Special Features

Impunity Watch Symposium Keynote Senator Romeo Dallaire (2/5)

Impunity Watch Symposium Keynote Senator Romeo Dallaire (2/5) from Impunity Watch on Vimeo.

On Friday April 8, 2011, the Impunity Watch Law Journal of Syracuse University College of Law hosted its annual symposium entitled, Humans as Commodities: Child Soldiers. The symposium addressed the use of child soldiers in armed conflict. It looked at the chilling realities facing child soldiers, the root causes of the phenomena, and explored the persistent human rights dilemma facing the international community.

In 2000, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict to ensure that States do not use individuals under eighteen years of age in combat, and to explicitly forbid non-state and guerrilla forces from recruiting anyone under eighteen for any purpose. Other provisions of international law have banned the use of soldiers under age fifteen since the 1970s. In spite of these and other international efforts, there are an estimated 250,000-300,000 child soldiers across the globe, actively fighting in at least thirty countries. Almost half of all armed organizations in the world use child soldiers and almost all of those soldiers see combat.

OTP Weekly Briefing Issues #91: Pre-Trial Chamber II Requests Observations On Desirability And Feasibility Of Holding Confirmation Hearing In Kenya – Prosecution And Public Counsel For Victims Oppose

OTP Weekly Briefing_9-14 June 2011 #91

Peace Negotiations Watch

Originally sent to Peace Negotiations Watch Subscribers on June 8, 2011.

Thank you for your interest over the past years in Peace Negotiations Watch.  In order to provide better targeted information and more detailed coverage of individual countries and topics, PILPG has decided to move to a new format for our news updates, and to discontinue the publication of Peace Negotiations Watch.  In its place, interested parties can sign up for country-specific and topical news updates.  PILPG will be publishing the following weekly news updates:

Country-specific updates:
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Southern Cameroons
Southern Sudan

Topical updates:
Water Diplomacy

To sign up for specific news updates, please send an email to info@pilpg.org indicating the news updates that you are interested in receiving.

All the best,

Peace Negotiations Watch is a weekly publication detailing current events relating to conflict and peace processes in selected countries.  It is prepared by the Public International Law & Policy Group (PILPG) and made possible by grants from the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Ploughshares Fund.

Iran Human Rights Documentation Center Publishes Report on Rape in Iranian Prisons

Iran Human Rights Documentation Center Press Release
Originally Published 10 June 2011

NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT – In commemoration of the second anniversary of the post-election violence and crack-down on dissent orchestrated by the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC) today published a report on the use of rape as a method of torture by Iranian prison authorities. The report, Surviving Rape in Iran’s Prisons, may be found here.  The Persian version will be available next week.

Allegations of rape and sexual violence of political prisoners began to emerge after the Islamic Republic of Iran was established in 1979 and have continued, to varying degrees, to the present. However, not surprisingly, there is no reliable estimate of the number of prisoners raped in the Islamic Republic’s prisons. The reasons are simple:  few rape victims are willing to speak about their experiences due to (1) government pressure and acquiescence, and (2) social stigma. Iranian authorities have and continue to acquiesce to rapes of prisoners by guards and interrogators who use rape to crush detainees’ spirit, inflict humiliation, discourage their dissent, force them to confess to crimes, and ultimately to intimidate them and others – all in violation of international human rights and Iranian law.

This report documents the ordeals of five former prisoners – two women and three men. They span the almost 30 years of the Islamic Republic’s existence. Four witnesses were raped; one was threatened with rape and saw rape victims. All were traumatized and some considered suicide.

IHRDC is a nonprofit organization based in New Haven, Connecticut whose goal is to encourage an informed dialogue among scholars and the general public in both Iran and abroad.  The human rights reports and a database of documents relating to human rights in Iran are available to the public for research and educational purposes on the Center’s website.  www.iranhrdc.org.

For further information, please contact:
Renee C. Redman, Esq.
Executive Director
Iran Human Rights Documentation Center
Tel: (203) 772-2218 Ext. 215,
Email: rredman@iranhrdc.org