The Middle East

U.N. Department of Safety and Security has Blocked Investigators from Heading to the Site of Chemical Weapons attack in Syria as International Community Demands and Investigation

By Kathryn Maureen Ryan
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

DAMASCUS, Syria – Syrian opposition activists claim that the Syrian regime carried out a massive chemical attack in Ghouta, a suburb of the capital, Damascus, killing hundreds of people. Al Jazeera’s Nisreen El-Shamayleh reported that videos capturing the alleged attack showed children and adults in field hospitals, some of them suffocating and coughing.

Hundreds of people were treated at the site of Wednesday’s alleged chemical attack in Syria for symptoms similar to those seen in victims of nerve gas attacks. (Photo courtesy of Al Jazeera)

Chemical weapons experts have said that the symptoms of the victims shown on the footage could indicate the use of a nerve agent. Dina Esfandiary of the International Institute for Strategic Studies said, “By looking at the videos, you can tell that some of the victims are suffering from asphyxiation. They don’t have any external wounds, so it’s consistent with the use of a chemical agent.” She said that it is difficult to determine what actually happened at the site of the alleged attack without physical samples.

Leaders of the international community are demanding that the Syrian government immediately allow United Nations inspectors onto the site of the alleged chemical attacks, which have killed as many as 1,800 people.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for the Syrian government to allow the team of U.N. inspectors already in Syria to investigate alleged chemical weapons attacks at three unrelated sites. He has said that the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime should be investigated immediately. He also said there is “no time to waste” in getting an inspection team to Ghouta.

The Secretary-General said that the use of chemical weapons by Bashar al-Assad’s regime would constitute a crime against humanity. He warned the Syrian regime of “serious consequences” that will follow if their use of chemical weapons against their own people was proven.

Russia, which has maintained support for the Al-Assad regime, has called on the Syrian government to cooperate with the United Nation’s experts in Syria to investigate the alleged use of chemical weapons. Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry after the reports first emerged Wednesday, that the “Russian side called on the Syrian government to cooperate with the UN chemical experts,” the foreign ministry said in a statement on Friday.

U.S. President Barack Obama has said that what has occurred in Syria “indicates that this is clearly a big event, of grave concern.” He said that the international community must determine more about whether a chemical weapons attack has occurred and has called for the al-Assad regime to allow for a full investigation.

The United Kingdom and France have also issued strong statements demanding U.N. investigators be granted access to the attack sites.

Despite the International community’s collective demands for an investigation, the U.N has yet to authorize investigator’s to go to Ghouta, Kevin Kennedy, acting head of the United Nations Department of Safety and Security told reporters at the U.N. headquarters on Friday that he has not yet given the inspectors a green light to visit the sites of the alleged attacks, citing extreme violence in the region. Kennedy said, “It’s an active war zone in Damascus.”

For further information please see;

Al Jazeera – Hundreds reported killed in Syria gas attack – 21 August 2013

Foreign Policy – Congress’ Doves Rethinking U.S. Intervention After Syria’s ‘Chemical’ Attacks – 22 August 2013

Al Jazeera – New footage emerges of Syria ‘gas attack’ – 23 August 13

Al Jazeera – Russia backs UN probe of Syria attack – 23 August 2013

CNN International – Official: US military updates options for possible strikes on Syria – 23 August 2013

CNN International – Syria under pressure to allow urgent probe of chemical weapons claim –23 August 2013

Former Egyptian Vice President of Foreign Affairs Charged with Breaching the Nation’s Trust

By Darrin Simmons
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

CAIRO, Egypt-Mohamed ElBaradei, recently-resigned interim vice president of Egypt’s foreign affairs, is being sued for a “betrayal of trust” due to his decision to resign.  A Cairo court has set the trial for the 19th of September.

ElBaradei speaks with European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton during a news conference (photo courtesy of Reuters)

Mr. ElBaradei faces charges of “breaching national trust” that were brought forth by a law professor, Sayyed Ateeq, at Cairo’s Helwan University.  Mr. Ateeq stated that ElBaradei could face up to three years in prison with the finding of a guilty verdict.  However, judicial sources say that the maximum sentence is a fine and suspend jail time.

A co-leader of the National Salvation Front (NSF), an organization aimed at deposing ex-President Morsi, Mr. ElBaradei gained ample political support.  The former head of the UN nuclear agency, he originally supported the overthrowing of Morsi from power on July 3rd.

However, on August 14th, Mr. ElBaradei resigned from his post as Vice President of Foreign Affairs.  His resignation followed yet another massacre of several hundred Morsi supporters by police forces at the dispersal of a protest in eastern Cairo.

“He was appointed in his capacity as a representative of the NSF and the majority of the people who signed the Tamarod declaration,” stated Ateeq.  “Dr. ElBaradei was entrusted with this position and he had a duty to go back to those who entrusted him and ask to resign instead of stepping down on his own,” Ateeq further stated.

In the aftermath of ex-President Morsi’s ousting, politically driven lawsuits have flooded the Egyptian court system on both sides of the table.  Morsi supporters earlier brought numerous cases against opposition figures during Morsi’s time in power while anti-government activists have called the suits “a form of political intimidation.”

Further arrests of Muslim Brotherhood leaders along with the public prosecutor’s decision to charge Morsi have preceded the filing of the case.  Mr. ElBaradei, who recently left Egypt for Europe, is unlikely to attend any part of the trial.

Khaled Dawoud, an aide to ElBaradei and former NSF spokesman reported, “If this case against ElBaradei is true then it is a major escalation showing that things are getting very polarized.  You’re either on this side or on that side.”

Dawoud further expressed disapproval of the decision to file the case by saying, “Set a precedent that harms Egypt’s reputation abroad, when a politician is prosecuted just for resigning from his post, something that has never happened before in any country in the world.”

For more information, please see the following: 

Aljazeera-Cairo court sets trial date for ElBaradei-21 August 2013

First Post-Egypt: Mohamed ElBaradei to be tried for ‘betrayal of trust-21 August 2013

Independent-Egypt crisis: Now Mohamed ElBaradei faces wrath of army after resigning from cabinet-20 August 2013

Reuters-Egypt’s ElBaradei to face court for ‘betrayal of trust’-20 August 2013


Violence Continues to Escalate in Egypt, Sparking Condemnation from U.S. President Barack Obama

By Kathryn Maureen Ryan
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

CAIRO, Egypt – Dozens of civilian protesters were killed across Egypt as security forces clashed with protesters. At least 95 people were killed and hundreds more injures in Cairo’s Ramses Square after Egyptian security forces opened fire on anti-coup protesters orchestrating a “Day of Rage” against the military-led government.

Violence continues to rock Egypt as government forces clash with civilians. (Photo courtesy of Al Jazeera)

In Alexandria, at least 21 people were killed in clashes between supporters and opponents of the military coup. More people were reportedly killed across the country, with at least eight protesters being killed in Damietta and four in Ismailia.

The Muslim Brotherhood and other anti-coup groups, calling themselves the Anti-Coup Alliance, had called for the “Day of Rage” protests on Friday to protest the Egyptian military’s crackdown on sit-in demonstrations that left hundreds of civilians killed on Wednesday, August 14. The Muslim Brotherhood denied any involvement in these attacks.

Said Mohammed, an anti-government protester, reportedly witnessed snipers and men in helicopters gun down people in the crowds. “Helicopters started to shoot us as we were walking,” he said. “Not bombs this time, it was bullets. My friend took a shot in the neck and he died. This was the first time we saw helicopters shooting. There were people shooting from the windows.”

As Egyptian forces cracked down on protests camps organized by the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo, some Morsi supporters directed their anger at the nation’s Christian minority. Churches, houses, monasteries, orphanages, schools, businesses and other establishments belonging to Coptic Christians were attacked in nine provinces across the country. The Maspero Youth Union, a Coptic activist group, said Thursday that these attacks caused “panic, losses and destruction for no reason and no crimes they committed except being Christians.”

Bishop Angaelos, the leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, said that he was told by colleagues in Egypt that 52 churches, in addition to Christian owned homes and business, were attacked in a 24-hour time period beginning Wednesday. Ishak Ibrahim, from the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, reported that he has confirmed at least 30 of these attacks.

Two days before Wednesday’s violence, Egypt’s Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II called on all Egyptians for peace in Egypt and for all Egyptians to prevent further bloodshed. He said, “With all compassion I urge everyone to conserve Egyptian blood and ask of every Egyptian to commit to self-restraint and avoid recklessness and assault on any person or property.”

Egypt’s violence has been condemned by the international community. U.S. President Barack Obama condemned the actions of Egypt’s Intern government and called for it to end the month long state of emergency that was put in place by the intern government following Wednesday’s violent crackdown on civil protests. In response to the violence in Egypt, President Obama cancelled a planned joint military exercise in protests of the state’s bloody clashes with civilians protesting the ouster of former President Morsi, suggesting a growing right between the historic allies.

For further information please see:

Al Jazeera – Scores Dead in Egypt’s ‘Day of Rage’ Clashes – 16 August 2013

NBCNews – Obama Condemns Egypt over Violence, Cancels Joint Military Exercise – 15 August 2013

USA Today – Egypt’s Christians under Attack Since Morsi’s Ouster – 15 August 2013

CNN International – ‘Horrible’: Christian Churches across Egypt Stormed, Torched – 1 August 2013

Israel and Palestine Resume Peace Talks

By Thomas Murphy
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israeli and Palestinian negotiators have confirmed that late Wednesday night the two sides resumed peace talks during a secret meeting in Jerusalem. The peace talks are the first between the two sides in three years.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas greets the twenty-six Palestinian prisoners released from Israeli prison on Wednesday. (Photo Courtesy of Reuters)

The general purpose of the talks is to negotiate a final end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The main solution that the parties have focused on is a two-state agreement that allows for the existence of Palestine and Israel side-by-side.

An anonymous Israel official described the talks as “long and serious,” but did not describe the substance of the talks. The specifics of the talks are expected to be kept private because both parties believe that it increases their chance of success.

The Palestinian side is represented by Saeb Erekat and Fatah official Muhammed Shtayyeh. Israeli is represented by Minister of Justice Tzipi Livni and prime ministerial aide Isaac Molcho.

Tzipi Livn posted on Facebook regarding the peace talks:

“Today, I will continue the important mission I began – to achieve a peace agreement that will keep the country Jewish and democratic and provide security … for Israel and its citizens.”

Leading up to the peace talks both parties have made gestures of good faith. Earlier on Wednesday, Israel freed twenty-six Palestinians, many of whom had been imprisoned for deadly attacks on Israelis. Additionally, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas dropped demands for an Israeli settlement freeze before talks resumed.

Although the news of peace talks generally breeds optimism, members of both side seemed to cast doubt over any chances of success.

“Israel will resort to feints and evasion and put up impossible demands in order to say that these negotiations are fruitless and to continue its policy of stealing land as it has done until this moment,” said Yasser Abed Rabbo. “The talks might collapse any time because of the Israeli practices.”

Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon said, “We’ve been trying for 20 years since Oslo, and for over 120 years of the conflict. The scepticism in the tone of my remarks is apparent, but we’ve decided to give it a chance.”

“Both for the Palestinians and for us, the hourglass is running out. We will not have many more opportunities to resolve this dispute,” said Israeli cabinet minister Yaakov Peri.

For further information, please see:

Al Jazeera – Israel-Palestinian peace talks resume – 15 August 2013

BBC – Israel-Palestinian peace talks resume in Jerusalem – 15 August 2013

Jerusalem Post – Abbas: First round of peace talks dealt with final-status issues  – 15 August 2013

Reuters – Analysis: Abbas chooses unpopular peace talks over bruising U.N. battles – 15 August 2013

Increasing Deaths in Egypt Prompt the International Community to Speak Out

By Darrin Simmons
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

CAIRO, Egypt-As raids and massacres continue to increase in Egypt, the international community is finally taking a stance against what many have called “blood baths” in Cairo.  In an attempt to remove ex-President Morsi supporters Wednesday morning, 278 people were killed with many more injured.

Supporters of ex-President Morsi count the bodies of the victims (Photo courtesy of Los Angeles Times)

In light of the escalating death toll, Egypt has declared a month-long state of emergency and issued a 7pm to 6am curfew.  U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said that the U.S. opposes the issued state of emergency and Egyptian leaders should do everything to calm matters and avoid death.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest stated, “We have repeatedly called on the Egyptian military and security forces to show restraint and for the government to respect the universal rights of its citizen, just as we’ve urged protesters to demonstrate peacefully.”

Earnest continued, “We also strongly oppose a return to a state of emergency law and call on the government to respect basic human rights such as freedom of peaceful assembly and due process under the law.”

Following Wednesday morning’s killings, other international entities have raised their voices to oppose the increasing deaths in Egypt.  United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has condemned police violence against protestors that have caused hundreds of deaths.

Ban Ki-moon’s spokesman, Martin Nesirky, stated, “In the aftermath of today’s violence, the secretary-general urges all Egyptians to concentrate their efforts on promoting genuinely inclusive reconciliation.”

The European Union’s foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, issued a statement saying that “confrontation and violence” are not the proper methods for Egypt to deal with its own citizen and that security forces should be acting with the “utmost restraint.”

Ashton also stated that the future of Egyptian diplomacy depends on “a dialogue among all concerned aimed at overcoming differences in an inclusive process of political reconciliation, with fully empowered civilian government and functioning democratic institutions.”

Other countries have spoken out against Egypt’s use of violence and amassing amounts of death.  Those countries include: Turkey, Qatar, Iran, France, Great Britain, Germany, and the Palestinian movement Hamas.

France’s Foreign Minister issued a statement offering condolences to those who have lost loved ones in the bloodshed while “strongly deploring” all violence that has occurred.  “France calls on all parties to exercise the utmost restraint and warns against disproportionate use of force.”

Qatar, a country that strongly supported Morsi, has condemned all attacks by the security forces and urged Egyptian authorities to “refrain from the security option in dealing with peaceful protests, and to preserve the lives of Egyptians at protest sites.”

Despite the calling for restrain and peaceful protests, the U.S has refused to classify the happenings in Egypt as coup, which would have implications for continued U.S. aid flowing to Egypt.  Earnest stated, “We have determined that it is not in the best interest of the United States to make that determination.”

For more information, please see the following: 

Aljazeera – Restraint urged amid Egypt violence – 14 August 2013

CBC News – Egypt violence a ‘serious blow’ to reconciliation, democracy – 14 August 2013

Los Angeles Times – White House calls for restraint in Egypt amid deadly clashes – 14 August 2013

Sky News – Egypt: 278 People Killed In Nationwide Clashes – 14 August 2013