North America & Oceania

Mexico Condemned for Femicide in Juarez


By Brenda Lopez Romero
Impunity Watch Reporter, North America

MEXICO CITY, Mexico – The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) ruled today that the Mexican State is responsible for the triple femicides that occurred in 2001 in Juarez and Chihuahua. Mexico was legally sanctioned for damages and reparations in the amount of of $847,000 for the victims families. 

The Mexican government was accused of the murders of Esmeralda Herrera Monreal, fifteen years old; Laura Berenice Ramos Monárrez, seventeen years old, and Claudia Ivette González, twenty years old.

Additionally, the Court ruled that Mexico must remove the barriers to the suit for these three murders and was ordered to raise a monument within a year in memory of the victims and maintain a permanent website with information on all the women, teenagers, and girls that have disappeared since 1993.

IACHR also condemned Mexico for the killing and disappearance of women that have occurred since 1993.  The Court considered the homicides as “alarming” and ruled that Mexico violated anti-discrimination rights of women and children, the right to life, integrity, personal liberty, integrity of the victims families, and did not meet its duty and obligation to protect its citizens. 

The Court acknowledged that Mexico had “realized a recognition of partial responsibility … but had not adopted reasonable measures, in accordance to the circumstances of the case, to find the victims alive.”  Furthermore, the Court stated that there was a common denominator in all the cases, the fact that all the victims were females. Mexico attributed the homicides to various motives, but conceded that the overriding factor was the “influence of the culture of discrimination against women.”

The Secretary of State stated “that it was worth mentioning that most of the orders of the judgment refer to actions that the fed and state government have already implemented.” 

For more information, please see:

Los Angeles Times – Court Cites Rights Failure by Mexico in Juarez Killings of Women – 11 December 2009

The Associated Press – OAS Court Condemns Mexico Probes of Women Slayings – 11 December 2009

The New York Times – Mexico: Rebuke on Investigation of Murders – 11 December 2009

Obama Accepts Nobel Peace Prize

By Stephen Kopko   

Impunity Watch Reporter, North America

WASHINGTON, D.C. – United States President Barack Obama accepted the Nobel Prize for Peace in Norway today. Obama accepted the award after asking Congress for an additional thirty thousand troops to fight the war in Afghanistan. During his acceptance speech, Obama gave his reasons for increasing the number of troops to continue the war in Afghanistan. 

In October, the Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded the President the Nobel Prize for Peace. The award surprised many people around the world. Obama had only been in office less than a year before he was awarded the coveted prize. Obama was also surprised by the committee’s decision. After being notified of the recognition, Obama stated that he did not deserve to be in the company of past Peace Prize winners. He was humbled by the selection and would use it to promote important international objectives. These objectives include nuclear nonproliferation, settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and correcting the downturn in the global economy. 

Obama’s acceptance speech today focused on the current conflict in Afghanistan. Obama began his speech by saying that he was honored and humbled by being considered and recognized for the Peace Prize. He then stated that he admired past winners of the award that promoted nonviolent movements including Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi. Obama then turned attention to the situation in Afghanistan. He stated that evil exists in the word and that he must defend the people of the United States against that evil, stating: “A nonviolent movement could not have halted Hitler’s armies. Negotiations cannot convince Al-Qaida’s leaders to lay down their arms.” 

Obama’s speech also outlined his definition of just war. He stated that the use of force is not cynical, but is a “recognition of history.” He then outlined three ways in which war is just. According to Obama, when a nation acts in self defense, in helping or aiding an invaded nation, and when acting in a humanitarian capacity after a nation murders its own citizens, force could be used. Obama also stressed how the United States should act when it is faced with using force. Wars should be fought according to the “rules of conduct.” He rejected the use of practices such as torture and the murder of innocent people. 

For more information, please see:

Christian Science Monitor – Left and Right, Pundits Applaud Obama Nobel Peace Prize Speech – 10 December 2009

MSNBC – Accepting Peace Prize, Obama Defends War – 10 December 2009

CNN – Nobel Peace Prize is “Call to Action” – 9 October 2009

U.S. Moves to Settle Longstanding Indian Cobell Case for $3.4 Billion

By Brenda Lopez Romero
Impunity Watch Reporter, North America

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Obama Administration moved to settle a contentious case as “an important step towards reconciliation … I heard from many in Indian Country that the Cobell suit remained a stain on the nation-to-nation relationship I value so much” stated President Obama. He also said that he was proud the step had been taken. The Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said “this is an historic, positive development for Indian country.”

The Native American plaintiffs alleged the Interior Department mismanaged billions of dollars in national resources income from their lands. The Cobell class action lawsuit was filed in 1996. The government deal would provide $1.4 billion for 300,000 tribe members as compensation and set up a $2 billion fund to buy land from them.

The issue began with the 1887 Dawes General Allotment Act, which divided reservations into individually allotted parcels per Indian family, creating massive amounts of “surplus” land, usually very rich in natural resources, that was then handed over to white-owned industries. The federal government promised to compensate for the land loss. However, private land ownership is largely a foreign concept within Indigenous societies, peoples that generally view land as a communal asset.

Given that history, issues eventually arose over the adequate compensation that was promised. The class argued that the government, which was to oversee the Indian trust, actually mismanaged billions of dollars in oil, gas, grazing, and timber royalties.

(PHOTO: Ms. Cobell, Courtesy of BBC News)

Cobell The named plaintiff, Elouise Cobell (citizen of the Blackfoot Nation) welcomed the settlement, but she said there was “no doubt” the final amount was “significantly” less than what was actually deserved by Native Americans.  Based on their calculations, they estimate that they are owed $47 billion. Nonetheless, Cobell stated: “today is a monumental day for all of the people in Indian Country that have waited so long for justice.” Cobell also remarked, “did we get all the money that was due us? Probably not… but there are too many individual Indian beneficiaries that are dying every single day without their money.”

The Department of Interior plans, as part of the settlement, to buy back individual trust interest from individuals to free up lands for the benefit of tribal communities, but conceded that some class members would likely be distrustful of selling their interests. As an incentive to sell, the deal includes funding set aside up for to five percent of the value of the interests to go to higher education and vocational scholarships for Indigenous students.

In order for the settlement funds to become available Congress must pass legislation appropriating funds and approving the deal. Salazar said he hoped that this would occur before the end of the year.

For more information, please see:

BBC News – US to Pay $3.4bn to Settle Native Americans Land Case – 8 December 2009

Bozeman Daily Chronicle – American Indians at MSU Praise Cobell Settlement – 8 December 2009

Indian Country Today – Obama Administration Moves to Settle Cobell – 8 December 2009

Ohio Executes Prisoner with One Drug Injection

By Stephen Kopko

Impunity Watch Reporter, North America

OHIO, United States – Kenneth Biros, a convicted murderer from Ohio, was executed today. Ohio prison officials used only one drug to perform the lethal injection. Normally a three drug cocktail is used to execute those who are condemned to death. It was the first time in the United States that a state has administered the death penalty using only one drug.

Biros was convicted of murdering Tami Engstrom in 1991. After murdering Engstrom, Biros spread her body parts around the Ohio and Pennsylvania area. He was convicted of murder and sentenced to death.  Biros’ death sentence was supposed to be administered in 2007. However, the U.S. Supreme Court delayed his execution to allow him to appeal the use of Ohio’s death penalty procedure. That procedure included injecting three different drugs into the prisoner. He argued that the three drug procedure caused extreme pain which violated the Eighth Amendment. Since Biros’ challenge, Ohio has reformed its death penalty procedure. 

Under Ohio’s new death penalty procedure, one drug is administered to the inmate instead of three. That drug, sodium thiopental, is the same drug that is used to euthanize animals. The new procedure is supposed to be less painful than the previous procedure. Both defense attorneys and injection experts agreed that the new procedure would not cause pain. However, there were concerns that the new procedure would take longer than the three drug procedure. 

Approximately ten minutes after Biros was injected with the drug, he passed away. Prison officials stated that they had two other drugs on standby in case the new procedure did not work. It was the first time that a state has used one drug to administer an execution. Before injecting the drug, prison officials struggled to find a vein in which to inject the drug. It took the officials thirty minutes to find a usable vein. 

Before the execution, Biros argued that his execution should be stayed on many different grounds. First, he argued that Ohio has not fixed its death penalty procedure that resulted in the stay of execution of Romell Broom. Prison officials eventually stopped the execution of Broom after two hours because they could not find a vein to inject the drugs. Broom’s execution was delayed by the governor of Ohio. Also, Biros argued that the new one drug procedure was untested and amounted to human experimentation. He argued that the new drug can wear off too quickly and prisoners could wake up and feel pain as the procedure progresses. Finally, Biros questioned the competency of Ohio’s executioners. 

The Supreme Court denied Biros’ request for a stay this morning. Previously, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Biros’ arguments for a stay. Currently, thirty-six states allow for the death penalty to be administered as a sentence. Thirty-five of those states use the three drug procedure.

For more information, please see:

CNN – Ohio Executes Inmate Using Single-Drug Method – 8 December 2009

The Guardian – Ohio Becomes the First U.S. State to Execute a Prisoner Using a Single Drug – 8 December 2009

MSNBC – Ohio Executes Killer with One-Drug Injection – 8 December 2009

Canada to Review U.S. Soldier Asylum Claim

By William Miller

Impunity Watch Reporter, North America

TORONTO, Canada – A Canadian federal court has ordered Canada to review the rejected application for asylum filed by a soldier in the United States military who fled the U.S. after being persecuted for being a lesbian. The court said the Immigration and Refugee Board erred in rejecting her refugee claim.

Private Bethany Smith fled Fort Campbell, Kentucky after months of harassment, which included hundreds of threatening notes and a death threat. Smith reported that the letter was pinned to her barrack’s door and that it said “they were going to break into the supply room and get the keys to my room and beat me to death in my bed.” The harassment started after another soldier saw her holding hands with a woman and told other soldiers on the base.

Fort Campbell has been the site of anti-gay violence in the past. In 1999, a gay soldier was beaten to death at Fort Campbell with a baseball bat.

Smith had applied for a discharge after receiving the threat, but was denied. Although the U.S. Military has a policy of discharging openly gay solders, Smith was told her application would not be processed until after her next rotation to Afghanistan. After her discharge was denied she drove two days to the Canadian border and settled down in Ontario under the name Skyler James.

Smith took her case to the Canadian federal courts after her application was rejected by the Immigration and Refugee Board in 2007. The court overturned the decision on November 20, 2009, finding that the board unfairly dismissed evidence that gays face brutality and harassment in the U.S. military and that it had an obligation to assess the likelihood that U.S. military law would discriminate against Smith. According to the judgment, “[i]t is true that the board member summarized at some length the evidence offered by the applicant, but he has by no means considered it, let alone analyzed it and provided reasons for dismissing it.”

Smith claims she would face court martial for abandoning her post and other charges for being in a same-sex relationship. She further claims that a jury of her peers would most likely share the same views as those who harassed her before she fled.

Although the Canadian Parliament has urged government agencies to accept the more than 200 American military servicemen and women who fled to Canada to avoid transfer to Iraq and Afghanistan, the courts and immigration officials have failed to comply. At least two soldiers have been deported and several more are at risk of meeting the same fate. None have been given refugee status so far. This stands in stark contrast to policy implementation during the Vietnam War, when thousands of U.S. citizens received permanent residency after fleeing to Canada to avoid the draft.

For more information, please see:

Women’s Enews – Lesbian Who Fled Army Opens Legal Grounds in Canada – 7 December 2009

AFP – Canada to Review U.S. Lesbian Soldier’s Asylum Claim – 20 November 2009

Associated Press – Lesbian U.S. War Deserter Wins Stay of Deportation – 20 November 2009