
Nepal Votes to Elect New Constituent Assembly Despite Bomb Threats and Violence

By Brian Lanciault
Impunity Watch Reporter, Asia

KATHMANDU, Nepal–Voters gathered outside polling booths across Nepal Tuesday to elect a Constituent Assembly that will attempt, yet again, to draft a constitution.  The interim government hopes to finally bring stability to the Himalayan nation.

Security personnel were deployed in force this past week to secure polling centers against various bomb threats as Nepal seeks to elect a new Constituent Assembly to draft a constitution. (Photo Courtesy of AP).

Candidates from over 100 political parties and several independent ones are competing in the election. The assembly will also double as a parliament and select a government. Nepal has 12 million registered voters.

Police said there were no reports of violence Tuesday morning. But, explosions rocked the capital in Kathmandu and other cities Monday night. Two people were injured in the explosion in Katmandu. Police believe the two suspects were supporters of an alliance of 33 opposition parties which have been attempting to disrupt and shut down the election.

Nepalese officials assured the public that security was formidable and tight, stating that they should have no fears of voting.

“We assure the voters we have done all that is necessary to ensure there will be free and fair election,” Nepal’s Chief Election Commissioner Neel Kantha Upreti told reporters, adding there was “more” than enough security.

The government ordered a four-day public holiday to allow voters to return to their villages in the mountainous country.

However, the opposition party alliance has been enforcing a nine-day transportation blockage to prevent voters from reaching the remote villages. The opposition appears upset at the appointment of a Supreme Court judge-led government in March, saying the larger parties have denied them any opportunities in the decision making leading up to the election.

There were several attacks on public vehicles that had defied the transportation embargo. A truck driver was killed and two dozen people have been injured in these attacks.

The previous Constituent Assembly was elected in 2008, following the end of a 10-year Maoist revolution and the overthrow of the centuries-old monarchy.

But the assembly was sabotaged by infighting and never finished its work. The result has been a power vacuum that left the country without a proper constitution for almost seven years.

Some of the disagreements center on whether to divide the country into a federal system based on ethnic groups or strictly by geography. But the parties mostly squabble over who gets to lead the country.

Analysts predict none of the political parties is likely to get a majority in the election. Any coalition government formed between two or more parties would face the insurmountable task of writing a constitution where each clause garners approval from two-thirds of the assembly. In a country with more than 100 ethnic groups and languages, this is a tall order.

The United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), the party of former communist rebels, hopes to repeat the last election and emerge as the largest party. Its main competitors are the Nepali Congress and Communist Party of Nepal (United Marxist Leninist).

Rastriya Prajatantra Party Nepal, which seeks to revive a Hindu nation and bring back the monarchy, also hopes to win a chunk of the seats in the assembly.

For more information, please see:

BBC News– Nepal voting ends for new Constituent Assembly— 19 November 2013

Times of India– 12 million divided Nepalese expected to vote for stability— 19 November 2013

Al Jazeera– Bomb blast at Nepal polling booth— 19 November 2013

Bangkok Post– Nepal defies bombing, braves threats in post-war poll— 19 November 2013

Greek Guerrilla Group Claims Responsibility for Murders of Two Golden Dawn Supporters

by Tony Iozzo
Impunity Watch Reporter, Europe

ATHENS, Greece – A rising group known as the “Militant People’s Revolutionary Forces” has claimed responsibility for the murder of two supporters of Greece’s Golden Dawn party earlier this month.

The group stated the murders were in retaliation for Fissas’ murder back in September. (Photo courtesy of Ekathimerini)

The Militant People’s Revolutionary Forces, an anti-establishment group, released an eighteen-page letter on Saturday claiming that it conducted a drive-by shooting that left two members of the Golden Dawn party dead outside the Party’s offices.

The group stated that the murders were conducted to retaliate for Golden Dawn’s alleged involvement in the murder of activist-rapper Pavlos Fissas back in September. A Golden Dawn supporter had confessed to the murder, but the Party itself has denied any involvement in Fissas’ death.

“The brazen murder of Pavlos Fissas was the drop of blood that made the glass overflow. The armed attack-response … is the starting point of the people’s campaign to send the neo-Nazi scum of Golden Dawn where they belong, to the dustbin of history,” the Militant People’s Revolutionary Forces’ letter stated. The letter was published on the news website, though the authenticity of the letter has not been validated by police.

Amidst the murder of the two Golden Dawn supporters, Greece has seen a growing public angst against Golden Dawn, which is widely regarded as “neo-Nazi” and frequently accused of attacks against migrants and left-wing activists.

Golden Dawn’s leader, Nikolaos Mihaloliakos, and five additional Golden Dawn leaders were recently charged with “belonging to a criminal group”, as the Greek government has cracked-down on the party due to the public furor surrounding Fissas’ murder.

The party, Greece’s third most popular according to surveys, had lost nearly a third of its support after Fissas’s death this past September, even though the party denies accusations of all violence and rejects its neo-Nazi label. An opinion poll that was also released on Saturday indicated that support for Golden Dawn had subsequently increased since its two supporters were murdered in retaliation.

The poll by ALCO released in the Proto Thema newspaper, conducted from November 12 to 15, put support for Golden Dawn at 8.8 percent, up 2.2 points in a month, but still below the 10.8 percent it enjoyed in June.

For more information, please see:

The Independent – Previously Unknown Greek Group Claims Responsibility For Golden Dawn Shootings – 17 November 2013

New York Times – Guerrilla Group Says It Killed Two From a Greek Extremist Party in an Athens Suburb – 17 November 2013

Ekathimerini – New Urban Guerrilla Group Claims Murders of Golden Dawn Members – 16 November 2013

Reuters – Greek Militant Group Claims Golden Dawn Killings – 16 November 2013

Former Argentine Army Officer Accused of Human Rights Violations Escapes from Security Forces

By Ellis Cortez
Impunity Watch Reporter, South America

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina – A former Argentine army officer accused of committing crimes against humanity during the 1976-83 military dictatorship has escaped while in transit to a court in Buenos Aires.

Wanted poster form the Argentine Justice Ministry
Lawless handed himself in to police in 2009 after a reward for his capture had been offered. (Photo Courtesy of BBC)

Alejandro Lawless, 66, fled at midday from a police van outside a court building where he was being taken to along with other prisoners. Airport Security Police said they were temporarily distracted by escorting other prisoners to the court house. Lawless, who was not wearing handcuffs, took advantage of their distraction and escaped.

Lawless was an engineer who had served as a lieutenant-colonel in the army. He was found guilty in 2010 for his involvement in kidnapping, torturing and killing political opponents of the government between 1976 and 1983.The charges he faces entail his time working in the Navy and the Command Corps V of the Army.

Investigations into human rights abuses committed under the military regime have led to the imprisonment of key figures of the military junta, including that of Gen Jorge Rafael Videla who died in prison earlier this year while serving a life sentence.

Lawless is the third convicted military officer to escape from custody this year. The others were Jorge Olivera and Gustavo De Marchi who broke out of a military hospital in July and are still on the run. Seven staff members were relieved of their duties following their escape.

Estela de Carlotto, head of the Grandmothers of  Plaza de Mayo, a human rights organization, expressed dismay at his escape. “It is negligence or, to think the worst, complicity. This is serious, it will have to be investigated and those responsible sanctioned,” Estela de Carlotto told reporters.

An estimated 30,000 people were killed during the seven years of military rule in a campaign against perceived dissidents known as the Dirty War.

For more information please see:

Buenos Aires Herald Carlotto says repressor Lawless escaped with ‘complicity’ 13 November 2013

The Argentina Independent Former Army Officer Escapes Custody on way to Tribunales 13 November 2013

BBC Jailed Argentine ex-army officer Alejandro Lawless escapes 13 November 2013

Global Post Jailed former Argentine army officer Alejandro Lawless escapes 13 November 2013

La Nacion Se fugó un ex militar procesado por delitos de lesa humanidad 12 November 2013

JP Morgan Settles Bear Stearns Claims for $4.5 Billion

by Michael Yoakum
Impunity Watch Reporter, North America

NEW YORK CITY, New York – US investment bank JP Morgan agreed Friday to pay a $4.5 billion settlement for investors lost money as a result of mortgage-related securities during the recent financial crisis. This multibillion dollar settlement, which is separate from the $13 billion prospective settlement with the Department of Justice, would cover 330 residential mortgage backed securities.

JP Morgan, one of the biggest investment banks in the world, is alleged to have knowingly sold shaky mortgage-backed securities which contributed to the financial crisis. (Photo courtesy of BBC News)

This payout will settle claims on mortgage-backed securities issued between 2005 and 2008 by Bear Stearns, an investment bank and brokerage agency that JP Morgan acquired during the financial crisis.  This settlement would not similar claims made on trusts administered by Washington Mutual, another investment bank acquired by JP Morgan during the financial crisis.

Like many Wall Street firms, JP Morgan bundled home loans into marketable securities which they offered as investments to be traded much like stocks.  However, when millions of homeowners defaulted on their mortgage, the value of these securities drastically decreased in value.  The owners of these securities saw the value of their investments drop to nearly nothing.

In October, JP Morgan paid a settlement for similar practices by mortgage brokers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac totaling $5.1 billion.  All tolled, JP Morgan is expected to owe nearly $20 billion in settling the array of suits brought against the trusts it acquired in the financial crisis.

Officials at JP Morgan released a statement indicating their eagerness to settle these claims.  “This settlement is another important step in JPMorgan’s efforts to resolve legacy related [Residential Mortgage Backed Securities] matters,” the statement said in part.

Analysts suggest that JP Morgan is desperate to return to the good graces of Washington, which has taken measured steps to probe business practices of this financial giant.  Federal investigations into JP Morgan’s tactics in collecting credit card debts and alleged manipulation of a key interest rate benchmark are just some of those measured steps.

For more information, please see:

BBC News – JP Morgan agrees $4.5bn mortgage settlement – 15 November 2013

The New York Times Dealbook – For JPMorgan, $4.5 Billion to Settle Mortgage Claims – 15 November 2013

USA Today – JPMorgan reaches tentative $4.5B settlement – 15 November 2013

The Washington Post – JPMorgan to pay $4.5 billion to settle investor claims over mortgage securities – 15 November 2013

The Wall Street Journal – J.P. Morgan Reaches $4.5 Billion Settlement With Investors – 15 November 2013

UN Says Syrian Asylum-Seekers Need More Acceptance in Europe

By Ben Kopp
Impunity Watch Reporter, Europe

BRUSSELS, European Union – The United Nations called for European countries to cease refusal of entry to asylum-seekers.

Of the few Syrians who enter Bulgaria, most are located in crowded camps and other facilities. (Photo courtesy of AFP)

Since March 2011, nearly 2.2 million people have fled Syria.

On 3 November 2013, Bulgarian skinheads warned the government in Sofia to clear the streets of “illegal immigrants”, or they would do it themselves. The next day, two Bulgarian men stabbed and killed a Syrian boy near a school where 8000 refugees are housed.

On 15 November 2013, the United Nations (UN) refugee agency expressed concern that European Union (EU) countries have allegedly denied or forcibly returned Syrian and other asylum-seekers.

In Bulgaria and Greece, reports indicate that authorities have deployed to the border regions hundreds of police, who turned away migrants attempting to enter the countries. While Bulgaria allowed approximately 85 people per day into the country during the summer, that number is now 10-15 per day.

The UNHCR asked Greek authorities to investigate the fates of 150 Syrian refugees, following a 12 November 2013 incident in which Evros villagers reported that the refugees were detained and transported by police to an unknown location.

“Introducing barriers, like fences or other deterrents, might lead people to undertake more dangerous crossings and further place refugees at the mercy of smugglers,” said the spokesperson for the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Adrian Edwards.

“UNHCR is calling for a global moratorium on any return of Syrians to neighbouring countries. This would represent a concrete gesture of solidarity with these countries that currently host over 2.2 million Syrian refugees.”

Edwards called for genuine burden-sharing outside existing EU mechanisms, stating that returning Syrian refugees only increases the challenges faced by countries who accept them, and that EU countries with external borders should not be the only countries accepting refugees in the EU.

UNHCR commended some EU countries that did not to return all asylum-seekers to their first point of entry in the EU. To encourage solidarity with EU border countries, UNHCR appealed to others to follow suit.

“Two weeks ago the EU allocated €85m for Syrian refugees bringing the total humanitarian support so far to €400m,” said EU Ambassador-designate to Israel Lars Faaborg. “About half of this sum will be spent inside Syria to help civil society groups provide basic services while the other half will be used to help Jordan cope with the 500,000 Syrian refugees on its territory.”

Faaborg recently visited the Ziv Medical Centre in Israel, where he witnessed “the wonderful treatment the hospital is providing injured Syrians.”

“The commitment to the welfare of other human beings, regardless of the fact that they belong to an enemy nation, should be a source of pride to all Israelis,” Faaborg said.

That commitment should also be a source of pride for all people of all countries worldwide, and the first step is accepting those who seek asylum.

For further information, please see:

TIME – Syrian Refugees Find Discomfort and Unrest in Bulgaria – November 16, 2013

AFP – UN Warns over Refugees Turned Away in Greece, Bulgaria – November 15, 2013

European Jewish Press – EU Ambassador Lauds Israel for the Medical Treatment of Wounded Syrians – November 15, 2013

UN News Centre – UN Concerned That European Union Countries May Be Denying Entry to Syrians, Other Asylum-Seekers – November 15, 2013