The Middle East

Israel Arrests Pro-Palestinian Activists; Dozens More Detained

by Zach Waksman
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

TEL AVIV, Israel – On Friday, hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists began to fly into Tel Aviv’s Ben-Gurion International Airport.  The literal mass flight, nicknamed the “flightilla” in reference to a flotilla of aid ships that was denied access to Gaza, was intended to protest the Israeli government’s tendency to bar such people from entering the country.  As of Saturday, six activists, all Israeli citizens, have been arrested by national police, and over 100 others, mostly from Europe, remain in Israeli custody, awaiting deportation to their home countries.

Pro-Palestinian activists wave signs that read Welcome to Palestine in English, Hebrew, and Arabic during a small demonstration at Tel Avivs Ben-Gurion International Airport
Pro-Palestinian activists hold up signs that read "Welcome to Palestine" in English, Hebrew, and Arabic during a small demonstration at Ben-Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv. (Photo Courtesy of Reuters)

The activists intended to take part in a “Welcome to Palestine” campaign, which was first announced in Paris on March 9 in response to a call from 15 Palestinian civil society organizations on the West Bank.  During the campaign, they would “pay a visit to Palestinian families, share their daily life for a week, visit the towns, villages and refugee camps, discover the difficulties encountered by their inhabitants, [and] also their culture and expectations.”  Because Palestine has no airport, they had no choice but to fly into Ben-Gurion. Though many who wish to visit Palestine lie about their purpose for coming in order to avoid trouble, participants in the initiative stated their intentions to the French Foreign Office, who then forwarded that information to Israeli authorities.

Despite clearly stating the group’s peaceful purpose to Israel months in advance, the country’s immigration department considered participants to be a “security threat.”  Believing this to be the case, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began preparations for their arrival.  Hundreds of security personnel were deployed to the airport.

The six who were arrested had caused a disturbance in the arrivals area of Terminal Three.  They also held up signs that read “Welcome to Palestine.”  According to police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, “Five males and one female are being questioned.”

As another part of the preparations, the Interior Ministry sent airlines in other countries a list of hundreds of names of people, Israel said were “pro-Palestinian radicals” who intended to create chaos at Ben-Gurion.  Those who arrived in Israel would be refused entry, so the airlines were asked not to let them on board their planes.  According to Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor, the no-fly list was compiled by following the organizers’ websites and members’ social networking.  “We did not need the Mossad,” he said.  “It was all out there in the open.”

The decision was not met with kind words from the would-be activists.  One of the more notable incidents happened at Paris’s Charles de Gaulle Airport, where 50 people planned to board a Lufthansa flight, but were banned from boarding.  They then gathered in the terminal and repeatedly yelled “Boycott Israel,” while police observed.  “Charles de Gaulle Airport is under Israeli occupation.  We are peaceful people and have no interest in causing disorder at Ben-Gurion Airport,” Olivia Zemour, leader of one of the organizations that helped put the “flightilla” together, told Israel Radio.  A similar scene took place in Geneva, where 30 people were denied permission to board.

Those who did make it Tel Aviv did not fare much better.  At least two planes were diverted to a different terminal, where suspected activists were taken to a holding area for questioning.

Israel believed it was justified in detaining and denying entry to the activists. Interior Minister Eli Yishal gave credit to the Immigration and Population Authority for preventing their entry.  “We will take a firm hand against anyone disregarding [our] laws, and like any other sovereign state, we will use any means at our disposal to prevent people intent on breaking the law from entering the country,” he said.  Prime Minister Netanyahu added that every country had the right to prevent the entry of potential “provocateurs.”

Despite the setback, organizers still claim victory.  At a news conference in Bethlehem, Palestinian organizer Fadi Kattan said that he was “pleased – sadly pleased” with the Israeli reaction.  In his point of view, it revealed the country’s strong anti-Palestinian policies.

Laura Durkay, an American activist who was being held in a pre-interrogation area at Ben-Gurion with at least 30 other people, was also satisfied.  “What we want is to get into Palestine, but if that’s not going to happen, then the longer we stay here, the more the media will keep paying attention to our story,” she said.  “We want to show how the Israeli government treats people trying to travel to Palestine.”

For more information, please see:

Jerusalem Post — Pro-Palestinian activists plan week of protests in West Bank — 10 July 2011

Ma’an News Agency — Israel deports two activists, 118 still held — 10 July 2011

Al-Jazeera — Israel clamps down on fly-in protest — 9 July 2011

Jerusalem Post — Yishai commends ‘Flightilla’ security forces at B-G airport — 9 July 2011

Arutz Sheva — Six Expelled at Airport; 200 Stopped Abroad — 8 July 2011

New York Times — Israel Blocks Air Travelers to Palestinian Conference — 8 July 2011

Arutz Sheva — Pro-PA ‘Fly-In’ Stymied in Europe — 7 July 2011

Alternative Information Center — Israel Reacts Hysterically to Welcome to Palestine Initiative — 6 July 2011

Bienvenue en Palestine — Press Release, March 9, 2011 — 9 March 2011


by Adom M. Cooper
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

SUEZ, Egypt–After a court upheld the release on bail of policemen accused of killing 17 people during an uprising, hundreds of family members of the victims displayed their own disapproval with the outcome. They attacked police cars and flung stones at the court building.

Protesters in Suez throwing stones at the court building and attacking police cars. (Photo Courtesy of BBC)
Protesters in Suez throwing stones at the court building and attacking police cars. (Photo Courtesy of BBC)

On July 4, 2011, the same sort of displeasure was festering in Cairo when the seven officers were originally granted bail. The snowball effect has been in full swing in Egypt as anger has been mounting about the slow pace of the trials for officials and security forces of former President Hosni Mubarak.

These seven officers are part of a group of 14 facing trial over the murder of 17 protesters and the wounding of 300 others. The other seven decided to flee and are currently being tried in absentia.

Activists have called for a demonstration this coming Friday, July 8, 2011, in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, hoping to muster more then a million protesters. Tahrir Square is the nerve center for the protests that forced former President Hosni Mubarak to resign on February 11th of this year.

Since that time, only one single policeman has been convicted in more than a dozen court cases over the death of approximately 850 people in the government-wide crackdown on protesters.

The case of these police officers is just a microcosm of the increased tensions in Egypt. The management of legal proceedings against security forces who used deadly force in the uprising, killing approximately 846 civilians and wounding thousands, has only further angered the protesters desiring change.

Egypt’s opposition movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, has decided to support Friday’s planned protest. Ayman Mohyeldin, an Al-Jazeera correspondent, shared these sentiments while reporting from Egypt on the developing situation:

“Military police are here on the scene, they are trying to control the situation, but so far they have been unsuccessful in pushing the crowd back. They have been able to secure the entrance to the building in order to secure the people from going in, but the situation outside remains very tense. This situation highlights the frustration Egyptians have toward the process of justice that is unfolding.”

At the other end of the spectrum, approximately 10,000 civilians face military trials for their participation in the protests. These trials have further spit fuel onto the fire of pro-democracy activists calling for the end of the oppressive methods of Mubarak’s regime.

For more information, please see:

NYT-Acquittals of Ex-officials Feed Anger Across Egypt-05 July 2011

Al-Jazeera-Riots outside Suez security building-06 July 2011

BBC-Egyptians riot in Suez over police trials-06 July 2011

Wall Street Journal-Rage at Police Fuels Egypt Rioting-30 June 2011

Syrian government tries to curb unrest in symbolic city

By Tyler Yates
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

HAMA, Syria — After anti-government protests last Friday, Syrian troops began a now continuing barrage of raids and arrests, aimed at quelling the country’s unrest in many of its more notorious trouble spots.

Thousands protest in Hama (Photo courtesy of The Guardian).
Thousands protest in Hama (Photo courtesy of The Guardian).

Hama, a city of around 800,000 people, still quaking with scars from a previous governmental onslaught of nearly a generation ago, is one of those trouble spots. The city, located in a corridor between Damascus and Aleppo, has become a symbolic center for what has become a four-month uprising against the ruling Assad family.

Recently, the city’s protests have been gaining momentum.  This was clearly evidenced on Friday, by a demonstration of tens of thousands; gathering in Hama’s appropriately renamed Freedom Square.

Hama is considered by some to be liberated, but this did not stop the Syrian security forces from raiding the city’s outskirts and making numerous arrests on Monday.

One resident saw “at least 30 buses carrying soldiers and security police.”  The soldiers were “firing randomly in residential neighborhoods.” The random shooting has injured at least 21 people, and killed around 7.

The city’s inhabitants are not taking the military’s actions sitting down.  Activists threw rocks, while others attempted to build barricades out of whatever they could find – burning tires, stones, and trash bins.  There are accounts of self-defense committees being created to patrol some of the neighborhoods.  Their purpose appears to be both to maintain order and to protect from governmental crackdowns.

The Syrian forces retreated almost as quickly as they appeared, but the people of Hama don’t think they are gone for good.  “People are waiting.  They can’t control Hama unless they wipe out the people here,” said a 24-year-old student who identified himself only as Abdel-Rahman.

Prior to Monday’s events the government had cited Hama as an example of the leadership’s good will, allowing dissent as long as it didn’t cause too much harm.  This recent uprising has shown that Hama is in reality a vexing problem for the government.

The city’s name echoes with memories of the government’s historic brutality.  In 1982, the Syrian military stormed the city to suppress an armed Islamic opposition group, killing at least 10,000 people.  For this reason, the government has gone out of its way to avoid stirring too much trouble in the city.  In June, after around 73 people were killed during a protest in Hama, the government ordered a military withdrawal and fired a group of security officials.

Despite this reluctance for the government to fight the conflict in the very city that symbolizes the opposition’s struggle, it appears it was inevitable.  The opposition has deep roots in Hama, and the uprisings momentum shows no sign of letting up.

For more information, please see:

Al Jazeera — Several ‘shot dead’ in Hama crackdown — 5 July 2011

Al Jazeera — ‘Shooting and arrests’ in Syrian city — 4 July 2011

BBC News — Syria unrest: ‘Arrests in Hama as tanks move on Idlib’ — 4 July 2011

New York Times — Fears Rise With Arrests in Restive Syrian City — 4 July 2011

Saudi Arabia Cracks Down on Women Drivers

by Zach Waksman
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia – Tuesday, Saudi Arabia’s religious police arrested and detained five women for driving, which is prohibited by religious edict (fatwa) in the Islamic kingdom.  The events took place in Jeddah, a port city along the Red Sea. These arrests are among the first to be made since the Women2Drive campaign that encourages defiance of the fatwa began on June 17, when 42 women took to the streets.

Women exit a car in Riyadh on June 17, the first day of definance that led to Tuesdays arrests
Women exit a car in Riyadh on June 17. That day marked the beginning of women driving in defiance of a fatwa banning such behavior. (Photo Courtesy of Getty Images)

Four of the arrested parties were young women, ages 21 and 22, using a single car.  They were found in the Dorat al Arous neighborhood of Jeddah, where they were arrested by local religious police.  They were taken to a police station, where they signed a pledge never to get behind the wheel again.  They were then released.  The actions taken are similar to what happened to Manal Al-Sharif, who was arrested on May 17 and also forced to sign a promise not to drive again.

The fifth was driving were her brother in the Sulaimania district.  Local residents reported the incident to the police, noting that she was also not wearing a veil.  According to the Saudi news website, “The two were surrounded by four police patrols who asked for their identities then took them to a police station, where they were interrogated.”  As of June 29, they were in custody of police in Jamia, where an investigation was underway.

Saudi Arabia has a male guardianship system, meaning that women must obtain permission to go to work, get an education, marry, leave the country, or have a medical operation. According to the fatwa, women must be driven by a male chauffeur or relative.  Hiring a full-time chauffeur is expensive, costing approximately $600 per month plus expenses for their coming to and remaining in the conservative kingdom.

Eman al-Nafjan, a Saudi women’s rights activist who is a member of Saudi Women for Driving, called referred to the arrests as “…the first big pushback from authorities, it seems.  We aren’t sure what it means at this point and whither this is the start of a harder line by the government against the campaign.”

To some women, however, the pushback started before the activism even began.  Many who supported the Women2Drive initiative said their husbands or male relatives prevented them from taking part.  One housewife referred to as Mana (name changed) said she could not risk driving because her family did not support her.  “I could not take my husband’s car because he expressed real fears and apprehension,” she explained.  “He assumed I might get arrested or get into trouble like Manal Al-Sharif, so I could not pursue the idea.”  Part of this, she believed, was the general belief among women that they must be submissive to their husbands, which interfered with any effort to protest.  Another supporter who did not participate in the June 17 protest, Hawazen Nassief, a self-described “outspoken Saudi female activist,” felt there was too little to gain from driving.

The situation has drawn attention abroad.  Saudi Women for Driving says its campaign draws inspiration by the recent uprisings in other Arab countries and has requested backing from the West.  On Wednesday, United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton praised the group’s efforts, calling their actions brave.  “They’re right to raise their concerns with their own government,” she said.  Despite this, she said the U.S. would not take part.

Within the country, the discussion continues on whether, and if so, how to begin the process of allowing women drivers onto the roads.  Much of the concern stems from safety issues, be it the safety of the women or the roads themselves.  “The roads are a mess and there is construction work and uneven ground.  With the atrocious traffic management system, you want women out there too?  I did not allow my wife or daughter to drive,” said Salman Abadi, a Jeddah-based sales manager.

When asked the same question, marketing assistant Saad Hamri said, “Not yet.”  In his opinion, too many variables existed, including whether women knew how to drive.  Nassief believed that the issued should be handled gradually by working with the government.  She noted that King Abdullah said that his government would not oppose women driving if society was ready to accept it.  Therefore, she believed that the government should start acting to help prepare the country for women drivers with a series of programs designed to introduce them to the road.

In the meantime, al-Nafjan remained confident in the movement’s success despite the recent crackdown.  “This will not scare us,” she said.

For more information, please see: — Jeddah woman detained for violating driving ban — 29 June 2011

Arab Times — Saudi arrests five women for driving : reports Police tipped-off by residents — 29 June 2011

CNN — Saudi women arrested for driving — 29 June 2011

New York Times — Saudi religious police detained 5 women for driving, group reports — 29 June 2011 — ‘Man’ipulation continues to stall Women2Drive campaign — 28 June 2011

Asharq Alawsat — No to women driving! — 28 June 2011 — Let govt prepare society to accept driving by women — 27 June 2011

Impunity Watch — Saudi women protest driving ban by hitting the road — 19 June 2011

New York Times — In a scattered protest, Saudi women take the wheel — 17 June 2011


By Adom M. Cooper
Impunity Watch, Middle East Reporter

BEIRUT, Lebanon–With the UN serving as the backbone, four members of the Lebanese Muslim movement known as Hezbollah have been indicted for the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

A banner of the late Rafik Hariri. (Photo Courtesy of BBC)
A banner of the late Rafik Hariri. (Photo Courtesy of BBC)

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) gave the indictments to state prosecutor Saeed Mirza. The indictments are meant to remain sealed for 30 days to allowed Mirza to examine them. But it is believed by multiple directions, international and local outlets citing judicial sources, that the arrest warrants named four men: Mustafa Badreddine, Salim al-Ayyash, Hassan Issa, and Asad Sabra.

Rafik Hariri and 22 others were killed in February 2005 in central Beirut when a huge bomb went of as his motorcade moved through the streets. The STL was established in the Hague in 2009 by the UN to try those individuals alleged to have carried out the bomb responsible for the deaths that occurred.

Badreddine is Hezbollah’s chief operations officer, according to multiple sources. He replaced his former cousin and brother-in-law Imad Mugniyeh in the position after Mugniyeh was assassinated in Syria in 2008. The indictment alleges that Badreddine hatched and supervised the plan to kill Hariri, while al-Ayyash led the cell that actually carried out the bombing.

Saad Hariri, Rafik’s son and former Prime Minister, shared these sentiments after receiving news of the indictments.

“The days of the murderers are gone. My heart is full of joy. The martyrs may now rest in peace. I vow ahead of you to keep this country in peace under the ceiling of security.”

Hezbollah officials declined to comment on the situation. But the group has consistently denied any involvement in the assassination. The group claims that the STL is a plot involving the United States, Israel, and France. Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, has threatened to cut the hand of anyone who tries to arrest the group’s members.

Currently, Hezbollah has three members in parliament. The group forced the eventual collapse of Hariri’s administration in January after he refused to stop working with the STL. Hezbollah and its allies resigned from Hariri’s administration just days before the head prosecutor for the tribunal filed his petition for the indictments to a pre-trial judge.

The United States State Department has already come forward and supported the indictments and four arrest warrants. Spokesman Mark Toner expressed these words in urging the government of Nijab Mikati to act:

“An important step toward justice and ending impunity for political assassinations in Lebanon. The sealed indictments have been handed over. We’re now going to look to see what the Lebanese government does next. We’re looking for it take action.”

There have long been fears inside Lebanon that indictments of Hezbollah members over the assassination of the prominent Sunni Muslim leader, who served as prime minister for several terms between 1992 and 2004, could intensify conflicts between sectarian factions within the country. The two sides have been struggling with the legacy of the 1975-1990 civil war.

For more information, please see:

Al-Jazeera-Indictments issues in Hariri probe-30 June 2011

BBC-Hariri murder: UN tribunal issues arrest warrants-30 June 2011

CNN-Four Hezbollah members indicted in Hariri death, says source-30 June 2011

Reuters-U.S. urges Lebanon to act on Hariri indictments-30 June 2011