The Middle East

Syria Human Rights Violations Report: 10 May 2012

Dar’aa | An-Na’ema

Shelters are filled with women and children suffering from shelling attacks at the hands of regime forces.


Dar’aa | Al-Mahata

The regime’s security forces break the locks on residents’ shops to punish them for striking.


Dar’aa | Bosra Ash-Shaam

These former detainees bear the marks of torture on their bodies after being held in the regime’s prisons.


Homs | Al-Khalidiye

This is the only way residents are able to remove the wounded and dead from the streets – this man is injured but had to be dragged in because snipers and gunfire fill the skies. It is painful to watch.


Casualty Report

37 confirmed casualties killed by the regime in Syria on Monday, 7 May 2012.

*Including three children, two women, five defected soldiers and two victims tortured to death.*

Dar’aa: 1
Deir Azzour: 7
Hama: 8
Homs: 13
Damascus & Damscus Suburbs: 4
Al-Hasaka: 2
Idleb: 2


24 confirmed casualties killed by the regime in Syria on Wednesday, 9 May 2012.

Latakia: 2
Homs: 12
Damascus & Damscus Suburbs: 3
Aleppo: 1
Idleb: 3
Hama: 2
Lebanon borders: 1


Videos and Statistics Courtesy of :

Syrian Network of Human Rights – Casualty Report – 9 May 2012

Syrian Network of Human Rights – Violations Report – 8 May 2012

Syrian Network of Human Rights – Casualty Report – 7 May 2012

Syrian Network of Human Rights – Violations Report – 5 May 2012


Syria Human Rights Violations Report: 25 April 2012

Damascus Suburbs | Douma

Two pickups belonging to the regime’s forces are captured here full of detainees after an arbitrary and warrantless arrest campaign in the town.


Homs | Joret Ash-Shayah

This unidentified man is stuck under the rubble after the regime’s forces completely destroyed the hospital.


Dar’aa | Al-Mahata

All that is left of this school is the frame, after the regime’s forces arbitrarily destroyed it.


Hama | Masha’ At-Tayar


A girl no older than three years is pulled from under the rubble after the regime’s forces levelled more than 25 homes during a shelling campaign which killed at least 70 residents, most of them women and children.


Videos Courtesy of: 

Syrian Network of Human Rights – Violations Report – 25 April 2012

Syrian Network For Human Rights Releases List of Causalities

Summary By Carolyn Abdenour
Impunity Watch Reporter – Middle East

DAMASCUS, Syria – The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), a London based human rights group, confirmed on Tuesday, 24 April 2012, that 33 victims died around the country.

Below is a list of victims sorted by region.  The victims are listed by name and the manner in which they died, if known.

Damascus and Damascus Suburbs: 10 Deaths this week

1-Khaled Ismail Anounu Arrifa’ee – Kafr Batnah – killed by the security forces gunfire in a demonstration

2- Omar Ridwan Assarmini – Douma – died in an explosion targeted him by the security forces

3- Muhammad Sameeh – Atadhamun – killed by the security forces gunfire in a demonstration

4- Muhammad Muhsen – Atadhamun – killed by the security forces gunfire in a demonstration

5- Muhammad Al-Khadhrah – Douma – Red Crescent paramedic personnel – Due to shelling

6- Muhammad Saryoul – Douma – died due to shelling

7- Haytham Addarrah – Douma

8- Muhammad Khair Muhammad Talq Azzarfan – Doum – 25

9- Fayez Tu’meh – Douma – death by sniper

10- Muwaffaq Hesaba – Douma

Dier Ezzor | 1 Death

1-Jamal Azzuhri – Al-Bukamal

Homs Province | 15 Deaths

1-Qutaibah Ma’rouf Al-‘Aitar – Al-Qusair – his body was dumped by the security forces in the farms after they executed him

2- Maysar Sa’eed ASuhouri – Al-Qusair – his body was dumped by the security forces in the farms after they executed him

A massacre took place in Al-Qusour Neighbourhood, the family members’ bodies were found slaughtered by the security forces

3- Rayyah Aterkawi – Al-Qusour – 102 – her throat was slit

4- Al-‘Alyaa Aterkawi – Al-Qusour – her throat was slit

5- Jasem Aterkawi – Al-Qusour – died after being slaughtered

6- Muhammad Al-Mustafa – Al-Qusour – died from gunfire

7- Qasem Al-Mousa – Al-Houla – Defected lieutenant – killed in Damascus for defecting

8- Adnan Assarmini – Talbeesah – kidnapped from his home in Assalameyah on 18 April and found killed along with his son

9- Husam Adnan Assarmini – Talbeesah – kidnapped from his home in Assalameyah on 18 April and found killed along with his father

10- Fayez Naser Ashawwa – Al-Qusour – death by sniper

11- Mahmoud Ismail Taleb – Al-Qusair – died due to shelling

12- Muhammad Al-Atrash – Dier Ba’albah – public execution during a raid

13- Rashed Al-Uthman – Dier Ba’albah – public execution during a raid

p14- Abdurrahman Attadmuri – Dier Ba’albah – ublic execution during a raid

15- Ahmad Assaleem – Tadmur

Hama Province | 2 Deaths

1-Meheo Abul-Kareem Assayadi – Halfaya – 26 – died from gunfire

2- Zaher Abdullateef Annaser – Hafaya – 25 – died from gunfire

Dar’aa Province | 2 Deaths

1-Shukri Muhammad Khair Al-Qazhali – Jebab – died from gunfire

2- Hatem Al-Khateeb – Al-Jeezah – Security personnel

Aleppo Province | 1 Deaths

1-Abullateef Abdullah Afash – Anadan – 55 – killed by several bullets to his head

Idleb Province | 2  Deaths

1-Hasan Aullah Ashawwaf – Idleb – 30 – died after fighting his wounds of an explosion for the last 20 days

2- Labeeb Ahmad Mu’arri – Mehambel – detained two days prior to finding his body to the side on the street on Tuesday

For more information, please see

Syrian Network for Human Rights – London – – 26 Apr 2012

Syria Human Rights Violations Report: 22 April 2012

By Adom M. Cooper
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

Location: Hamaa | Halfaya

This hospital’s freezer is filled with bodies after the regime’s forces shelled the town. The young man seen here is one of the victims of the assault. 


Location: Hama | Masha’ Al-Arba’een

This woman is begging a monitor to help save the embattled citizens of Syria, telling him, “We are slaughtered, we are slaughtered.” 


Location: Damascus Suburbs | Douma


Several residents were killed and dozens were injured when the regime’s forces violently shelled the town on Tuesday. This footage was taken inside a makeshift hospital, and pictures the bodies of the dead. Extremely graphic footage of one of the victims, whose brain was blown out.


Location: Aleppo | A’zaz

To keep up the appearance of committing to the Annan plan and fool the UN monitors before their arrival, the regime’s forces are seen here hiding tanks in trenches in the town. 


Video courtesy of:

Syrian Network of Human Rights – Violations Report – 22 April 2012

Libya Bans Religious Political Parties

By Carolyn Abdenour
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

TRIPOLI, Libya – On Wednesday, 24 April, the National Transitional Council (NTC), Libya’s governing body, enacted a law that banned political parties founded on religious, tribal, or geographic ideals.  However, parties that stand on Islamic principles intended to campaign for assembly seats during the 19 June election.  Parties including the Muslim Brotherhood denounced this surprise move.

Women demonstrating in Libya. (Photo Courtesy of Deutsche Welle)

NTC spokesperson Mohammed al-Hareizi emphasized the law encourages “national unity”.  He said, “Parties are not allowed to be based on religion or ethnicity or tribe”.  He added, “We don’t want the government to be divided by these ideological differences.”  The NTC developed this law to regulate the swelling of political parties in Libya.

This law also combats geographical division in the nation.  This month, eastern Benghazi has called for autonomy and possibly secession from Tripoli as the area prepares for its local council elections.  Libyans throughout the nation are calling for TNC leaders to resign because they failed to establish a functional government.

In two months, Libyans will elect a 200-member assembly responsible for forming a government and compositing a constitution.  Independent candidates will fill 120 of these seats while political organizations will fill the remaining 80 seats.  Free elections will occur in Libya once this assembly has fulfilled its objectives.  Diplomats believe several strong religious leaders will run in the free election once the country ratifies a new constitution.

Parties and organizations intending to campaign for these seats must receive approval to run.  For approval, parties must have at least 250 founding members where organizations need at least 100 founding members.  Mustafa Landi, a member of the NTC legal committee, clarified these groups “cannot be an extension of a political party abroad or receive foreign funding.”

The Muslim Brotherhood, Libya’s most organized political group, founded the Freedom and Development party and the Justice and Construction party this year.  The Muslim Brotherhood reported that rather than directly contesting these elections, the organization will advocate for social issues and development in Libya.  During his dictatorship, Moammar Gadhafi banned many of these political organizations

Spokesperson for the Freedom and Development party Mohammed Gaira asserted “This is not democracy” after the law passed.  He added, “We don’t understand this law…It could mean nothing, or it could me that none of us can participate in the election…We are a nationalist party and Islam is our religion.  This law is unacceptable and only suits liberals.”

For further information, please see:

All India Radio – Religious Political Parties Banned in Libya – 25 Apr 2012

Deutsche Welle – Libya Bans Party Formation Based On Religion, Tribe – 25 Apr 2012

The Telegraph – Libya Tries To Hold Off Rise Of Religious Parties With New Election Rules – 25 Apr 2012

The Voice of Russia – Religion-Based Parties Banned in Libya – 25 Apr 2012

The Washington Post – Libya Bans Political Parties Based On Religion; Islamists Denounce Move – 25 Apr 2012