Iraq: Government signals removal of Contractors’ Immunity

By Vivek Thiagarajan
Impunity Watch Senior Desk Officer, Middle East

BAGHDAD, Iraq- On Tuesday, the Iraqi government proposed legislation to remove immunity for independent government contractors like Blackwater USA.  This draft law would overrule the Order 17 by L. Paul Bremer on June 27, 2004, which gave all private contractors and others associated with Bremer immunity from Iraqi law.

Bremer was the Director of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance for Iraq and Administrator of the Coalitional Provisional Authority.  In essence, he was the top U.S. official in charge of Iraq and reported to the U.S. Secretary of Defense until the handover to the Iraqis for self governance.

The act, if passed, would only apply to future acts.  It probably will make the hiring of government contractors such as Blackwater USA much more difficult, because of the contractors’ reluctance to be held to Iraqi law.  Blackwater USA and other contractors were specially utilized because of their different rules of engagement, which typically allowed them more discretion when facing hostile situations than the official military.  However, this incentive will be dropped because the contractors will be held at higher standards by the Iraqi government than the official U.S. soldiers.

The U.S. government, however, may try to extend the immunity to the government contractors.  Since the legislation is not retroactive the lift on the ban could not apply to the Blackwater USA agents involved in the September 16 shooting where 17 Iraqis were killed.  If those agents acted wrongfully the conduct would fall under the jurisdiction of the United States.  However, it will be difficult for a fact finder to hold the agents liable because most of the agents who testified were granted immunity for those actions.  Concurrently, Blackwater’s owner maintains that his company was justified in their actions on September 16, and Blackwater not guilty of any wrongful misconduct.

Every government must show a firm commitment to protect its citizens.  This law lifting immunity for contractors is necessary for the Iraqi government to show its willingness to protect its citizens irregardless of outside pressures.  Although the immunity ban would not be retroactive, if enforced, it can set a clear precedent of greater protection for Iraqi civilians from future contractors.

For more information, please see:

BBC News- Blackwater men ‘given immunity’- 30 October 2007

BBC News- Iraq to end contractor immunity- 30 October 2007

Houston Chronicle (AP)- Iraq bill would lift contractor immunity- 30 October 2007

International Herald Tribune- Immunity deals offered to Blackwater guards- 29 October 2007


Author: Impunity Watch Archive