On July 29, 2015 Voices for Sudan & Sudan Democratic Forum held a Round table Discussion Forum on the “New Sudan”, and Reflections on the Legacy of Dr. John Garang De Mabior. The discussion focused on the vison of New Sudan, ten years after the death of Dr. John Garang De Mabior, Chairman of the SLPM/A, and the current situation in Sudan and South Sudan. Please clink on the link to hear the different points of views offered in the discussion.
Roundtable discussion on the Vision of New Sudan .The video of the event.Link

Though I’d been at one point quite well informed on Sudan/South Sudan, more recently I’ve been less engaged and thus less aware of the goings-on.  Yesterday’s (July 29, 2015) Voices for Sudan (VFS) “discussion forum”, which focused on what has happened to Dr. John Garang’s vision for Sudan on the 10th anniversary of his death, was extremely informative on the current situation in South Sudan.  A variety of perspectives was offered by an impressive roster of invited speakers, incuding a former SPLA and South Sudanese elected official, other members of the diaspora, humanitarian NGOs, and USAID.  I was particularly impressed with the presentation by the Sudanese woman from Darfur Niemat Ahmadai from Darfur Women Action Group, who had a clear understanding of and ability to explain the complexities within and among all the factors impacting this very sad situation. Great job, VFS! Please continue to hold forums like this one so we can remain informed and motivated to take action.
Paulette Lee.

    Voices for Sudan Inc.

1400 16th Street N.W # 430, Washington, DC 20036.
For more info e-mail us at info@voicesforsudan.org

Author: Impunity Watch Archive