Report Wants Investigation and Prosecution of Bush Administration Officials

By Brittney Hodnik
Impunity Watch Reporter, North America

WASHINGTON, United States – On 2 January 2012, Human Rights USA released a report detailing planned and authorized acts of torture against terror suspects.  After the September 11 attacks, many terror suspects were detained and unlawfully treated.  These alleged acts of torture were in violation of domestic and international law.

Guantanamo Bay has now been open for 10 years, many detainees remain there. (Image Courtesy of Associated Press)

The 270-page report is entitled Indefensible: A Reference for Prosecuting Torture and Other Felonies Committed by U.S. Officials Following September 11th.  It outlines all of the evidence that indicates illegal interrogation techniques under the Bush Administration.  According to a press release from Human Rights USA, the report is a multi-year collaborative effort between Human Rights USA and the International Human Rights Law Clinic at American University in Washington, D.C.

According to the same press release, the courts still have not held a top government official accountable for any act of torture.  Although some torture survivors have sought judgments against these officials, none has prevailed.

Although the Bush Administration authorized this kind of lawless behavior, the Obama Administrations has similarly failed.  Obama has not investigated these allegations of torture and other inhumane treatment, nor created a Special Counsel for its investigation.

This report was released less than two weeks before Guantanamo Bay’s 10th anniversary of opening.  Although President Obama set a deadline to close Guantanamo, no detainee has left in over a year because of restrictions on transfers, according to USA Today.  Furthermore, indefinite military detention has now become enshrined in U.S. law.

Allison Lefrak, litigation director of Human Rights USA said, “Our country’s legal system relies on the fundamental principle that no one is above the law – even top government officials.”  She believes that nothing will be fixed until the responsible officials are actually held accountable for their actions.

“Repudiation of torture and accountability for the government officials who authorized it is essential in order to restore the rule of law in the United States and prevent similar acts of torture from being repeated in the future,” she said.

Just one example of supposed torture victims is Saudi national, Mohammed al-Qahtani.  He claims he was the victim of “torture and other profoundly cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment,” according to Newser.  His lawyers are calling for the release of ‘sickening’ videos of his torture at Guantanamo Bay.

Overall, the report is a cry for help; it seeks to encourage people to recognize the atrocities that happened under the Bush Administration after the horrendous attacks on September 11.  Furthermore, the report seeks to point out the current administration’s avoidance of prosecuting those individuals in power.

The full report can be found at: Indefensible

For more information, please visit:

Human Rights USA – Press Release — 4 Jan. 2012

Newser — ’20th Hijacker’ Sues for Gitmo Torture Tapes — Videos are Sickening Says Lawyer — 11 Jan. 2012

USA Today — Guantanamo Closure Hopes Fade as Prison Turns 10 — 11 Jan. 2012

Author: Impunity Watch Archive