The Middle East

Iran Sentences American Journalist to Prison

By Brittani Howell

Impunity Watch Reporter, The Middle East


TEHRAN, Iran – Last Sunday, an Iranian Court announced the sentence of an American Washington Post journalist, Jason Rezaian. Rezaian was sentenced to a prison term, but the details of the verdict were not released.  Rezaian is of Iranian ancestry with dual citizenship.

Jason Rezaian at the Washington Post on November 6, 2013. (Photo Courtesy of the Washington Post)

Judiciary Spokesman, Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei, at a weekly news conference in the capital, stated, “Serving a jail term is in Jason Rezaian’s sentence but I cannot give the details.” Ejei also added, “The verdict has been issued but has not been officially handed down to the accused or his lawyer,” he continued, “given the fact that the verdict has not been officially handed down, I cannot reveal the details but what I can say is that the accused has been sentenced to prison.”

As of last Sunday, neither Rezaian nor his attorney were informed on the duration of the prison sentence.

Rezaian and his wife were originally detained in July 2014. Rezaian faced four charges, one of which was espionage. According to the Washington Post, Rezaian may also be facing charges such as “collaborating with a hostile government” and “propaganda against the establishment”.

Doulas Jehl, The Washington Post’s foreign editor, stated last Sunday, “Even after keeping Jason in prison 487 days so far, Iran has produced no evidence of wrongdoing.” Jehl continued, “His trial and sentence are a sham, and he should be released immediately.”

The United States State Department has called for the release of Rezaian. A spokesperson for the State Department told CNN that, “We’ve seen the reports of a sentence in the case of U.S. citizen Jason Rezaian in Iran, but cannot confirm the details ourselves at this time. If true, we call on the Iranian authorities to vacate this sentence and immediately free Jason so that he can be reunited with his family.”

Concerns have grown in the United States on whether Iran can be trusted to fulfill its nuclear commitments, in light of the treatment of Mr. Rezaian. The United States had hoped that the nuclear program agreement would lead to an increased cooperation with Iran.

In addition to Rezaian, at least two other Americans are currently being held in Iran. Saeed Abedini, a pastor, is serving an eight-year sentence after being detained in 2012 for charges of “harming national security” by holding Bible classes in private homes. Amir Mirzaei Hekmati, a former marine, had been detained in 2011 and sentenced to ten years in prison in 2014, for “aiding a hostile government”.


For more information, please see:

The New York Times – Iran Sentences an American Journalist

– 23 November 2015

The Washington Post – Iran’s cruel and Arbitrary Treatment of The Post’s Jason Rezaian – 23 November 2015

CNN – Iran Sentences Journalist Jason Rezaian to Prison – 22 November 2015

Reuters – Iran Says Washington Post Reporter Rezaian Sentenced to Prison – 22 November 2015

Suicide Bombers Kill Dozens in Beirut

By Brittani Howell

Impunity Watch Reporter, The Middle East 


BEIRUT, Lebanon – At least 43 people were killed on Thursday when two suicide bombers attacked Lebanon’s capital. More than 200 people were wounded in the attacks. The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack, however Lebanon’s government has made no conformation.

Site of the two suicide bombing attacks in Beirut. (Photo Courtesy of the New York Times)

Lebanese Interior Minister, Nohad Machnouk, announced on Sunday that seven Syrians and two Lebanese suspects had been arrested for allegedly planning the terrorist attacks. According to Machnouk, the attackers had originally planned to strike a hospital in Rasoul al-Azam. The plan changed because of tight security in the hospital.

The two blasts on Thursday, occurred almost simultaneously, striking a Hezbollah Shi’ite community center and a nearby bakery in Borj al-Barajneh. Borj al-Baranjneh is a residential and commercial area. Allegedly, a bike loaded with explosives was detonated and when people gathered around the explosion a suicide bomber blew himself up in the group of people.

“They targeted civilians, worshippers, women and the elderly. It only targeted those innocent people. This is a Satanic, terrorist act, carried about by apostates,” Bilal Farhat told Associated Press.

Abdullah Jawad stated, “The government can’t protect us.” He continued, “They can’t even pick up the trash from the streets.” Lebanon’s government has been in a stalemate and as a result have been unable to resolve electricity and water shortages or the collapse of garbage collection.

Those in Lebanon were shocked over the weekend to hear about the attacks in France, as they considered that country safer than Lebanon. But the feelings of solidarity were also mixed with anguish that only one of the two cities had received global sympathy.  A doctor in Lebanon wrote, “When my people died, no country bothered to light up its landmarks in the colors of their flag.”

The attacks in Paris may also lead European countries to close their doors to asylum seekers. One of the Paris attackers had posed as a refugee seeking asylum in order to get into Paris. A spokesman for the Syrian Canadian Council, Faisal Alazem, stated, “This is the sort of terrorism that Syrian refugees have been fleeing by the millions.”

For more information, please see:

Associated Press – Lebanon Detains 7 Syrian, 2 Lebanese Terror Suspects – 15 November 2015

The New York Times – Beirut, Also the Site of Deadly Attacks, Feels Forgotten – 15 November 2015

Reuters – Lebanon Arrests Five Syrians, One Palestinian Suspect in Beirut Bombings: Security Source – 14 November 2015

CNN – Beirut Suicide Bombings: Why Lebanon and What’s Next? – 13 November 2015

BBC News – Beirut Attacks: Suicide Bombers Kill Dozens in Shia Suburb – 12 November 2015

Mustard Gas Confirmed in Syria

By Brittani Howell

 Impunity Watch Reporter, The Middle East

Damascus, Syria 

On Friday, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) stated that mustard gas has been used by insurgents in Syria. The use of mustard gas is alleged to be the cause of death of an infant in August.

A projectile alleged to have contained mustard gas, lands in Aleppo, Syria in September. (Photo Courtesy of the Guardian)

“In this case, the team was able to confirm with the utmost confidence that at least two people were exposed to sulfur mustard, and that it is very likely that the effects of this chemical weapon resulted in the death of an infant,” stated the OPCW.

Mustard gas, or sulfur mustard, can cause severe damage, in the form of blisters, to the skin, eyes, respiratory system, and internal organs.  Sulfur mustard also can cause severe itching and wheezing.

On August 21, the town of Marea was hit by a mortar. According to Doctors Without Borders (MSF) a family of four had suffered difficulty breathing and developed blisters as a result of a mortar striking their home. The symptoms pointed to a mustard gas attack.

It is alleged that the Islamic State was responsible for the attack on Marea in August. Many fear that the Islamic State is using chemical weapons in Syria and in Iraq.

The OPCW also reported that toxic chemicals, including chlorine, were alleged to be used in an attack in the Idlib province in March. Human Rights Watch has alleged that Bashar al-Assad, Syria’s president, dropped barrels full of chlorine in a rebel area in March.

According to Assad, 1,300 tons of chemical weapons were destroyed per the agreement with the United States and Russia. The United States, however, suspects that the Syrian government has concealed some of the original stock of weapons.

A spokeswoman for the National Security Council of the United States, stated that the United States is, “continuing to investigate these allegations very closely and to be proactive about the threat from chemical weapons or similar threats.”

Over 250,000 people have been killed since the start of Syria’s civil war. Millions more have been forced to flee. There is growing concern that the use of chemical weapons will greatly escalate the conflict further.

For more information, please see:

BBC News – Syria Conflict: ‘Mustard Gas Used’ in Marea Attack – 6 November 2015

CNN – Mustard Gas Used in Syrian Town – 6 November 2015

The Guardian – UN Watchdog Confirms Mustard Gas Attack in Syria – 6 November 2015

The New York Times – Syria: Rebels Used Mustard Gas – 6 November 2015

The Washington Post – Weapons Inspectors Say Non-State Fighters in Syria Used Mustard Gas – 6 November 2015

Egyptian Journalist Detained by Military Intelligence

By Brittani Howell

Impunity Watch Reporter, The Middle East

On Sunday, an independent, investigative journalist was detained by Egyptian military intelligence. The journalist, Hossam Bahgat, is the founder of the human rights group, Egyptian Personal Rights.

Hassam Bahgat is an independent investigative journalist and founder of Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights. (Photo Courtesy of BBC News)

Bahgat was summoned to the Military Intelligence, headquartered in Cairo, where he was interrogated from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. when he was finally allowed to call his lawyer. Bahgat is to be detained overnight and the prosecutors are to decide on Monday whether they will send Bahgat to trial.

Bahgat has not been formally charged, but he may be facing charges of “publishing inaccurate and false information that harms national interest,” stated Bahgat to the Mada Masr news chief editor. His lawyer also stated that Bahgat could also face charges for insulting the military.

Bahgat’s most recent report investigated the convictions of 26 officers accused of planning a coup against the government. In the report, Bahgat explored whether there was dissent in the ranks and if there would be retribution against officers who may have crossed the secret police.

According to the human rights lawyer who attended the interrogation to support Bahgat, the article Bahgat wrote was the focus of the interrogation.

Bahgat also allegedly mocked the news media, in a review, regarding the media’s conspiracy angle, blaming terrorism for the Russian jet crash. He wrote, “ the West is conspiring against Egypt and punishing Russia because it is fighting in Syria, and Egypt is the one who is paying the price.”

The Director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Amnesty International stated, “The arrest of Hossam Bahgat today is yet another nail in the coffin for the freedom of expression in Egypt.” He continued, “The Egyptian military cannot continue to consider itself above the law and immune from criticism.”

When a military spokesman was questioned regarding the charges Bahgat is facing he stated, “You can ask him yourself when he gets out.” New York Times then asked if Bahgat would et out, to which the general replied, “I have no idea.”

For more information, please see:

Al-Jazeera – Egypt Military Arrests Journalist in ‘Blow for Freedom’ – 8 November 2015

BBC News – Independent Egypt Journalist Hossam Bahgat ‘Arrested’ – 8 November 2015

The New York Times – The Egyptian Military Files Charges Against Investigative Journalist – 8 November 2015

The Washington Post – Egyptian Journalist Faces Accusations by Military – 8 November 2015

Russia Alleged to Have Commit Warcrimes in Syria

By Brittani Howell

Impunity Watch Reporter, The Middle East


DAMASCUS, Syria –  According to Human Rights Watch, Russian airstrikes appear to be war crimes, as dozens of civilians have been killed. Since the beginning of Russia’s air campaign in September, more than 130 civilians, including 34 women and 36 children.

Men playing chess in front of a destroyed building in the Idlib province. (Photo courtesy of the Wall Street Journal)

The deadliest attack occurred on October 15, 2015 in the village of Ghantou when a home was struck by what was believed to be Russian airstrikes. The attack killed 46 members of the same family, including 32 children and 12 women.

Russia allegedly was targeting Abu al-Abbas, the commander of al-Sumud Brigade of the Homs Liberation Movement. The Homs Liberation Movement is tied to the Free Syrian Army. Abu al-Abbas was not killed in the attack as he had been on the front line at the time.

Local residents believed that the airstrikes were caused by the Russians because of the distinct sound of the plane and because the plane was flying much higher than was is accustomed of Syrian planes.

Human Rights Watch is calling for Russia to investigate the alleged war crime. The report issued by Human Rights Watch states, “indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks are serious violations of the laws of war the Russia has an obligation to investigate.” In response, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that the report was “another piece of disinformation” and nothing in the report confirmed that the Russian forces had been in the area at the time.

Russian airstrikes have also struck as many as nine hospitals in the month of October. Syrian Medical Society reported that early in October two hospitals in the southern Aleppo were forced to shut down as a result of Russian Airstrikes. This resulted in the depravation of medical access to thousands of people.

Russian airstrikes, in one incident, struck a hospital in the northwest province of Idlib which killed at least 12 people and injured 28 more. Rebels and activists in the area determine which country is responsible for the airstrikes based upon the sound the planes make and the height at which they fly. Syrian Medical Society has not released an official death toll over the month nor has it provided evidence in order to establish that the airstrikes were caused by the Russians.

For more information, please see:

CNN – Rights Group: Russian Airstrikes in Syria May Have Killed Dozens of Civilians – 25 October 2015

Human Rights Watch – Russia/Syria: Possibly Unlawful Russian Air Strikes – 25 October 2015

Al-Jazeera America – Scores Killed in Russian, Pro-Assad airstrikes in Northern Syrian Cities – 24 October 2015

The Wall Street Journal – Syrian Hospitals Hit by Russian Airstrikes, Says Medical Group – 23 October 2015