The Middle East

Two U.S. Tourists Kidnapped Yemen

By Ahmad Shihadah
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

SA’NA, Yemen – Two American tourists have been kidnapped by armed tribesmen near Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, officials say.

Their Yemeni driver, who was also seized, later reportedly made a call to the AFP news agency, saying the attackers were demanding the release of a jailed fellow tribesman.

The US said the kidnapping of the US nationals – a man and a woman – was “not believed to be terrorism related”. Yemen’s tribes frequently kidnap people to gain leverage in rows with Sa’na.

The Americans were seized by armed men in the Bani Mansour district 70km (45 miles) west of the capital, their driver told AFP. The driver, who identified himself as Ali al-Arashi, said the kidnappers were “calling for the release of a fellow tribesman held by authorities in Sa’na.”

This is the latest kidnapping before this took place last week when two Chinese workers were taken in the Shawba governorate in the South of Yemen, then released two days later.

There has been unfortunately a bit of a side business in what are called ‘tourist kidnappings’ where, for whatever reason, a certain tribe has a particular grievance with the Yemeni government and uses the presence of foreigners for leverage,” he said.

More than 200 foreigners have been kidnapped in recent years; most are released unharmed. Two Chinese oil workers were freed this month after being kidnapped in the south-east of the country. In another region, however, a German married couple, their infant son and a British man are still missing after being kidnapped almost a year ago.

Last week the family’s two young daughters were located in a disputed border region by the Saudi Arabian armed forces.

For more information, please see:

BBC – Two American Tourists Kidnapped By Tribesman In Yemen – 24 May 2010

The New York Times – Two Americans Kidnapped In Yemen – 24 May 2010

AP – Gunmen Kidnap 2 American Tourists In Yemen – 24 May 2010

Mothers of U.S. Hikers Held in Tehran Plea for Release During Visit

By Polly Johnson
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

U.S. hikers held in Tehran visiting with their mothers for the first time in ten months. [Source: Al Jazeera]
TEHRAN, Iran — Following an emotional reunion in Tehran last week, the mothers of three hikers captured last July while hiking in northern Iraq’s Kurdistan region have returned home, after failing to win the hikers’ release.

The American trio, Shane Bauer, twenty seven, Sarah Shourd, thirty one, and Joshua Fattal, twenty seven, have been held at Tehran’s Evin prison for the past ten months after they unintentionally crossed over the Iran border during a hiking trip. They have not yet been publicly charged, but Iran has accused them of espionage.

The reunion was a carefully orchestrated event that took place at the Esteghlal Hotel in Tehran. Reporters at the news conference were instructed not to ask any questions. The hikers told of their time in prison, noting that they were well fed and well taken care of. Ms. Shourd expressed her loneliness, as she spends twenty three hours per day alone, while the other two prisoners share a room.

The mothers called for their children’s release as a “humanitarian gesture.” Added Cindy Hickey, Mr. Bauer’s mother, “It would be a good gesture for the world to see Iran doing.”

The mothers were permitted to visit with their children for ten hours over two days before leaving on Friday. The visit came after months of pressing Iranian authorities for visas. They have unsuccessfully attempted to initiate talks with Iranian officials, including President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called on Tehran to free the hikers, but Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said last December that the trio would stand trial.
The hikers’ imprisonment has exacerbated tensions between the United States and Iran. While Iran has hinted of releasing the prisoners in exchange for the release of Iranian prisoners, the U.S. State Department has rejected any such notion of a prisoner exchange.

The fate of the hikers remains to be seen. “We don’t understand why we’ve been kept here,” Ms. Shourd said. “We thought we’d be kept here for a matter of days, and it’s been nine and a half months. In my wildest dreams I never thought I would still be in prison.”

For more information, please see:

Lebanon: Twelve Charged in Lynching Death of Egyptian Murder Suspect

By Elizabeth A. Conger
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

Photo: Villagers watching and filming the lynching of Mohammed Msalla. [Source: BBC]
Villagers watching and filming the lynching of Mohammed Muslem. [Source: AP]

KETERMEYA, Lebanon – Twelve men have been charged with murder after last month’s lynching of Mohammed Muslem, an Egyptian national living in the south-eastern Lebanese village of Ketermaya. Muslem was suspected in the quadruple-murder of an elderly couple and their two young granddaughters last month. The victims were the mother and father of local school teacher Rana Abu Merhi, as well as her two young daughters aged nine and seven.

Muslem, a village butcher, was a neighbor of the slain family. He had a prior criminal record and was a suspect in the rape of a thirteen year old girl in Ketermaya earlier this year.

He was arrested hours after the murder and confessed to the crime after spending the night in custody. The next morning, as a thousands of villagers gathered for the funeral of the slain family members, a police car carrying Muslem and six policemen passed the procession. The villagers overwhelmed the police car, dragged Muslem out of the car, and beat him.

The police were able to get Muslem back into the car and managed to take him to the local hospital. However, the the mob followed and dragged him back into the streets. Villagers say that the policemen disappeared after Muslem was dropped off at the hospital.

Muslem was stripped to his underwear and socks, paraded through the streets, and hoisted onto an electrical pole with a butcher’s hook.

The mob was eventually dispersed by Lebanese troops, who took away Muslem’s body when they arrived. The incident was filmed and footage of the lynching went online almost immediately, to the horror of many Lebanese citizens. 

Muslems lynching caused outrage in Egypt, where he was buried in early May. [Source: AFP]
Muslem’s funeral in Egypt. His lynching resulted in outrage among Egyptians. [Source: AFP]


The lynching has called into question the efficacy of law and order in Lebanon, a country with a reputation as one of the most progressive and liberal countries in the Arab world. In particular, the decision of the police officers involved to take Muslem to the murder site during the funeral procession, and to leave him unguarded at the hospital, have been criticized. Questions also remain as to how the crowd was informed of Muslem’s confession.

One young resident of Ketermaya told the BBC that he thought the policemen brought Muslem back because they wanted justice as well. Outside of a Ketermaya shop hung with graphic photos of the murdered children a signed is displayed reading: “We would like to thank the authorities for allowing justice to take place.”

Omar Nashabe, law editor of the Lebanese newspaper al-Akhbar and criminal justice expert, said:

“The police seem to have acted like a judge. Violation of the presumption of innocence is a continuous problem in Lebanon, but this is just one side of the Ketermaya incident.” Nashabe added: “They killed an innocent man, a man who was not proven guilty by a court of law, who never had an opportunity to defend himself.”

Justice Minister Ibrahim Najarr responded to criticism of the Lebanese government which emerged in response to the incident, saying “Justice in Lebanon exists. We have judges, we have tribunals, we have credibility.” Najarr also referred to the arrest of those who allegedly participated in the lynching as evidence of law and order in Lebanon.

He told BBC reporter Natalia Antelava that, “After such a savage crime people were angry. This could have happened in any country.”

Antelava asked Najarr: “When was the last time you heard of police delivering a murder suspect to an angry mob?”

Antelava reported that Najarr did not have a reply to the question.

Two policemen involved in the incident have received a ten-day suspension.

For more information, please see:

ABC News – Lebanon charges 12 over butcher’s hook lynching – 20 May 2010

BBC – Village mob lynching raises questions for Lebanon – 20 May 2010

UPI – Legal Expert: Lebanon lacks law and order – 20 May 2010

Al Jazeera – Lebanon Makes Arrests Over Lynching – 8 May 2010

Six Somali Pirates Sentenced To Death In Yemen

By Ahmad Shihadah
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

SA’NA, Yemen – Six Somali pirates, captured by Yemeni forces in April last year, were sentenced to death by a Yemen court on Tuesday. Six others were sentenced to 10 years imprisonment and together must pay $2 million compensation for hijacking an oil tanker.

Part of Tuesday’s ruling by a criminal court requires the convicted pirates to pay the company that owns the hijacked vessel, Masafi Aden, a sum of 2 million Yemen riyals ($9,200).

The Defense Ministry’s online newspaper said the court would require Masafi Aden to pay a certain portion of the reparations to the Yemeni victims’ families.

On April 26, 2009, they hijacked the Yemeni ship Qana, owned by Adan Refinery Company, near the coast of Yemen. Yemeni forces recaptured the ship and took 12 pirates prisoner, but two crew members were killed in the struggle.

Piracy is a major problem off the coast of Somalia, where gangs of pirates have hijacked dozens of ships in the past few years.

International naval patrols have largely not been able to stop the attacks.

Furthermore, many captured pirates have been released because no country would prosecute them.  Kenya has conducted some pirate trials but recently said its justice system is overburdened.

For more information, please see:

The Epoch Times – Six Somali Pirates Sentenced To Death In Yemen – 19 May 2010

VOA News – Yemen Court Sentences Somali Pirates To Death – 18 May 2010

Reuters – Yemen Court Sentences Six Somali Pirates To Death – 18 May 2010

Yemeni Soldiers Killed In Convoy Ambush

By Ahmad Shihadah
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

SA’NA, Yemen – Armed separatists ambushed a military convoy on a road in southern Yemen on Saturday, killing two soldier and wounding four, a security official told Reuters.

“Two security escorts were killed and another four were seriously wounded when they returned fire against the armed attackers,” an official of the Interior Ministry told the Xinhua News agency on condition of anonymity.

According to the official, the accident took place Saturday afternoon in al-Habilain town in the province of Lahj, as the official convoy was traveling from the southern port city Aden to Sanaa.

“The Deputy Prime Minister al-Alami survived unharmed and his convoy managed to continue its way to Sanaa,” said the official, adding “the four injured soldiers were rushed to a hospital in Sanaa.”

“Security forces are chasing the saboteurs,” the security official said. A defense ministry website denied reports that Rashad al-Alimi, deputy prime minister for security affairs, was traveling in the convoy.

Several soldiers, separatist gunmen and bystanders have been killed in the recent months’ escalating tension in the south.

The government, struggling to stabilize a fractious country in which central authority is often weak, faces international pressure to quell domestic conflicts in order to focus on fighting a resurgent al Qaeda.

For More Information, Please see:

Reuters – Militants Kill Yemen Soldier In Convoy Ambush – 15 May 2010

Xinhua – Yemeni Deputy Survives, 2 Escorts Killed In South – 16 May 2010

Al-Jazeera – ‘Deadly Attack’ On Yemeni Convoy – 16 May 2010