
Spanish Youth Rally Against Unemployment Crisis

By Alexandra Sandacz
Impunity Watch Reporter, Europe

MADRID, Spain – On Sunday, Spanish youths, frustrated by a lack of opportunities in Spain, protested in various cities against high unemployment and poor working conditions, which force them to move abroad to find work.

Thousands of Spanish youth demonstrated against unemployment rates. (Photo Courtesy of TengriNews)

Hundreds of youths marched in Madrid behind a large black and white banner that stated, “We are not leaving, they are throwing us out.” Furthermore, the youth chanted, “We don’t want to go!”.

In addition to the protests in Madrid, numerous other smaller protests took place in Barcelona, Zaragoza and over 30 other cities around the world.

Mikel Revuelta, a spokesman for a grass-roots group called, Youth without a Future, stated, “We want to denounce the forced exile which young Spaniards are experiencing due to a lack of job opportunities.”

Currently, Spain is experiencing a recession that was caused by the collapse of a decade-long building boom in 2008. The employment rate reached 55 percent among 16 to 26 year-olds.

Unfortunately, the unemployment growth shows no sign of slowing.

However, last month, Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy’s conservative government introduced a 3.5 billion-euro plan to boost hiring of young people and help them start businesses. This particular plan includes reductions in social security payments for the self-employed and for companies hiring workers under 30 and training for young people who did not finish high school.

Furthermore, on Friday, the Spanish government stated it would invest 2.4 billion euros over the next three years to help rental housing and renovate buildings.

Unemployment caused tens of thousand of young Spaniards to look for job opportunities in other countries. Last year, more than 280,000 youths left Spain last year to find jobs in countries, such as Germany, Britain, Argentina and Venezuela.

David Garcia Jurado, a young Spaniard, stated, “It’s frustrating. It’s boring when you wake up every morning and you don’t know what to do. You try to study a little bit, study languages or try to learn how to use new IT programs, but you know that the next day is going to be the same.”

Jurado also stated he started to doubt himself and feels “useless”. “If you have an opportunity, in my case, you are lucky. Just an opportunity, just to have a door open. I just want to have the opportunity to demonstrate my capacities, my skills, my hard work. But now there are no opportunities in Spain. This is the only thing that I want, an opportunity. And Canada, for me, means opportunities.”

For further information, please see:

PressTV – Youth Spaniards Hold Job-Related Rallies – 8 April 2013

TengriNews – Spanish Youth Protest Around the World Against Unemployment – 8 April 2013

Aljazeera – Spain’s Youth Rally Against Unemployment – 7 April 2013

Deutsche Welle – Unemployed Yoth Turn Their Backs on Spain – 1 April 2013

Sitting Guatemalan President Accused Of War Crimes

By Brendan Oliver Bergh
Impunity Watch Reporter, South America

GUATEMALA CITY , Guatemala – Guatemalan president Otto faces accusations atrocities that would link his command to war crimes and crimes against humanity as the trial of former leader Efrain Rios Montt goes underway.

The trial of Former head of state Rios Montt has lead to testimony accusing sitting Guatemalan President of War Crimes. (Photo courtesy of  Reuters)

Rios Montt was indicted in January 2012 on charges related to 15 massacres of the indigenous Ixil people in 1982.  Prosecutors have begun the trial by attempting to link this Rrios Montts history of representational inhumanity, and establish how as a general he willfully ignored soldiers who used rape, torture and arson as weapons against rebels.  Montt  has yet to take the stand, and when he does will be the first Guatemalan former head of state to do so on the charges of genocide and crimes against humanity.

Related to these incidents however was testimony from former army engineer Hugo Reyes that linked current president Otto Perez to war crimes an atrocities during the Guatemalan6g6y civil war. The engineer testified that under Perez’s commanded, soldiers’ intentionally and willfully destroyed property and burned homes and killed unarmed civilians.

These accusations led to statements that President Perez has vehemently rejected, referring to witness’s testimony as “a lie” and refused to comment on the potential testimony.

During the civil war, Perez was known as Major Tito Arias commanded troops along with another officer in northwestern Guatemala. Reyes, testified that the two coordinated the burning of homes and “pulling people out so they could execute them.” He continued by explaining how soldiers would take kidnapped civilians back to the military barracks where they were tortured, killed and then unceremoniously dumped into mass graves.

This is not the first time that Perez’s past as a military officer has led to speculation. When Perez took office, many questioned his participation in the war that took 200,000 people, and lead to the forced disappearance of another 45,000.  After his ascension to the presidency, human rights activists questioned whether he would bar efforts to bring army officials accused of war crimes to justice, but beyond the rejection of Reyes testimony, Perez has not gone to lengths to stop the criminal courts from processing war criminals.

It is unknown if this testimony will lead to anything. As a sitting President he enjoys amnesty as a public officials and cannot be subpoenaed.

Reyes has stated that he fears for his life, explaining that he fears retribution from Perez and other military commanders stating “I’m totally sure that they feel nothing in their soul torturing and disappearing someone.”

For more information, please see:

Human Rights Watch – Guatemala Genocide Trial A Landmark – 19 March 2013

Reuters – Guatemalan President Rejects Testimony Linking Him To War Crimes – 5 April 2013

Stabroek News – Witness At Ex-Dictator’s Trial Links Guatemalan President To War Crimes – 5 April 2013

El Tiempo – ‘The Conviction Of Former Dictator Rios Montt Could initiate Reconciliation’ – 5 February 2013


Rwanda Commemorates 19th Anniversary of Rwandan Genocide with an Eye Towards Self-Reliance

By Ryan Aliman
Impunity Watch Reporter, Africa

KIGALI, Rwanda – April 7th marks the 19th commemoration of the Rwandan Genocide. This year’s commemoration is marked under the theme: “Let’s remember the Genocide against the Tutsi while striving for self-reliance.”

A Rwandan Genocide Commemoration in Canada. (Photo courtesy of E. Kwibuka/ The Sunday Times)

Although 19 years have passed, the scars and horrific memories are still alive in the hearts and minds of many Rwandans, especially the survivors who witnessed the carnage that stretched to around 100 days.

From April 4, 1994, close to a million Tutsi ethnic minorities and some moderate Hutus were hacked to death by extremist Hutus in a violent ethnic bloodbath that lasted approximately 100 days.

This year’s observance begins with a weeklong commemoration that involves several activities including: visiting and laying wreaths at memorial sites, according decent burial to exhumed Genocide remains, giving testimonies, public lectures, and candle lighting vigils.

Although the activities officially last a week, the commemoration continues up to July 4, marking 100 days of the Genocide.

“As we commemorate the genocide against Tutsi, we celebrate many achievements attained as a result of good leadership but amongst all, we hail the reconciliation progress we have made in the last 19 years. This is seen in the way we work together and help each other regardless of one’s origin or colour,” says Landoward Mugema, a resident of the Karama sector.

Something new this year is the nation’s increased emphasis on the role of the youth. The youth have been urged to actively take part in the commemoration activities.

Students from universities and secondary schools participated in a conference in Kigali organized before the official commemoration. The conference was organized under the theme, “Sharing the past, shaping the future building on self-reliance” – a theme in line with the national commemoration’s focus on self-reliance.

In addition, a group of fifty youths from around Kigali have been trained to handle various trauma cases that are anticipated in the coming week.

“We, the youth, should be first to promote the culture of commemorating the Genocide,” Mahoro said, asserting that the youth can learn a lot from the country’s history.

The Executive Secretary of the National Commission for the Fight against the Genocide, Jean de Dieu Mucyo, said the youth have not been involved enough in prior commemoration activities, but added that their mindset is changing as they begin to feel responsible and own the activities.

Mucyo said the yearly commemorations help build peace, tolerance and peaceful co-existence in a nation that, not too long ago, witnessed one of the worst cases of ethnic cleansing in history.

“At the beginning, only the survivors and the leaders attended the commemoration activities, but now this has changed; everyone now feels part of commemoration,” Mucyo said.

After 19 years, Rwanda is looking forward to building a bright, tolerant, and self-reliant future never forgetting their nation’s most horrible tragedy.


For further information, please see:

The Sunday Times – Rwanda Remembers – 7 April 2013

News of Rwanda – Kigali Youths Trained on Trauma Counseling – 6 April 2013

All Africa – Rwanda: Nyagatare Residents to Cement on Reconciliation During the Genocide Commemoration Week – 6 April 2013

UN Africa Renewal – Rwanda Genocide Survivors Struggle to Rebuild their Lives – 5 April 2013

All Africa – Rwanda: Youth Urged to Participate in Genocide Commemoration – 4 April 2013


Merkel Scolds Putin on NGOs

By Madeline Schiesser
Impunity Watch Reporter, Europe

HANNOVER, Germany – During Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the opening of the Hannover Industry Trade Fair, the world’s biggest industry show, on Sunday, the Chancellor called on Moscow to give non-governmental organizations (NGOs) “a good chance in Russia.”

Putin’s visit to Germany and the Netherlands to focus on trade and business has been overshadowed by his harsh political crackdowns on NGOs at home. (Photo Courtesy of The Local)

In a speech to the trade fair in Hannover, Merkel said in front of Putin that while Germany wants to encourage Russian economic diversity and innovation, NGOs are a healthy component of that plan.  “We believe this can happen most successfully when there is an active civil society,” she said, “We must intensify these discussions, develop our ideas, and we must give the NGOs, who we know as a motor for innovation, a good chance in Russia.”

Throughout Putin’s visit, protestors rallied against his recent policies.  Outside the trade fair, some protestors showed their support for NGOs, while others carried Syrian flags or wore devil masks, waving images of Putin dressed in a prisoner’s striped uniform. One banner read, “Stop political terror.”

President Putin defended the ongoing Russian investigations into NGOs on German television, claiming Russians had a right to know which NGOs were receiving foreign funds “and for what”.

Russian authorities have conducted a storm of unannounced inspections of NGOs in Russia, which appear intended to intimidate these groups.  In the last weeks, more than 200 Russian NGOs, as well as foreign organizations, including Amnesty International, Transparency International, and at least two German political foundations, have received surprise inspections by Russian police, tax inspectors, and prosecutors.  The crackdown on Russian civil society has drawn widespread international criticism.

The two German NGOs: the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) in St Petersburg and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) in Moscow, are of significant political importance to Germany’s political parties because the KAS think tank is linked to Chancellor Merkel’s Christian Democrats, while the FES is particularly close to the main German opposition, the Social Democrats.

While Germany has maintained a close relationship with Russia in many areas, including business and trade, foreign investment, energy security, and cultural issues, Chancellor Merkel has previously emphasized the importance of human rights and the rule of law.  She has furthermore come under pressure to address her concerns to Putin, not only on the NGO inspections, but also regarding Syria and Russia’s criticism of the German-orchestrated financial bailout of Cyprus.  As explained by Human Rights watch, Russia’s domestic repression of NGOs erodes the foundations of its foreign relationships.

“Trade fairs are about doing business, but Merkel should make clear to Putin that it cannot be business as usual for Germany’s relations with Russia until the attacks on civil society stop,” said Hugh Williamson, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch.

President Putin is also scheduled to visit Amsterdam on Monday.  Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has also been called upon to demand Putin halt the NGO inspections.  Germany and the Netherlands are Russia’s biggest trading partners.

Williamson further said, “This is the worst crackdown in Russia in 20 years. It is admirable to promote deeper understanding between Russia and the Netherlands, but this has very little meaning if vital parts of Russian society cannot express themselves freely.”

For further information, please see:

Al Jazeera – Merkel Chides Putin Over NGO Inspections – 7 April 2013

BBC News – Angela Merkel Tells Vladimir Putin – Russia Needs NGOs – 7 April 2013

Returns – Russia Needs Active Civil Society, Merkel Tells Putin – 7 April 213

The Local – Merkel ‘Should Push Putin for Reforms’ – 6 April 2013

HRW – Russia: Merkel, Rutte Should Press Putin on Rights – 4 April 2013

Serbia-Kosovo Normalization Talks Break Down

By Madeline Schiesser
Impunity Watch Reporter, Europe

BRUSSELS, Belgium – On Tuesday, E.U.-brokered normalization talks in Brussels between leaders from Serbia and Kosovo broke down early after a final 12-hour negotiation session.  Although many countries have recognized Kosovo, a former Serbian province, since its declaration of independence in 2008, Serbia has refused.  As both sides failed to come to an agreement, mediator and E.U. foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, released a statement saying that the gap between the two was “very narrow, but deep.”

Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic, left. (Photo Courtesy of b92)

Tuesday’s session concluded the eighth in several EU-guided rounds of talks since October 2012. Both Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic and Kosovar Prime Minister Hashim Thaci intended to return home and consult with colleagues about what further steps could be taken.

Serbian Prime Minister Dacic explained to the Serbian media, “Despite all these long meetings, we do not have an agreement at this moment.”

The critical sticking point between Serbia and Kosovo is the political status of ethnic Serbs in Northern Kosovo.  Kosovo’s proposals, in accordance with its laws and constitution, were aimed at integrating all citizens, including ethnic Serbs, into Kosovo.

However, according to Kosovo’s Prime Minister Thaci, Serbia was not ready to agree upon this term and requested more time. “Unfortunately from the Serbians, we still have hesitation and stances which are not based on principles,” Thaci said. “They have asked for additional time and additional consultations which is within their autonomous authority.”

Kosovar Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, right. (Photo Courtesy of RFE/RL)

However, after a meeting of the Serbian leadership, Serbian Presidential adviser Marko Djuric said that it was the ethnic Albanian officials from Kosovo who rejected the Serb proposals during the Brussels negotiations.

Serbian officials desire a high level of political autonomy for Kosovo’s Serbs, including police and judicial authorities particular to the Northern Serbs.  However, Kosovo would consider this arrangement to be an unacceptable de facto partition of the country, which would risk the North eventually breaking away.

Even so, Kosovo’s government in Pristina already has a tense relation with its ethnic northern Serbs.  Some 50,000 people in and around the divided city of Mitrovica identified ethnically as Serbian, do not follow the authority of Pristina and instead have created parallel institutions, e.g., hospitals and schools, which are financed and supported by Serbia’s capital, Belgrade.  The tension in this region has led to violence in recent years, particularly along the border shared with Serbia.

The E.U. has attempted to mitigate conflict in the region by playing a supervisory role through its Eulex rule-of-law mission.  Furthermore, soldiers from E.U. states have been deployed in Kosovo as part of the K-For peacekeeping mission.

The ultimate success of the normalization talks is particularly important to Serbia because in order for Serbia to join the E.U. it must normalize relations with its neighbors, including Kosovo.  Normalization includes not only resolving issues such as trade and border control, but also establishing the status of northern Kosovo and acknowledging whether or not the region will be under the authority of the government of Kosovo in Pristina

There is still hope that an agreement may be reached within the next days.  Nevertheless, mediator Catherine Ashton said last Tuesday was the last formal meeting she would call between the parties.

“They will now both go back and consult with their colleagues in their capitals and will let me know in the next few days of their decision,” She said in a statement.

If an agreement is to be reached, it will need to be arrived at by April 9.  Apparently, the E.U. in Brussels has suggested a compromise to the countries, but this proposal has not been disclosed to the public.  However, speculation from a Serbian newspaper is that the compromise would be based on the 1995 Erdut Agreement with an interim E.U. administration for the northern region.  However, if accurate, the result of such an agreement would be that the northern region of Kosovo would temporarily have a different status in the community of Serb municipalities in Kosovo until it accepted Pristina’s authority.

For further information, please see:

b92 – Belgrade to decide on EU’s offer by April 9 – 4 April 2013

RFE/RL – Serbia Blames Kosovo For Failed Talks – 4 April 2013

RFE/RL – Serbia-Kosovo Talks End Without Deal – 4 April 2013

Al Jazeera – Serbia-Kosovo Talks End Without Accord – 2 April 2013

BBC News – Serbia-Kosovo Talks Fail to Reach Accord in Brussels – 2 April 2013

RFE/RL – Serbia, Kosovo Resume Normalization Talks – 2 April 2013