North America & Oceania

Report States Chicago Police Detain American Citizens Illegally

By Lyndsey Kelly
Impunity Watch Reporter, North America


WASHINGTON, D.C., United States of America – A recent report has found that the Chicago police department has been operating an off-the-books interrogation compound. The facility was described as a warehouse on Chicago’s west side known as Homan Square. The facility has been described as the domestic equivalent of a CIA black site.

The Homon Square Warehouse is allegedly used by the Chicago Police to illegally detain American Citizens. (Photo Courtesy of NY Daily News)

The warehouse is said to contain interrogation cells, and a cage. Police at the site reportedly carry heavy military gear and according to the Guardian, police practices at Homan Square include: keeping detainees out of the official booking databases, beatings by police, shackling for prolonged periods, and denying attorney’s access. Additionally, it has been reported that armored tanks are parked outside the facility.

Individuals taken to Homan Square are not booked, and thus do not have a searchable record indicating where they are located. Therefore, lawyers and relatives are unable to gain access to the detainee. Additionally, lawyers who have attempted to gain access to the warehouse have been turned away. Many local attorneys have states that the operations taking place at the Homon Square location deny the detainees basic constitutional rights. Two attorneys who were admitted access inside Homon Square told the Guardian that the police working at the Homon Square location purposefully withheld information to the individuals housed there regarding there whereabouts.

Brian Jacob Church, who was arrested at a protest in 2012, was detained at the Homan Square location for 17 hours in handcuffs and ankle restrains. He told the Guardian that he was not sure if he would ever be released, stating “Essentially, I wasn’t allowed to make any contact with anybody.” Church also states that while he was being interrogated, he was not read his Miranda rights and was not permitted to call his lawyer for hours after his original arrest.

Homon Square is concerned with more than just terrorism. It is said to focus on poor black American citizens. There is also alleged to be several special units, which operate exclusively to investigate drugs and gangs.


For more information, please see the following:

ALJAZEERA – Chicago Police Slammed For Hidden Interrogations – 25 Feb. 2015.

BUSINESS INSIDER – Chicago Police Are Detaining Americans At An Abuse-Laden ‘Black Site’ – 24 Fe. 2015.

THE GUARDIAN – The Disappeared: Chicago Police Detain Americans At Abuse-Laden ‘Black Site’ – 24 Fe. 2015.

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS – Chicago Police Detain Americans in ‘Black Site’ – 25 Feb. 2015.

US Jury Finds Palestinian Authority Liable for Terror Attacks in Israel that Killed U.S Citizens

By Max Bartels 

Impunity Watch Reporter, North America 


New York, United States of America

10 American families were awarded $218.5 million by a jury in federal court in Manhattan. The 10 American families brought suit against the Palestinian Authority who, with the cooperation of the Palestinian Liberation Front, was alleged to have backed a series of terror attacks in Israel in the early 2000s that killed 33 U.S citizens and injured others.

Israeli police search the scene of a Jerusalem suicide bombing in 2002. (Photo curtesy of Reuters)

The verdict is a severe blow to the cause of the Palestinian Authority, which is seeking legitimacy for their cause as well as international support. The lawyer for the American families believes that the damages will be tripled under the U.S Anti-Terrorism Act totaling at $655.5 million. The act allows for victims of U.S – designated foreign terror groups to seek compensation for pain and suffering, loss of earnings and other hardships.

The trial involved the testimony of relatives of victims who were killed as well as survivors of the attacks. In addition to graphic testimony the plaintiffs relied on records showing that the Palestinian Authority continued to pay the salaries of employees who were arrested and jailed in terror cases as well as paid benefits to suicide bombers and gunman who died while committing the attacks in question.

The defense argued that there was no proof that the Palestinian Authority sanctioned the attacks, saying that what the attacks did, they did for their own reasons and not on the behalf of the Palestinian Authority. In defense of the records showing benefit payments, the defense argued that it is illogical for payments after the attacks to be looked at as motivating the attacks in the first place.

Last year a jury in a federal court in Brooklyn found Arab Bank liable for Hamas suicide bombings that killed American citizens, based solely on the claim that the bank knowingly did business with the terror organization. The damages portions of the Brooklyn case are set to begin in May.

The Palestinian Authority claims it will appeal the verdict, calling it a disservice to Palestine and the international community who are working toward a solution to the conflict with Israel. Questions have also been raised about whether the judgment will be paid, in at least two previous cases for more then $100 the parties settled out of court confidentially. The plaintiffs lawyers claim that if they refuse to pay then their assets can be seized in both the U.S and abroad.

For more information, please see:

Associated Press News — US Jury Finds Palestinian Groups Liable for Terror Attacks — 23 February 2015

The New York Times — Palestinian Groups Are Found Liable at Manhattan Terror Trial — 24 February 2015

Newsweek — U.S. Jury Finds Palestinian Organizations Liable in Terrorism Case — 23 February 2015

Reuters — U.S Jury Orders Palestinian Groups to Pay Attack Victims $218.5 Million — 23 February 2015

Judge Puts Temporary Stop To Obama Administration’s Immigration Reform

By Lyndsey Kelly
Impunity Watch Reporter, North America

 WASHINGTON, D.C., United States of America – Recently, U.S. District Judge, Andrew Hanen, blocked the unilateral actions of President Barack Obama from shielding millions of illegal immigrants from deportation, forcing the Obama administration to delay such action. Twenty-six states urged Judge Hanen to block the President’s actions, claiming that it was an abuse of his presidential powers. Texas Governor Greg Abbott, stated “President Obama abdicated his responsibility to uphold the United States Constitution when he attempted to circumvent the laws passed by Congress via executive fiat….” Judge Hanen stated that the Obama administration had not complied with procedures needed for putting his immigration procedures into effect.

President Obama has stated that his administration will comply with the Judge’s order and delay accepting applications from some of the illegal immigrants for deportation relief. However, Obama has said that he disagrees with the ruling and expected his administration to prevail on appeal, stating, “the law is on our side and history is on our side.” Immigration lawyers have states that many applicants that had already filed the necessary paperwork and paid the required fee must not either withdraw their applications or continue with the process in hopes that the injunction is overturned.

The Obama administration’s orders would offer legal reprieve to the undocumented parents of U.S. citizens and permanent residents who have been in the United states for at least 5 years. Thus, removing the threat of immediate deportation. Additionally, the administration would seek to expand the 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that allows illegal immigrants who arrived in the United States as children to apply for a two-year work permit.


For more information, please see the following:

FOX NEWS- Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks Obama’s Immigration Executive Action – 17 Feb. 2015.

NBC NEWS – Judge Blocks Obama’s Deferred Deportation Policy For Undocumented Immigrants– 17 Feb. 2015.

REUTERS – U.S. Delays Obama’s Immigration Steps After Judge’s Rebuke – 17 Feb. 2015.

WASHINGTON POST- Federal Judge In Texas Block Obama Immigration Orders – 17 Feb. 2015.

Illinois Man Exonerated by DNA Evidence For 1984 Rape and Murder

By Lyndsey Kelly
Impunity Watch Reporter, North America

WASHINGTON, D.C., United States of America –On Wednesday, an Illinois man who served 29 years in prison for the 1985 rape and murder of a high school girl was freed after DNA evidence cleared him of any link to the crime. Christopher Abernathy, 48, confessed to the killing of Kristina Hickey, 15, in 1984 in Park Forest, Illinois, a southern suburb of Chicago, was released on a court order last week.


Christopher Abernathy’s case was dismissed after he was exonerated by DNA evidence (Photo Courtesy of NPR).

Abernathy, who was 18 at the time of the crime, confessed to the murder, but suffered from a diminished mental capacity. Abernathy was diagnosed with learning disabilities, but nevertheless was allowed to sign a statement confessing to the murder of Hickey, then a sophomore at Rich East High School. Lauren Kaeseberg, of the Illinois Innocence Project, said that Abernathy was held for two days at the local police station while being persistently questioned, until he was “coerced” into signing a false confession.

At the time of the crime, law enforcement did not have the scientific technology, which made it possible to conduct DNA analysis. However, last year, Abernathy’s attorneys asked for DNA testing on eight pieces of critical evidence from the crime. The evidence was subsequently tested and the results showed that Abernathy’s DNA profile did not match any of the available evidence. With DNA evidence clearing him, the charges against Abernathy were dismissed. Abernathy has stated that he is “scared” to be let out of prison, but his attorneys said that he is ready to start a new life.

While the DNA results showed that all eight pieces of evidence suggested that there was a single killer, the DNA database found no matches. A cold-case team will now be put to work on the 30-year-old murder.

The number of people exonerated in the United States in 2014 has grown exponentially. The exoneration rate is now at a record high of 125, partly due to a growing number of prosecutors willing to admit their mistakes.


For more information, please see the following:

ABC CHICAGO – Christopher Abernathy Freed By DNA Tests in 1984 Murder of Kristina Hickey – 11 Feb. 2015.

CBS CHICAGO – Chicago Man Freed From Prison After Sentence Vacated In Illinois Teen’s 1984 Death – 11 Feb. 2015.

NPR – DNA Evidence Frees Illinois Man Convicted of Rape, Murder in 1984 – 11 Feb. 2015.

REUTERS – Illinois Man Freed By DNA After 29 Years’ Imprisonment For Murder – 11 Feb. 2015.

Three Muslim Students Killed Near North Carolina Campus

By Lyndsey Kelly
Impunity Watch Reporter, North America

WASHINGTON, D.C., United States of America – A shocking incident of violence against three Muslims near the campus of the University of North Carolina has generated a tense debate about why a neighbor gunned down these individuals, and whether religion played a role in the violent outburst.

Pictured above are the three victims Deah Shaddy Barakat, Yusor Mohammad and Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha (Photo Courtesy of USA Today).

A resident of Chapel Hill called 911 on Tuesday reporting five to 10 shots fired and the sound of people screaming. Police officers responded to the report around 5:15pm, and found the three victims, all pronounced dead at the scene. The victims, all shot in the head, were identified as Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, his wife, Yusor Mohammad, 21, both of Chapel Hill, and her sister, Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19, or Raleigh. All three victims were born United States citizens.

Craig Stephen Hicks, 46, turned himself in to authorities, and has been charged with three counts of first-degree murder. Mr. Hicks was a devout atheist and appeared to have a deep dislike of all religion. He openly expressed his beliefs on his Facebook page. Neighbor Samantha Maness described the suspect as “very angry,” and said that Hicks often complained about noise and parking. The killings set off a debate which echoed the #blacklivesmatter campaign.

Police Spokesman Lt. Joshua Mecimore said a preliminary investigation indicated that the crime was “motivated by an ongoing neighbor dispute over parking.” However, friends and relatives of the victims insist that the incident should be viewed as a hate crime. Durham District Attorney Echols said that he couldn’t discuss a motive. When asked whether Hicks could be charged with a hate crime, he said the facts of the case are still under investigation.

On the UNC campus Wednesday night, several thousand people attended a candlelight vigil for the victims. Imam Abdulla Antepli, a Duke university Islamic leader, said he has “full trust” that law enforcement officials would determine Hicks’ motives. “The incident immediately revealed the vulnerability of the Muslim community and the image and reputation of Islam as a religion and Muslims as people in Americas society at large.”

Hicks made a brief court appearance on Wednesday morning, saying that he understood the charges. His probable cause hearing was set for March 4 and he is being held without bond.


For more information, please see the following:

AL JAZEERA – Three Muslim Students Killed At North Carolina Campus – 11 Feb. 2015.

NEW YORK TIMES – In Chapel Hill Shooting Of 3 Muslims, A Question of Motive – 11 Feb. 2015.

WASHINGTON POST – Three Muslims Killed In Shooting Near UNC; Police, Family Argue Over Motive – 11 Feb. 2015.

USA TODAY – Chapel Hill ‘Rocked’ By Killings Of 3 Muslim Students – 12 Feb. 2015.