Qatar renews call for prosecution of Syria war crimes

A huge explosion sends dark clouds into the air after Assad Regime forces carried out air and ground strikes over the agreed de-conflict zone, Cobar district in the Eastern Ghouta region of Damascus, Syria on August 20, 2017. ( Ammar Al-Bushy - Anadolu Agency )

A huge explosion sends clouds into the air after the Assad Regime carried out air and ground strikes over the de-conflict zone, in Damascus, Syria on 20 August 2017 [Ammar Al-Bushy/Anadolu Agency]

The State of Qatar renewed today its call for the international community to bring war criminals in Syria to an international justice after an independent United Nations (UN) investigation has showed that the Syrian army used Sarin gas during its air strikes on Khan Sheikhun town last  April.

The Qatari foreign ministry said in a statement that the impunity of the Syrian war criminals has contributed to the escalation of violence against the Syrian people in “a systematic way.”

The statement stressed on the importance of reaching a political resolution for the Syrian crisis based on the Geneva-1 statement on Syria as well as the UN Security Council resolutions to meet what it described as “the Syrian people’s legitimate aspirations.”

Read More: Syrian regime dropped sarin gas on Khan Sheikhoun

Author: Impunity Watch Archive