UN’s Nuclear Watchdog Worried about Iran

By Bobby Rajabi
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

VIENNA, Austria – On February 18 the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the nuclear watchdog of the United Nations, announced that they were concerned that Iran was working on a nuclear warhead. The IAEA, based in Vienna, has been investigating for a number of years reports claiming that the Islamic Republic was involved in weapons research. Based on the UN’s announcement, the United States has voiced renewed concern in Iran’s nuclear program.
The report was prepared by the thirty five members of the IAEA. The chief of the agency, Yukiya Amano, explained that “the information available to the agency…raises concerns about the possible existence in Iran of past or current undisclosed activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile.” The report differs greatly from a US report that said that Iran had suspended such activities in 2003.
Iran continues to deny any interest in developing nuclear weapons. However, the report suggests that Iran’s continual attempts to avoid agency probes for signs of a cover-up “give rise to concerns about possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear program.” Additionally, the report suggest that intelligence supplied by the United States and other IAEA member states on Iran’s attempts to mask their activity under the guise of a civilian program in order to move towards a weapons program was compelling.
The report was the first by Yukiya Amano and appears to be more directly critical than those prepared by his predecessor, Mohammed El Baradei. It will be put forth to the governing body at a March 15. The report also reiterated evidence that Iran appeared to have tested ways of detonating weapons. It also described the escalating steps taken by Iran, including enrichment to twenty percent, its acknowledgement of an enrichment plant in Qom, its effort to metalize uranium and Iran’s rejection of a plan to enrich uranium outside the country.
The IAEA report calls for Iran to cooperate with IAEA investigators “without further delay.” Iran’s resistance has added to concerns “about possible military dimensions” in the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program.
For more information, please see:
BBC – Iran Nuclear Missile Fear Raised by UN Report – 18 February 2010
New York Times – IAEA Suspects Iranian Weapons Nuclear Weapons Activity – 18 February 2010

Author: Impunity Watch Archive