Special Features

War Crimes Prosecution Watch – Volume 5 – Issue 4 – May 24, 2010

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War Crimes Prosecution Watch is a bi-weekly e-newsletter that compiles official documents and articles from major news sources detailing and analyzing salient issues pertaining to the investigation and prosecution of war crimes throughout the world.

Universal Jurisdiction

Central African Republic & Uganda
Democratic Republic of the Congo (ICC)

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
Special Court for Sierra Leone

European Court of Human Rights
Court of Bosnia & Herzegovina, War Crimes Chamber
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
Special Tribunal for Lebanon

United States

The World Celebrates International Day Against Homophobia on May 17

By Kylie M Tsudama

Special Features Editor, Impunity Watch

Today marks the seventh celebration of International Day Against Homophobia, also known by the acronym IDAHO.  The Day is an opportunity to “highlight positive aspects of homosexuality and celebrate the contributions of lesbians and gays to society,” and moves away from a ‘victimization’ philosophy.

IDAHO was established in 2003 by Fondation Émergence, along with numerous international partners.  It adopted the slogan, “From Tolerance to Acceptance,” a more-than-subtle indication that tolerance is often linked to indifference, which highlights the importance of moving beyond mere tolerance into a more accepting and inclusive world.

Fondation Émergence also established the Fight Against Homophobia Award, which has been a way to recognized the contributions made by individuals or organizations “to combat the prejudice gays and lesbians are subject to,” and has “served to highlight not only openness toward gay and lesbian realities but also the successful work that enables society to accept these realities.”  The award has been presented every year since 2003.

Quebec playwright and novelist, Michel Tremblay
Québec playwright and novelist, Michel Tremblay

This year, the award will be given to Michel Tremblay, a Québec playwright and novelist.

Michel Tremblay’s contribution to the fight against homophobia is obvious”, explains Laurent McCutcheon, Fondation Émergence President. “His world-renowned works and his personal contribution have helped to educate the general population and make them more aware. Our society has experienced remarkable breakthroughs over the past thirty years and Michel Tremblay has been a significant catalyst in this evolution.”

One of the first Québec figures to come out, Tremblay’s emergence took a great deal of courage at the time.  His recognition is “clearly related to his works,” which feature gay and lesbian characters in prominence.

Every year, IDAHO chooses an annual campaign highlighting a specific theme that affects LGBT people’s lives on a daily basis.  This year, IDAHO chose “Speaking about Silence: Homophobia in the Sports World” as its theme.  Its Declaration Against any Form of Discrimination in the Sports World states,

No form of discrimination is welcome in the sports world.

Being an athlete is not only about
reaching higher and higher physically.

It’s also about the values of justice, equality,
team unity, respect, and dignity.

Plus, it’s fighting any form of discrimination,
including discrimination based on sexual orientation.

That’s why I lend my support to
the International Day Against Homophobia.

Today, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) called for the elimination of discrimination based on sexual orientation, and for the respect of human rights.

“I urge all governments to take steps to eliminate stigma and discrimination faced by men who have sex with men, lesbians, and transgender populations,” said Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS.

UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé’s Remarks on International Day Against Homophobia

UNAIDS hosted an event at its headquarters in Geneva today which included a screening of A Deadly Cycle.  The video highlights the impact of homophobia in Jamaica.  Translatina, a full-length documentary offering a realistic look into the challenges for transgendered people to access education, work, justice, and healthcare, among other things, in Latin America, was also screened.

Also planned were discussions with Executive Director of Sexual Minorities of Uganda, Frank Mugisha; Technical Director of Sexual Minorities, UNAIDS country office in India, and LGBT rights activist Ashok Row Kavi; and WHO HIV Director Dr. Gottlieb Hirnschall.

May 17 was chosen as the date for IDAHO because of its significance to the community; the World Health Organization (WHO) removed homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses on a May 17.

For more information, please see:

International Day Against Homophobia

UNAIDS – International Day Against Homophobia – 17 May 2010