The Middle East

Israel Seizes Ship Carrying Weapons

By Brandon Kaufman
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

ASHDOD, Israel– More than 3,000 rockets were apparently being smuggled aboard the ship Francop, which was captured in the Mediterranean Sea by Israel Navy missile boats and naval commandos late this past Tuesday, November 3, in an operation dubbed Operation Four Species.

The navy, which tracks suspicious activity at sea along known smuggling routes in the Mediterranean and Red Seas, located the Francop vessel shortly after it left Damietta, Egypt on Tuesday on its way to Limassol, Cyprus, and then to Syria. As evening approached, an Israeli navy missile boat made contact with the Francop and asked to conduct a routine inspection of its cargo. Israeli naval commandos boarded the ship around midnight on Tuesday and were met with no resistance from the ship’s crew of eleven.

The naval personnel checked the ship’s manifest, which showed that the cargo was going to the Syrian port of Latakia, and began opening the containers. Upon inspection, they found sacks of polyethylene near the opening and along the walls of the containers, but behind the sacks, they discovered numerous crates of ammunition and artillery shells. Immediately, the naval personnel ordered the crew to sail to Ashdod, Israel.

The cargo included thousands of medium-range rockets, armor-piercing artillery, hand grenades and ammunition for rifles.  The navy estimated that the haul included more than 3,000 rockets and a total of 300 tons of weaponry.

In response to the seizure, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated “This was a ship carrying a massive amount of weapons that Iran tried to ship to Syria, and from there to Hezbollah.  He further added that “The bulk of the shipment included rockets intended to hurt Israelis and kill as many civilians as possible. This constitutes a war crime. The UN General Assembly should have investigated and condemned this crime and the UN Security Council should have convened a special session to debate this incident.”

For more information, please see:

Amsterdam News- Israeli Prime Minister Says Arms Shipment a War Crime– 7 November 2009

Ha’aretz- Israel Seizes Ship in Mediterranean Carrying More than 3,000 Rockets– 6 November 2009

The Washington Post- Israel Says Seized Ship Contained Iranian Arms– 5 November 2009

Clashes Between Police And Protesters Mark Iranian Anniversary

By Bobby Rajabi
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East


TEHRAN, Iran – On November 4 violence broke out between Iranian police and protesters still angry about the June presidential election. The protests took over a day that was to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the taking of the United States embassy by Iranian students. Iranian police beat the protesters with batons. This action represented to the first show of force by the election protesters in Iran in two months.

In addition to beatings from police, protesters suffered tear gas attacks. Mir Hossein Mousavi, the challenger in June’s controversial election, mentioned on his website that a protest on Wednesday was likely. Several hundred protesters entered Haft-e-Ti square in Tehran in order to protest the re-election of Mahmoud Ahmedinejad.

At the same time as the anti-Ahmedinejad protest, there were anti-United States protests taking place as well. Commemorating the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in 1979, demonstrators chanted “Death to America,” “Death to England” and “Death to Israel” outside the former embassy. This was in contrast to the anti-government protesters who chanted “Death to the dictator.” Many anti-government protesters wore green wristbands or scarves that have come to symbolize the campaign against Ahmedinjead by Mousavi.

In addition to the chants against Ahmedinejad, there were anti-Russian slogans used by protesters as well. Baqer Moon, an Iranian journalist and author, commented that there was a perception growing in Iran that what happened with the election and President Ahmedinejad was somehow helped by China and Russia. He explained that chants against Russia are used at rallies at which government officials are encouraging and taking part in anti-US chants.

Among those attacked at the protests was an opposition leader named Mahdi Karroubi. Karroubi fell to the ground because of the tear gas shot into the crowds. His supporters carried him to a vehicle, which was attacked by government supporters as it drove away. According to his son, Karroubi did not require medical attention.

The taking of the U.S. embassy on November 4, 1979 was an action by Iranian students taken in response to the U.S.’s refusal to handover Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah overthrown by the Islamic Revolution. Fifty two American hostages were held for four hundred forty four days before being released in 1981.

For more information, please see:

Al Jazeera – Unrest As Iran Marks Embassy Siege –  4 November 2009

Associated Press – Iran Police, Protesters Clash At US Embassy Rally – 4 November 2009

BBC – Iran Police Clash With Protesters – 4 November 2009

New York Times – Dissidents Mass In Tehran To Subvert An Anti-U.S. Rally – 4 November 2009


Palestinians Could Abandon Two-State Solution if Settlements Continue

By Meredith Lee-Clark

Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East


RAMALLAH, West Bank – Saeb Erekat, chief Palestinian negotiator, has said that Israel’s continued expansion of settlements in the West Bank could force the Palestinians to reject any proposed two-state solution in future peace negotiations.


Erekat’s statement came during a press conference on November 4, in response to allegations that the United States was becoming lax in insisting that Israel halt all settlement construction or expansion, as required by international treaties.


Erekat added that U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was simply encouraging more settlements when she praised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s offer to temporarily limit settlement construction in the West Bank. Netanyahu’s plan would stop development of new settlements, though would not place any restrictions on any of the three thousand buildings already under construction in Israeli settlements. There was considerable international outcry in response to Clinton’s remarks on October 31, as Palestinians have stated that a complete freeze on settlement construction would be a precondition to any peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians. On November 4, Clinton reiterated the U.S. support for a complete settlement freeze after she met with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.


Even as political leaders continue to debate conditions for peace negotiations, confrontations between Palestinians and Jewish settlers continued in East Jerusalem. Several Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem have been issued evacuation orders, presumably to make room for incoming Jewish settlers. The Salah family, whose home is under one of the evacuation orders, has lived in the Beit Safafa neighborhood of East Jerusalem for several generations, and has remained in their home. The Salah family was attacked on October 30, reportedly by twelve settlers who were armed with weapons. Five members of the family were injured. The Jerusalem Center for Social and Economic Rights has subsequently accused the Israeli police of not adequately responding to the assault.


Erekat said that the alternative for the Palestinians was to re-focus on the one-state solution, “where Muslims, Christians and Jews can live as equals…It is very serious. This is the moment of truth for us.”


For more information, please see:


Al Jazeera – Settlements “End Two-State Hopes” – 5 November 2009


Ma’an News Agency – Erekat: Two-State Solution May Have to Be Abandoned – 5 November 2009


Ha’aretz – Clinton: Settlements Are Illegitimate, Should Be Halted Forever – 4 November 2009


New York Times – Clinton Backs Peace Talks Before Israeli Settlement Freeze – 4 November 2009


Palestinian News Network – Jerusalem Center for Social and Economic Rights Condemns Attack on Beit Safafa Family – 31 October 2009

Iraqi Security Forces Held Over Baghdad Bombing

By Bobby Rajabi
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

BAGHDAD, Iraq – On October 29 Iraq arrested over sixty security officials for their connection to a twin suicide bombing in central Baghdad. Among those arrested were Iraqi soldiers and members of the police force.

An Iraqi military spokesperson confirmed that eleven army officers along with fifty security officials were arrested for involvement. Among those individuals were thirteen senior officials. The bombing killed one hundred fifty five people and injured over five hundred. The attack was the worst in Iraq in over two years.

The men arrested will be investigated to see if they had any involvement in the attacks themselves or if they failed to do their jobs. Iraq frequently arrests security personnel after an attack of this magnitude, but the current situation marks the first time where it has been referred to as the official policy of the Iraqi government.

The bombings that struck two government buildings have lead to a wave of public anger aimed at Iraqi security officials. The BBC’s Gabriel Gatehouse explains that the investigation gives credence to the individuals who believe that security forces are susceptible to infiltration by insurgents or are simply unable to handle the job of protecting Iraq.

The arrests come at a time in Iraq where there are questions whether the government has the ability to protect its citizens. Increasing the concerns is January’s election and the coming removal of United States troops in 2011. The Iraqi government has blamed the attacks on al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein’s Baath party.

Iraq’s foreign minister, Hoshiyar Zebari, called for a United Nations investigation into the bombings. He urged the UN to investigate the bombings for external inference and accused Syria of providing a safe haven for the bombers. Syrian leaders in Damascus have denied this. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said that he will be sending an envoy to Iraq to consult on the countries “security and sovereignty.”

Mr. Zebari also asserted that the security aims of the country must be met for the planned US withdrawal to proceed. He explained that “the Americans cannot just wash their hands to say ‘we are no longer engaged or interested because we have our own timetable’.”

For more information, please see:

AFP – Dozens of Security Force Members Held Over Baghdad Bombs – 29 October 2009

Al Jazeera – Officers Held Over Baghdad Blasts – 29 October 2009

AP – Iraq Arrests Security Officials Over Baghdad Blast – 29 October 2009

BBC – Police Arrested Over Iraq Bombing – 29 October 2009

Reuters – Iraq Arrests Senior Officers, Vows More Over Blasts – 29 October 2009

Iranian Vessel Seized by Yemen

By Ahmad Shihadah

Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

SA’NA, Yemen – The Yemeni coast guard seized a boat they say illegally entered the country’s territorial waters, near the island of Midi under the suspicion that it was smuggling arms to Shiite rebels battling government troops in the Northern Yemen province of Sa’na.

The ship’s cargo, consisting mostly of anti tank shells, was seized and her crew of five Iranians were detained under a suspicion that they were “instructors” planning the delivery of weapons and the evacuation of wounded Iranians.

Al-Alam TV, an Iranian state broadcaster, reported the incident as a mere “fabrication of the media.”  While, no comment has been issued by the Yemeni central government they have long accused Iran of supporting Shiite rebels.  Last week, Yemeni President, Ali Abdullah Saleh issued a statement alleging that Iranian dignitaries were the source of funding for previously captured rebel troops.

On Tuesday, a court in Sa’na sentenced four al-Houthi rebels to death.  This is the third trial stemming from a series of rebel clashes with government forces – twelve others have been sentenced to death in earlier trials relating to the fighting.

Clashes between al-Huthi rebels and government forces have continued sporadically for the past five-years.  The Rebels accuse authorities of neglecting their needs and of allying with hard-line Sunni fundamentalists. The fighting has intensified since August, killing hundreds in the region and displacing thousands more.  A humanitarian crisis continues to loom due to the inability of aid workers accessing the region.

For more information please see:

BBC – Yemenis Intercept ‘Iranian Ship’ – October 27 2009

Associated Press – Yemen Seizes Boat off Coast, Arrests 5 Iranians – October 27 2009

Reuters – Yemen Seizes Weapons Vessel with Iranian Crew – October 26 2009