The Middle East

President Obama Addresses Iranian Nuclear Talks

By Darrin Simmons
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

TEHRAN, Iran-US President Barack Obama has informed Iranians that  they “deserve better” and that a comprehensive agreement on the nuclear issue will help move Iran “along the new path that so many Iranians seek.”

President Barack Obama addresses Iran (photo courtesy of The Daily Star)

In his address, Obama said, “A comprehensive agreement on the nuclear issue would help move Iran along the new path that so many Iranians seek.”

Obama remarked on Thursday in a message marking Nowruz, the Persian New Year, a day after the conclusion of the latest round of negotiations on Tehran’s nuclear program.

This is Obama’s first Nowruz address since talks began in earnest to reach a lasting settlement about Iran’s nuclear activities and the first since Hassan Rouhani was elected to the office of president.

Iran has denied developing the capability to produce atomic weapons. The US, the European Union and the United Nations have imposed sanctions on Iran because of its refusal to suspend enrichment and other sensitive atomic activities.

“But the economic hardship that so many Iranians have endured in recent years – because of the choices of Iranian leaders – has deprived your country and the world of the extraordinary skills and contributions you have to offer. And you deserve better.”

On Wednesday Catherine Ashton, the European Union foreign policy chief, and Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Iranian foreign minister, told reporters in Vienna that they had held “substantive” and “useful” talks.

The P5+1, a group comprised of Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the US, hope to honor the July deadline set in November for a long-term nuclear deal between the six powers and Iran.

Obama said: “If Iran meets its international obligations…It means more economic growth and jobs for Iranians…more opportunities for Iranian students…real diplomatic progress this year can help open up new possibilities and prosperity for the Iranian people for years to come.

That deadline was agreed as part of an interim deal, reached in November, under which Iran stopped some parts of its program in exchange for limited sanctions relief.

“That’s the message the Iranian people sent at the ballot box last year. I hope that the entire Iranian government hears that message too.”

A meeting between the P5+1 and Iran is set for April 7th in Vienna.

For more information, please see the following: 

Aljazeera-Obama: Iranians ‘deserve better’ from leaders-20 March 2014

Daily Star-Obama calls on Iran to seize opportunity of nuke talks-20 March 2014

White House-Statement by President Obama on Nowruz-20 March 2014

Zee News-Obama calls on Iran to seize opportunity of nuclear talks-20 March 2014


Egypt’s Mansour Will Expedite Trial of Detained Australian Journalist

By Thomas Murphy
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

CAIRO, Egypt – In a rare move, Egypt’s interim President Adly Mansour, has committed to expediting the trial of Australian journalist Peter Greste. The interim President made this known in a recent letter written to Greste’s family. Mansour is also the current Chief Justice presiding over the Supreme Constitutional Court, Egypt’s highest court.

Peter Greste and his colleagues are detained in a metal cage during their appearance before the trial court on March 5.

“I would like to assure you in my capacity as president of Egypt, that I will spare no effort to work towards the speedy resolution of the case, in a fashion consistent with the law and that guarantees the reunion of the family in the near future,” Mansour wrote in the letter, seen by The Associated Press on Tuesday.

The Al Jazeera Network has called the gesture an “encouraging sign.” Additionally, a spokesperson for the organization stated that it demonstrates the actions of their journalists in Egypt were legal and that there is no case against them.

Greste, was arrested with two Al Jazeera producers, Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed, on December 29. They have now been detained for 81 days. The three are charged with joining a terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, and broadcasting false information without proper working permits. They have all plead not guilty.

It remains unclear if the letter mentions Fahmy or Baher, even though they arrested together with Greste and thus, under the same circumstances. The trial also includes seventeen other journalists charged with similar crimes.

The trial has drawn criticism from international human rights groups who say that Egypt is merely attempting to suppress free speech. Institutions including the White House, the European Union and the United Nations have called for the release of the journalists, and for press freedoms to be upheld.

The arrests occurred at the same time as a crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood. Egyptian authorities accuse the Al Jazeera Network of aiding the Muslim Brotherhood. As a result, Al Jazeera has been banned from reporting in the country.

The trial has been adjourned until March 24.

For further information, please see:

Al Jazeera – Egypt’s Mansour to expedite Al Jazeera trial – 19 March 2014

CNN – Egypt President will ‘spare no effort’ to resolve case of Al Jazeera journalist  – 19 March 2014

Montreal Gazette – Egypt leader says will try to expedite trial of detained Australian journalist – 18 March 2014

Al Jazeera – Al Jazeera journalists appear in Egypt court, see trial adjourned – 5 March 2014

Syrian Forces Seize Control of Rebel Stronghold

By Kathryn Maureen Ryan
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

DAMASCUS, Syria – Syrian regime forces claim to have taken full control of the city of Yabroud along the border with Lebanon. Yabroud was a critical stronghold for opposition forces, used as a strategic supply chain for bringing weapons and other supplies into Syria from Lebanon. Regime forces claim to have taken control of the city with the support of Lebanese Hezbollah fighters who are supporters of the Assad regime.

a photograph released by Syria’s official news agency shows officers loyal to Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad talk to the media in Yabroud along the Lebanese border on Sunday. (Photo courtesy of The Washington Post)

The fall of Yabroud came on the eve of Third anniversary of the start of the Syrian Civil War. The Battle for Yabroud is part of a large offensive led by the Syrian regime and Hezbollah to secure the Qalamoun region along the Lebanese’s border with Syria. The offensive has been launched in order to cut rebel supply lines into Syria.

Government forces entered the town of Yabroud on Friday evening. On Saturday the regimes news agency said that “terrorist groups” in the town had been “devastated” by the regime’s fighters and that the area had been combed through for explosives. SANA reported on Sunday that “the Syrian army is now in full control of the town of Yabroud in Damascus [province] and are now combing through the city and dismantling the roadside bombs planted by terrorists.”

The Syrian regime launched its offensive in in mid-November of last year in order to force rebel fighters out of the Qalamoun region near the Lebanese border. As part of the offensive they have recaptured several towns formally held by rebel fighters including Qara, Deir Attiya and Nabak, to the north-east of Yabroud along the motorway that connects Damascus with the city of Homs, two of the country’s largest cities.

A fighter in Yabroud from Jabhat al-Nusra said that many of the rebels who fled the town were headed to nearby rebel controlled villages including Hosh Arab, Rankous and Flita. A Lebanese military source said that more than 1,000 fighters fled to the mountainous border area near the Lebanese town of Arsal, an area that has been a target of regime airstrikes in recent weeks. According to Ahmad Fliti, the vice mayor of Arsal, the Syrian Air Force launched two strikes on the outskirts of Arsal on Sunday.

More than 140,000 people have been during the three year fight for Syria’s future, a fight that began with peaceful street protests against the Assad regime, calling for democratic reforms, which turned violent after the regime began a violent crackdown on demonstrators and opponents of the regime.

For more information please see:

Al Jazeera – Syrian Army Captures Strategic Border Town – 16 March 2014

BBC News – Syria ‘Recaptures Rebel Border Town Yabroud’ – 16 March 2014

The Guardian – Syria Claims to Have Captured Rebel Stronghold on Lebanese Border – 16 March 2014

The Washington Post – Syria Says Army and Hezbollah Have Seized Border Town – 16 March 2014

Egyptian Politicians Express Concern over the Legitimacy of Upcoming Presidential Elections

By Kathryn Maureen Ryan
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East


CAIRO, Egypt – Former Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Shafik has pulled out of the nation’s upcoming presidential elections calling the election a “farce” that has been fixed to allow Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, a formal military chief, to take control of the country.

Banners proclaiming support for for Field Marshal Abdul-Fattah al-Sisi, have become common in Egypt. While he has not officially announced his candidacy al-Sisi is favored to win the upcoming presidential elections. (Photo courtesy of The New York Times)

Under the administration of Hosni Mubarak, Shafik served as a military leader and was appointed to serve as Prime Minister of the country shortly before the youth-led revolt sparked by the Arab Spring led to the resignation of President Mubarak. Shafik came in second behind President Morsi during the 2012 Presidential elections.

In a leaked recording of a private conversation released by Al Jazeera on Thruway Shafik, who had stated earlier he would endorse al-Sisi if he ran for the presidency, said “I know very well they will fix all the ballot boxes. I have taken myself out of this loop because the election is going to be a farce.” Shafik confirmed the authenticity of the recording.

He went on to say, “of course whether other candidates withdraw will depend on the nomination of Sisi. I said if he’s going to run in the presidential election I will not run but I will get my papers ready (and) if he is going to run I will not submit them.”

Sami Anan, another leading politician and former Chief of Staff of the Egyptian Military, announced his withdrawal from the presidential camping on Thursday saying his decision was “rooted in the nation’s highest interests” and “out of the realisation of the dangers facing it.” His decision will mean that al-Sisi will run with only one significant rival candidate, the leftist politician Hamdeen Sabahi, from the Nile Delta town of Kafr el-Sheikh.  Sabahi who came in third in the 2012 presidential elections

Hamdeen Sabahi, a formal journalist, says he doubts Egypt would be governed according to democratic principles is al-Sisi is elected. Sabahi supported the coup led by al-Sisi that resulted in the removal of Egypt’s first democratically elected leader, Mohamed Morsi, last year. However, he now feels that the culture of political repression that characterized the Mubarak regime still remains rampant in the country. “The current transitional system did not respect the values of democracy and plurality, and violated the constitution … in the way it dealt with its opponents,” he said. “It did not implement the freedoms the Egyptian people want and deserve.”

Despite his concerns, Sabahi is convinced that the Egyptian people will no longer tolerate dictatorship. “Any attempt to reproduce the old regime will not work. The people are very smart,” Sabahi said. “The future of Egypt is in the revolution. There will be no future for anyone who tries to bring back a former regime.”

For more information please see:

Al Jazeera – Egypt ex-PM: presidential poll will be fixed – 14 March 2014

Malta Today – Egypt ex-PM claims presidential poll will be fixed – 14 March 2014

The New York Times – Former Egyptian General Calls Promise of Free Elections a ‘Farce’ – 13 March 2014

Reuters – Egyptian candidate questions Sisi’s commitment to democracy – 13 March 2014

Air Strikes Continue Despite Gaza Israeli Truce Claims

By Darrin Simmons
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

Gaza City, Palestine-The Islamic Jihad, a Palestinian militant group, reported on Thursday that it had agreed to stop a series of rocket fire on Israel, prompting an end to the most active fighting between the two sides since 2012.

An Islamic Jihad underground rocket launcher (photo courtesy of The Jerusalem Post)

Over two days of violence, Palestinian militants have fired more than sixty rockets into Israel, while Israel responded by caring out a series of air strikes in Gaza.  Fortunately, no serious casualties have been reported.

“After the Egyptian brothers initiated contacts with us in the past few hours, we agreed to restore the calm.  As long as the occupation honors the calm, we will honor the clam and instructions are being given right now to Al Quds brigades, our military wing, about this understanding,” stated Khaled Al Batch, the Islamic Jihad leader.

Before the truce was reached, the Islamic Jihad resumed its rocket fire on Israel, striking outside areas of two major cities.  The previous day saw dozens of rockets being fired on Israel, the largest barrage on Israel since an eight-day assault in late 2012

It was reported by an Egyptian senior security official, who brokered similar truces in the past that Egyptian intelligence officials had been communicating with the sides in brokering an agreement.

Israeli military officials stated it retaliated with renewed air strikes on “seven terror sites in southern Gaza.  Until this week, both sides largely observed a ceasefire that ended the Israeli offensive against rocket launchers in November 2012.

“Since yesterday, there has seen a substantial deterioration in the safety of the residents in southern Israel.  We have responded and will continue to do so to eliminate threats as they develop,” said Lt. Colonel Peter Lerner.

During this latest attack, Gaza’s ruling Hamas movement has not been involved.  Israeli leaders, however, say that they hold Hamas responsible because it rules the coastal Palestinian territory.  Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas spokesman, responded by saying “Israel bears full responsibility fo the escalation.”

Gaza has been controlled by Hamas since them overrunning the forces of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in 2007.  Currently, Abbas governs in the West Bank located on the opposite side of Israel.

“We condemn the aggression and all forms of military escalation, including rockets,” stated Hamas at a meeting in Cameron in the West Bank town of Bethlehem.

For more information, please see the following: 

Aljazeera-Attacks continue despite Gaza truce claims-14 March 2014

National-Rockets fired from Gaza despite ceasefire with Israel-14 March 2014

BBC News-Gaza militants and Israel exchange strikes despite ‘truce’-13 March 2014

Jerusalem Post-Sporadic rocket fire from Gaza continues to hit South despite ‘ceasefire’-13 March 2014