
US Releases 18 Russian Official Names on Magnitsky List

By Alexandra Sandacz
Impunity Watch Reporter, Europe

MOSCOW, Russia – On Friday, the United States released 18 Russian official names that will experience visa and financial sanctions under the Magnitsky Act. The Act punishes individuals who are involved with human rights abuses.

The US government published the names of the individuals on the Magnitsky List. (Photo Courtesy of RT)

The Magnitsky Act legislation required the White House to publish the list within 120 days of the enactment of the law. Therefore, US President Barack Obama’s administration was required to publish the Magnitsky List by Saturday. Obama’s administration held off on fulfilling that requirement until the final day before the deadline.

US Representative, James McGovern, submitted 280 names to the White House to publish on the Magnitsky List.

The List includes individuals, such as, Chechen President, Ramzan Kadyrov, Russian Investigative Committee head, Alexander Bastrykin, Interior Ministry investigators, Pavel Karpov and Artyom Kuznetsov, tax official, Olga Stepanova, and Yelena Stashina, the judge who Magntisky’s supporters accuse of illegally holding Magnitsky in a pretrial detention facility.

However, the List does not contain any officials who are part of Russian President, Vladimir Putin’s, inner circle.

US Representative, James McGovern, co-author of the legislation, stated the List is “an important first step toward holding egregious human rights violators accountable. While the list is timid and features more significant omissions than names, I was assured by administration officials today that the investigation is ongoing, and further additions will be made to the list as new evidence comes to light. The fact that a name is not on the list does not mean that person is innocent.”

Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, believes the timing of the publication is extremely poor because of US National Security Adviser, Thomas Donilon’s, future visit. Lavrov stated Russia will react accordingly.

Lavrov stated, “In our response we will abide by the rules of parity. We will not publish anything substantially different in terms of the numbers [of names] published by the American side.”

Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, spoke out to say, “The appearance of any lists will doubtless have a very negative effect on bilateral Russian-American relations. At the same time, these bilateral relations are very multifaceted, and even under the burden of such possible negative manifestations … they still have many prospects for further development and growth.”

For further information, please see:

Russian Legal Information Agency – US Releases Names of Russian Officials on Magnitsky List — 12 April 2013

Reuters – Russia Warns US on Human Rights Law, Seeks to Limit Damage – 12 April 2013

RiaNovosti – US Set to Publish Magnitsky List with Deadline Ticking – 12 April 2013

RT – US Publishes 18 Names on Magnitsky List as Moscow Warns of Response – 12 April 2013

Morsi Declares Military did not Commit Malpractice

By Justin Dorman
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

CAIRO, Egypt – Impunity is defined as “exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.” Issues of impunity generally arise when a government injures its own people and refuses to punish itself. Sometimes, like in the case of modern day Egypt, a separate group will cause the injury while the government will pretend the atrocities never happened.

President Mohamed Morsi and the Egyptian military will stand together in solidarity for now. (Photo Courtesy of the Guardian)

It was just a week ago that Egypt’s president, Mohamed Morsi was covertly investigating accusations of military malpractice. Accusations of acts committed since the 2011 uprising included torture, killings, and abductions of Egyptians. Additionally, army doctors were reported to have been ordered to operate on patients without any anesthetic.

The investigation was leaked, and instead of substantiating the claims to the public, Morsi denied that any bad acts transpired that could feasibly besmirch the name of the Egyptian military. Morsi took his protection of the military one step further and actually promoted several generals to lieutenant-generals.

Morsi announced to the public, “any insult against the armed forces is an insult against all of us, and we reject any kind of insults . . . I announce this to the whole world: we appreciate the great role that the armed forces has been playing in maintaining the safety and security of this country.”

This was followed by General Abdel Fattah Sisi declaring that, “the armed forces during the last two years was very, very fond of Egypt and the people of Egypt and did not commit any malpractices what so ever.” He added, “by God I swear that the army, since 25 January 2011, did not kill and did not order to kill, did not deceive and did not order to deceive.”

Why after investigating and learning of military misconduct did Morsi defend the military so vigorously?

Because after studying the careers of Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak, Morsi learned that in this game of pharaoh thrones, you either win or you die or you find yourself in Torah Prison.

Many interpret virtually all maneuvers by Morsi as power plays. Immediately after being elected, he took away a great amount of power from the military who were ruling the country.

Morsi tried to make concessions to keep the military happy by allowing them to try civilians in military court and allegedly striking a deal to stay out of their affairs in exchange for their support. Nonetheless, Morsi must have feared what Professor Robert Springborg, expert on Egyptian military feared; that with the economic situation deteriorating, and a utter lack of political stability, that amongst threats to the military, the military was eventually going to re-insert itself into Egyptian politics at the Muslim Brotherhood’s expense.

As a result of another alleged power play, Morsi’s nephew has recently been admitted into a military training academy. This has been interpreted by Springborg as a message that the Muslim Brotherhood is going to move in on the military. A keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer type of move.

Springborg may have the correct interpretation of this maneuver. Perhaps though, the boy just seeks to serve the realm of Egypt.

For further information, please see:

ABC News – Egypt top General, President Deny Army Abuse Claim – 12 April 2013

Guardian – Mohamed Morsi Backs Egyptian Military After Malpractice Allegations – 12 April 2013

Naharnet News Desk – Egpytian Protesters Operated on Without Anesthetic – 12 April 2013

New York Times – Leaked Report to Egypt’s President Implicates Army in Torture and Killing of Civilians – 10 April 2013

Uruguay Becomes 12th Country To Legalize Same-Sex Marriage

By Brendan Oliver Bergh
Impunity Watch Reporter, South America

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay – With an overwhelming majority of vote of support Uruguay’s Congress passed a bill effectively legislating same-sex marriage within the Latin American country. And as bill passed the house with a vote of 71 out of 92, it was not with a whisper, but with thunderous applause as groups celebrating the historic decision. When President Jose Mujica, and the upper house signs – as they are expected too – and ratifies the bill, Uruguay will be the 12th country and second in South America to pass binding legislation.

Uruguayan citizens celebrate the congress’s passage of legislation to legalize same-sex marriage. (Photo courtesy of Guardian)

While civil unions have been approved in Uruguay since 2008, advocates have indicated that “marriage embodies a much broader [institution]” compared to civil unions. The bill contains language similar to that of the bill that legalized same-sex marriage in Argentina in 2010. In Article 1 of the bill, marriage will be defined as “the union of two parties, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation in the same terms, with the same effects and ways of solutions sets to present the civil code.”

Criticism for same-sex marriage, the bill, and the homosexual lifestyle has come from groups aligned with the Roman Catholic Church and other similar Christian organizations which claim that it would endanger the sacred institution of family, and the family unit. Many, including lawmakers openly oppose the bill as it would “distort and change the nature of the institution of marriage.” Among the critics are Congressman Pablo Iturralde, who argued that the bill modified the legal framework of heterosexual marriage. Rather than regulating the framework for gay marriage, the congress has altered every fabric of straight and gay marriage.

Proponents have been vehement in their support, as LGBT organizations have begun celebrating, and homosexual couples have begun rejoicing with their future, which no longer regulates them as secondary class citizens. While the legislative recognition of same-sex marriage will not guarantee the removal of any social discrimination there are indications that public policies will be aimed at changing the cultural society necessary to achieve equality within society.

Fernando Amado, lawmaker within the Congress, boiled the argument down to family and love. “I agree that family is the basis of society but also believe that love is the basis of family. And love is neither homosexual nor heterosexual.

For more information, please see:

Telam – To Rachid, Equal Marriage In Uruguay “Reinforces A Commitment To Inclusion” – 11 April 2013

Yahoo – Uruguay Approves Gay Marriage, Second In Region To Do So – 11 April 2013

BBC – Uruguay Congress Votes To Legalise Gay Marriage – 11 April 2013

Telam – The Equal Marriage Law Was Enacted In Uruguay – 10 April 2013

The Guardian – Uruguay Legalises Same-Sex Marriage – 10 April 2013



Chileans Seek Justice on the 22nd Anniversary of the Death of Senator Jaime Guzmán

By Pearl Rimon
Impunity Watch Reporter, South America

 SANTIAGO, Chile – Chile’s Foreign Minister Alfredo Moreno met with Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez in Havana. Conservative groups hope the talks cover the extradition of fugitives suspected of killing Senator Jaime Guzmán in 1991.

People gathered at the 22nd anniversary of Guzmán’s death. (Photo Courtesy of Evan Lang/The Santiago Times)

However, it is reported that Moreno will meet privately with Rodríguez about the Guzmán case.

Guzmán founded the conservative Independent Democratic Union (UDI) party in 1983. He was also an advisor to General Augusto Pinochet and co-authored the country’s 1980 constitution.

 Moreno and Rodríguez will meet with Costa Rica’s Foreign Minister, Enrique Castillo, the three together form the Community of Latin American and Caribbean states (CELAC) to discuss agreements reached in January during a conference in Santiago.

During the January CELAC conference, Cuban President Raúl Casto, promised President Sebastián Piñera his cooperation in locating the people who took part in the assassination plot. Piñera presented a UDI report that discussed that the alleged criminals are residing in Cuba.

The UDI received renewed impetus due to April 1st, being the 22nd anniversary of the senator’s assassination. He was assassinated by members of the Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (FPMR).

UDI president, Patricio Melero, spoke at a memorial event for the slain senator. He said he hoped the diplomatic efforts would “…[P]ut an end to two decades of impunity and restore the dignity of Jaime Guzmán as a person, a politician and a good man.”

“We owe it not only to the memory of Jaime Guzmán but to all Chileans who believe in justice to continue pressuring national and international institutions to complete their role in facilitating the just conviction of those who planned and perpetrated his assassination, all of whom are today at liberty; this is the greatest injustice of all,” Melero said.

Groups like the FPMR credit Guzmán for some of the human rights abuses during the Pinochet dictatorship. The FPMR describes him as “one of the principal intellectual authors and ideologues of the (1973) military coup and subsequent genocide,” who “despite attempts to portray him as a saint, was always behind criminal acts enacted against the people.”

The only people to have been convicted for Guzmán’s murder were rescued in a dramatic prison escape via helicopter, which was planned by the FPMR in 1996.

A memorial for Guzmán was held on April 1, the 22nd anniversary of his death. PResidiental candidate Laurence Golborne, Interior Minister Andrés Chadwick, and UDI President Melero were in attendance.


For more information, please see:

Radio Cadena Agramonte — FMs of Cuba and Chile Hold Talks in Havana – 06 April 13

Santiago Times — Chilean Right seeks extradition for Guzmán killers – 03 April 13

Latercera — Jaime Guzman, ideals and leadership – 01 April 13

Santiago Times — Chilean conservatives commemorate assassinated Senator Jaime Guzmán – 01 April 13

Zambian Gay Rights Activist Arrested for Incitement

By Hannah Stewart
Impunity Watch Reporter, Africa

LUSAKA, Zambia — Paul Kasonkomona, a prominent gay and lesbian rights activist was arrested in Zambia after appearing on a live television calling for same-sex relations to be decriminalized.  He has been charged with “inciting the public to take part in indecent activities.”

Kasonkomona remains detained as police await further instructions. (Photograph Courtesy of Muvi Television)

Reports state that the police tried to stop the interview and take Kasonkomona off-air, but the producers and station management refused.  Plainclothes policemen apprehended Kasonkomona as he attempted to leave the station with colleagues, including a lawyer.  Muvi TV reports that Kasonkomona was transported to Woodlands Police Station for interrogation.

Homosexual acts are still illegal in Zambia, a traditionally conservative nation where many people believe that homosexuality violates their religious beliefs.

Offenses such as sodomy, or sex between women, carry a minimum sentence of 15 years or a maximum of life.  Specifically the Zambian Penal Code states that, “any person who has carnal knowledge of any person against the order of nature . . .  commits a felony” and can be imprisoned “for a term not less than 15 years and may be liable to imprisonment for life.”

Moreover, “any male who, whether in public or private, commits any act of gross indecency with a male . . . commits a felony and is liable, upon conviction, to imprisonment for a term not less than seven years and not exceeding 14 years.”

Kasonkomona, who calls himself a human rights activist, has called upon the government factions to harmonize their obligations and to protect gay rights.  As such, he has said that LGBTQ rights are like any other form of human rights, which should be respected at all cost

A group of same-sex couples attempted to register their marriages in Lusaka last week, but they were stopped by authorities and threatened with arrest.  However, the European Union last month offered financial support for organizations that seek to promote the rights of gay people in Zambia

For more information, please see:

All Africa – Zambia: Gay Rights Activist Arrested at Muvi TV – 8 April 2013

BBC – Zambia Gay Rights Activist Paul Kasonkomona Arrested – 8 April 2013

Digital Journal – Zambia Gay Rights Activist Arrested – 8 April 2013

The Global Post – Zambia Gay Rights Activist Arrested – 8 April 2013