By Brendan Oliver Bergh
Impunity Watch Reporter, South America

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay – With an overwhelming majority of vote of support Uruguay’s Congress passed a bill effectively legislating same-sex marriage within the Latin American country. And as bill passed the house with a vote of 71 out of 92, it was not with a whisper, but with thunderous applause as groups celebrating the historic decision. When President Jose Mujica, and the upper house signs – as they are expected too – and ratifies the bill, Uruguay will be the 12th country and second in South America to pass binding legislation.

Uruguayan citizens celebrate the congress’s passage of legislation to legalize same-sex marriage. (Photo courtesy of Guardian)

While civil unions have been approved in Uruguay since 2008, advocates have indicated that “marriage embodies a much broader [institution]” compared to civil unions. The bill contains language similar to that of the bill that legalized same-sex marriage in Argentina in 2010. In Article 1 of the bill, marriage will be defined as “the union of two parties, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation in the same terms, with the same effects and ways of solutions sets to present the civil code.”

Criticism for same-sex marriage, the bill, and the homosexual lifestyle has come from groups aligned with the Roman Catholic Church and other similar Christian organizations which claim that it would endanger the sacred institution of family, and the family unit. Many, including lawmakers openly oppose the bill as it would “distort and change the nature of the institution of marriage.” Among the critics are Congressman Pablo Iturralde, who argued that the bill modified the legal framework of heterosexual marriage. Rather than regulating the framework for gay marriage, the congress has altered every fabric of straight and gay marriage.

Proponents have been vehement in their support, as LGBT organizations have begun celebrating, and homosexual couples have begun rejoicing with their future, which no longer regulates them as secondary class citizens. While the legislative recognition of same-sex marriage will not guarantee the removal of any social discrimination there are indications that public policies will be aimed at changing the cultural society necessary to achieve equality within society.

Fernando Amado, lawmaker within the Congress, boiled the argument down to family and love. “I agree that family is the basis of society but also believe that love is the basis of family. And love is neither homosexual nor heterosexual.

For more information, please see:

Telam – To Rachid, Equal Marriage In Uruguay “Reinforces A Commitment To Inclusion” – 11 April 2013

Yahoo – Uruguay Approves Gay Marriage, Second In Region To Do So – 11 April 2013

BBC – Uruguay Congress Votes To Legalise Gay Marriage – 11 April 2013

Telam – The Equal Marriage Law Was Enacted In Uruguay – 10 April 2013

The Guardian – Uruguay Legalises Same-Sex Marriage – 10 April 2013



Author: Impunity Watch Archive