in the upcoming year. Carillo and his family have been under the official protection of the government’s ‘Protection Mechanism’ since 2014.

Such efforts have proven to be inadequate, and it is eminent that similar risk may exist for other advocates currently working under the same government granted protective measure both in this region and the country at large.

For more information, please visit:

The Chronicle of Chihuahua – Indigenous leader of Coloradas de La Virgen murdered – 25 October 2018

Amnesty International – Killing of Rarámuri leader highlights lack of state protection for human rights defenders – 25 October 2018 

MNIA – Mexico: Leader of Rarámuri assassinated proves failed protection – 25 October 2018

La Razori – Defender of indigenous rights killed in Chihuahua – 25 October 2018

Hurricane Michael Affects Those Most Vulnerable

By Kylie Mason
Impunity Watch Reporter, North America

TALLAHASSEE, Florida– On Wednesday, October 10th, 2018, what has been deemed the worst category 4 hurricane to hit the Florida Panhandle area in twenty years, devastated the communities in its path. Hurricane Michael touched down in Mexico Beach, Florida on Wednesday morning and has run to areas in Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. The 155 mph winds destroyed homes, caused over 900,000 buildings to lose electricity and eliminated all access by road. Massive flooding has damaged homes and displaced property hundreds of miles from the owners.

Hurricane Michael Affects Most Vulnerable. Photo Courtesy of NOAA.

Since the severity of the storm has decreased, the United States Coast Guard have begun the slow process of search and rescue. Overnight, the Coast Guard has performed 10 missions to save 27 different people. As of present, 6 people have been found dead due to the debris that storm has caused. As crews throughout the state attempt to clear the roads blocked with thousands of fallen trees, officials are urging people to stay off the road. Residents of the area were told to stay in their rescue shelters and not return to home, which may not be there any longer.

One group of individuals at the forefront of the search mission are those individuals who were not able to evacuate pursuant to the warnings by public officially of the state. Due to a lack of socioeconomic ability, many residents of the Florida area officials to leave their homes. Additionally, those individuals who cited a lack of anywhere else to go, or lack of ability to go to a rescue shelter also stayed within their homes during the storm.

As of now, there has been no comment by the Florida government concerning the state of these individuals. Additionally, the Trump administration has not commented on the state of those displaced individuals.

No reports have been given regarding the number of residents affected by hurricane Michael, or how many residents have been relocated to temporary shelters. As there has been no solidified estimates of possible trapped, injured, or dead persons, there has been little information regarding the rescue efforts designed to target these specific populations.

As the Coast Guard and local rescue services continue clearing roads for emergency services to enter into more remote areas, the total individuals injured or dead increases.

For more information, please see:

BBC News – Monster Storm Mauls US South-East – 11 October 2018

New York Times – Search and Rescue Begins Amid Ruins of Florida Coast – 11 October 2018

New York Times – ‘I Got Stuck’: In Poor, Rural Communities, Fleeing Hurricane Michael was Tough- 11 October 2018

NPR – Recovery Work Begins After Hurricane Michael Carves Through Florida Panhandle –  11 October 2018

Presidential Election in Cameroon Amid Escalation of Violence

By: Skylar Salim
Impunity Watch Reporter, Africa

YAOUNDE, Cameroon — On October 7, 2018, a presidential election took place in Cameroon. This election occurred during a period of increasing violence in the Anglophone regions of the country. President Paul Biya is seeking his seventh term in office in this election. During his election bid Biya vowed to end the crisis and violence in the Northwest and Southeast regions of the country. The current president’s main opposition is Social Democratic Front party candidate Joshua Osih.

Government soldiers in Ekona, a small town in the English-speaking region that has been abandoned. Photo Courtesy of Ashley Gilbertson.

Two years ago, tension began to rise in Cameroon with protests and riots led by teachers and lawyers in the Anglophone regions. These protests surrounded the differences between the English and French systems in the country. In 2017, the protests turned into calls for secession. The separatist sentiments that were building led to a violent government crackdown. The government has been accused of using the military to kill armed separatists and English-speaking civilians. In their struggle to secede and form their own country, called Ambazonia, the armed separatists have been accused of killing both soldiers and civilians.

A report released by Amnesty International on September 18, 2018 notes that violence has been increasing in Anglophone regions as the election approaches. According to the report, tens of thousands of civilians have fled the region in the past year while at least 400 have been killed. In response to the crisis, the current government denounces the separatists as terrorists and says the government refuses to open any dialogue with them. As government forces are facing their own allegations of human rights abuses, communications minister Issa Tchiroma Bakary said that officials are investigating incidents as they hear about them.

While the presidential candidates spoke of bringing peace to the country, violence was prevalent during the voting period. Fighting and threats from separatists kept many from voting in the English-speaking regions of the country. In response to this, the governor of the Northwest region, Deben Tchoffo, said “We shall not allow terrorists to disrupt the election…We are informed that armed men are shooting indiscriminately to frighten voters.” Fighting between armed separatists and the military picked up on October 6th, and buildings that house voting materials were burned down. Two armed men were killed by the military in Bamenda in the Northwest region. While violence escalates between the military and separatists, at least 17 million people in Anglophone regions are put at risk as they are caught between the fighting.

Election observers such as the African Union are not working in the English-speaking regions due to the current level of violence of the crisis. While many are unable to reach polling location in these regions, it is expected for President Biya to win his re-election bid.

For further information, please see:

Washington Post — Cameroon Votes Amid Violence, Threats From Separatists — 7 October 2018

Al Jazeera — Death, Displacement, Trauma: Human Cost of the Anglophone Crisis — 6 October 2018

NYT — Cameroon on Brink of Civil War as English Speakers Recount ‘Unbearable’ Horrors — 6 October 2018

CNN — Amnesty International says 400 Killed in ‘Escalating Violence’ in Cameroon’s Anglophone Regions This Years — 18 September 2018



Peace Agreement Signed in South Sudan

By Skylar Salim 
Impunity Watch Reporter, Africa

JUBA, South Sudan — On September 12, 2018, South Sudan’s President Slava Kiir and rebel leader Riek Machar signed a peace agreement. The agreement ends the five-year civil war and reinstates Machar as Vice President.

President Salva Kiir and rebel leader Riek Machar at the signing. Photo Courtesy of Michael Twelde.

In 2011, South Sudan gained independence from Sudan with Slava Kiir as President and Riek Machar as his Vice President. In 2013, tensions that had built up between the two turned into an armed conflict when Kiir accused Machar of planning a coup against him. According to the United Nations, five years of conflict with rebel factions ensued that led to at least 50,000 deaths. Many of those who died were civilians. It has also been estimated that at least 4 million South Sudanese, a quarter of the population, were displaced by the fighting. The civil war has substantially hurt the country’s economy and agricultural sector.

The deal, signed in Ethiopia and mediated by Sudan, calls for a cease-fire and allows Machar to return as Vice President. As Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed noted before the signing, “the eyes of the world are upon us as the South Sudan leaders commit today to press for reconciliation and lasting peace in their country.” Many countries in the region have an interest in ending the conflict between the government and rebel factions. The civil war threatens the stability of the region. This stability would worsen with the outpouring of refugees from South Sudan.

This is not the first peace agreement between the government and rebel factions. Previous peace deals lasted only months before fighting resumed. With these previous failures in mind, some are skeptical as to whether this deal will last. In light of such skepticism, Ateny Wek Ateny, a government spokesman, told The Associated Press that this was the “final final” deal and that both Kiir and Machar found it to be an acceptable agreement. In response to the question of whether peace would be permanent, Taban Deng, South Sudan’s current Vice President, referred to an African proverb. Addressing the UN, Deng said that this agreement was different because leaders look “where you have slipped, because it is there you will find what made you fall.”

Despite the peace deal and the assurances made by those who have signed it, there have been reports to the UN Security Council that some fighting continued in Central Equatoria and Unity.

For further information, please see:

Africa News — South Sudan Peace Deal is Permanent: VP Deng Tells UN — 29 September 2018

Al-Jazeera — South Sudan President Signs Peace Deal With Rebel Leader — 12 September 2018

Reuters — South Sudan’s President, Rebel Leader Sign Peace Deal — 12 September 2018

African Court Rules on Tanzanian Rights Violations

By: Hannah Gabbard
Impunity Watch Reporter, Africa

DODOMA, Tanzania – On Friday, September 18th the African Court on Human and Peoples Rights (AfCHPR) issued decisions of their 50th Ordinary Session. All applications were filed against the Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania.

African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights. Photo Courtesy of AfCHPR.

It was originally reported that judgements would be issued on three pending cases, however only two decisions were finalized and published by the court. The court published judgements on the matters of Anaclet Paulo and Diocles William.

Anaclet Paulo filed an application to AfCHPR alleging that the United Republic of Tanzania had violated the African Charter of Human and Peoples’ Rights by denying his right to be heard, right to legal aid, and right to bail. Paulo was originally sentenced to 30 years in prison for armed robbery and violence in 1997.

AfCHPR unanimously held that the United Republic of Tanzania did not violate Paulo’s rights to freedom, right to be heard, and the Charter was not violated by the original conviction. The court ruled that Paulo’s right to defense was violated and ordered the Tanzania to pay Paulo 300,000 Tanzanian shillings (approximately $130 USD) as fair compensation for unfair access to legal representation.

In the second judgement, the court ruled on the matter of Diocles William. William was convicted in 2010 to 30 years in prison and 12 strokes of the cane for raping a minor. William alleged that the United Republic of Tanzania violated his right to be heard, right to legal aid, and right to equal representation.

AfCHPR ruled unanimously that the violation of equal rights wasn’t established by the William but Tanzania did violate the Charter by not providing legal aid, failing to hear defense witnesses, and convicting William with both insufficient evidence and contradicting witness statements. The court ordered the United Republic of Tanzania to reopen the case and guarantee a fair trial.

For further information, please see:

Habarileo – African Court to Adjudicate on Cases Against Republic – 20 September 2018

African Union – The Matter of Anaclet Paulo v. United Republic of Tanzania – 21 September 2018African

Union – The Matter of Diocles William v. United Republic of Tanzania – 21 September 2018