Syria and Israel Exchange Harsh Words

By Brandon Kaufman
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

DAMASCUS, Syria– Walid Moallem, the Syrian Foreign Minister, warned Israel on Wednesday about launching any war against his country, saying that such actions would result in a larger conflict.  In remarks made to Syrian journalists in Damascus, Moallem was quoted as saying, “Israelis, do not test the power of Syria since you know the war will move into your cities.”

During his session with reporters, Moallem was questioned about comments made on Monday by Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak.  Barak said that “in the absence of peace negotiations with Syria, we might find ourselves in a forceful conflict that could lead to an all out war.” In response, Moallem said such statements “heightened the risk of war in the region.”

Moallem warned that “if such a war comes, it will be widespread even if it is just waged against southern Lebanon or Syria.”  He added that there would be no chance of “peace negotiations being launched after such a war.”

In related comments, Syrian President Bashar Assad noted that “Israel was not serious in achieving peace and that everything showed it was working toward a war.”  Syria and Israel held preliminary talks mediated by Turkey back in 2008 over the Golan Heights which was seized by the Israelis after the 1967 war.  Since that day, little progress has been made on the peace prospects between the two countries.

In a stern response, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman advised Syria to abandon its dream of recovering the Israeli held Golan Heights.  Lieberman further added that the Syrians “have crossed a red line that cannot be ignored.  Our message must be clear to Assad: ‘In the next war, not only will you lose but you and your family will lose power.”

Lieberman’s firm stance contrasted sharply with that of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who earlier in the week, stated that Israel seeks peace.  Netanyahu’s statements said that he “would be willing to go anywhere in the world, and doesn’t rule out assistance by a fair third party, to promote the political process in order to begin peace talks with Syria without any preconditions.”

For more information, please see:

Washington Post- Israel Warns Syria it Would Lose Future War– 4 February 2010

The Daily Star- Moallem Warns Israel: Starting War with Syria Would Lead to Wider Conflict– 3 February 2010

The Jerusalem Post- Assad: Israel Pushing Middle East to War– 3 February 2010

Author: Impunity Watch Archive