By Dylan Takores
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

DAMASCUS, Syria – Carla Del Ponte of the UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria stated in an interview on Swiss TV that Syrian rebels may have used sarin, a chemical nerve gas, in skirmishes with the Syrian army.

Carla Del Ponte. (Photo Courtesy of AFP)

Sarin gas is capable of causing respiratory arrest and death.  It has been classified as a weapon of mass destruction and banned under international law.

Del Ponte reported the Commission received “strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof” that rebels used the chemical agent.  She explained that the information came from testimony by doctors and victims from neighboring countries.  The testimony revealed that the victims’ treatments were compatible with methods used to treat injuries from the use of sarin.

The Commission was appointed in 2011 by the UN Human Rights Council to investigate war crimes in Syria.  It has little access within Syria, but conducted extensive investigations and gathered testimony from individuals in many neighboring countries.

Since Del Ponte’s statement Sunday night, the Commission has downplayed the comment.  Paulo Sergio Pinheiro clarified on Monday that the Commission has not yet reached any conclusive results.  He declined to comment any further on the allegations, but stated that the Commission would report its findings on the subject to the Human Rights Council on June 3rd.

The statement followed reports issued last week by the US and UK that claimed an investigation found evidence the Syrian government forces used sarin against rebels.  The reports said investigations revealed “compelling” evidence that Bashar al-Assad’s loyal army used the gas, but required incontrovertible proof in order to request UN intervention.

The US responded to Del Ponte’s statement on Monday.  White House spokesman Jay Carney stated that the US is “highly skeptical” of her remarks.  The US contends that any use of sarin gas likely came from al-Assad’s army.

Both the Syrian government and the rebels accused each other of using sarin.  The government denied allegations from the US and UK reports.  The government claimed that the opposition is attempting to frame the Syrian army.  Both sides assert that the other used chemical weapons on three separate occasions near Aleppo, Damascus, and Homs.


For further information, please see:

BBC – UN commission downplays claim Syria rebels used sarin – 6 May 2013

CBS – W.H. on Syrian sarin gas claim: Look to regime, not rebels – 6 May 2013

Guardian – US casts doubts on claim Syrian rebels may have used sarin gas – 6 May 2013

VOA – UN Panel: No Proof of Syria Nerve Gas Claim – 6 May 2013

Yahoo – U.N. has testimony that Syrian rebels used sarin gas: investigator – 6 May 2013

Author: Impunity Watch Archive