By: Danielle L. Gwozdz
Impunity Watch News Reporter, Africa

TRIPOLI, Libya – Renewed fighting between rival militias have erupted on the outskirts of the Libya capital of Tripoli. So far about 43 people have died because of these clashes.

Many died and hundreds were wounded due to fighting (photo courtesy of Reuters)

On Friday more than 450 were injured due to clashes. The militias, however, have continued fighting. Government repeats calls of restraint.

Libya’s Prime Minister Ali Zeidan has appealed for calm as government forces struggle to control militias, Islamist militants, and other former fighters who refuse to surrender their arms after helping to oust Muammar Gaddafi.

The Foreign Ministry spokesperson has stressed the need for strengthening national unity and solidarity, as well as disarming the armed and irresponsible groups there.

Friday’s clashes occurred after protesters marched on the headquarters of the Misrata militia to demand it leave Tripoli, and were fired upon.

Zeidan urged that “No forces from outside Tripoli should attempt to enter the city because the situation is very tense and could escalate further.”

“The coming hours and days will be decisive for the history of Libya and the success of the revolution.”

Late on Saturday, local authorities in Tripoli announced a “three-day general strike in all public and private sectors starting Sunday” in response to the violence.

Misrata militiamen remained in a base near Tripoli airport on Saturday in a standoff with government forces and local pro government offices. But fighters often battle for control of local areas and remain loyal to their own commanders.

A militia group calling itself the Shield of Libya said on Saturday it had secured Ghargour and that the Misrata fighters had withdrawn.

There have been increasing demands from civilians that the militias – which emerged during the 2011 revolution – disband or join the army, in line with an end-of-the-year deadline set by the interim government in Tripoli.

Some militiamen have been given salaries and taken into the government security forces but many still remain loyal.

For further information, please visit:

BBC News – Rival Libya militias in fresh clashes near Tripoli – 16 November 2013
Kenya National Broadcaster – Fresh militia clashes erupt in Libya – 17 November 2013
The Telegraph – Death toll rises as fighting continues in Tripoli – 17 November 2013
The Independent – Fresh gun battles erupt in Tripoli as rival Libyan militias clash – 17 November 2013
Iran: Strengthening national unity, disarming armed groups needed in Libya – 17 November 2013


Author: Impunity Watch Archive