Volume 6, Issue 7 — July 5, 2011
Central African Republic & Uganda
- Uganda Pulse: Uganda Government News: Col. Kwoyelo’s Trial Scheduled for Next Month
- BembaTrial.org: Central African Judicial Official Testifies in Bemba Trial
- BembaTrial.org: Central African Soldiers Looked on as Bemba’s Soldiers Rampaged
- BembaTrial.org: Witness Unsure Whether Pillagers Were Bemba’s Soldiers
- BembaTrial.org: Central African Magistrate Concludes Testimony
Darfur, Sudan
Democratic Republic of the Congo
- KatangaTrial.org: Commander Yuda Planned the Attack on Bogoro, Witnesses Claim
- KatangaTrial.org: Trial Chamber Orders Protective Measures, says Witnesses Could be Returned to the DRC if Asylum Claim Rejected
- KatangaTrial.org: Witness 148 Denies his Testimony was Influenced
- AFP: Kadhafi Defectors Tell of Orders To ‘Show No Mercy’
- International Criminal Court – Press Release: Pre-Trial Chamber I Issues Three Warrants of Arrest for Muammar Gaddafi, Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi and Abdualla Al-Senussi
- The New York Times: Hague Prosecutor Calls for Libya to Arrest Qaddafi
- AFP: White House Hails ICC Warrants on Kadhafi
- Reuters Africa: China Calls For “Prudence” On Libya War Crimes Warrants
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
- The New Times: ICTR to Deliver Judgment on Four Former Ministers This Year
- Hirondelle News Agency: Former Interahamwe Militia Leader Pleads Not Guilty to Genocide
- Hirondelle News Agency: Judgement with 569 Pages for Four Military Officers Availed
- The New Age: Genocide Ruling Friday for First Female Alleged Mastermind
- Hirondelle News Agency: Third Rejection of General Gatsinzi’s Statement in Nizeyimana Trial
- Hirondelle News Agency: Kabuga Duty Counsel to Call Defence Witnesses in 2012
- International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: Butare Judgement Delivered
- The New Times: ICTR Refers First Trial to Rwanda
European Court of Human Rights
Court of Bosnia & Herzegovina, War Crimes Chamber
- The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Trial Verdict Revoked In Radomir Vukovic Et Al.
- The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Zurahid Mujcinovic And Sulejman Hrustic Plead Not Guilty
- The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Indictment Confirmed in the Zoran Marjanovic Case
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
- Institute for War & Peace Reporting: Bosniak Detainee Speaks of Beatings
- Internationl for War & Peace Reporting: Gotovina Defence Wants Serb Wartime Documents
- Institute for War & Peace Reporting: Seselj in Third Contempt Case
- Institute for War & Peace Reporting: Court Hears of Nova Kasaba Detainees
- International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia: ICTY Judges Hold Peer-To-Peer Meeting with Judges from former Yugoslavia
Domestic Prosecutions In The Former Yugoslavia
- Adnkronos International: Croatia: Three former police officials arrested for alleged war crimes
- The Roanoke Times: Alleged Bosnian war criminal arrested in Roanoke County
- The Roanoke Times: Man Accused of War Crimes Allowed to Await Trial at Home
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
- VOA Khmer: Tribunal Case Applicant Names Three More Suspects
- VOA Khmer: Tribunal Orders Four Jailed Suspects to Appear
- VOA Khmer: In Hearing, Ieng Sary Defense Seeks His Release
- Phnom Penh Post: Historic Case 002 Opens at KRT
- VOA Khmer: Khmer Rouge UN Tribunal Centers on Controversial Amnesty
- Phnom Penh Post: More Questions for KRT Case 003
- Phnom Penh Post: KR Tribunal: Contempt Proceedings Considered
- Phnom Penh Post: Khieu Samphan Speaks
Special Tribunal for Lebanon
- Asharq Alawsat: Mikati Gov’t Obliged to Cooperate with Special Tribunal – Legal Source
- NOW Lebanon: Future Bloc Warns Against Renouncing STL
- Naharnet: Lebanon in Wait-and-See Situation over Indictment as STL Remains Mum
- Daily Star: Sidelining STL Will Draw International Reaction: Geagea
- NOW Lebanon: Soueid Says Cabinet Has Duty to Cancel the STL
- NOW Lebanon: Wahhab Says No One Can Promote the STL Indictment
- Daily Star: STL ‘Suspects’ Hezbollah Commander
- Al Jazeera: Interior Minister Confirms Hariri Indictments
Bangladesh International Crimes Tribunal
- Gulf Times: Trial of Two War Criminals Set to Begin
- Daily Star: War Tribunal to Get Clout
- Bangladesh News 24: Suranjit Slams Shafique over Trial Disclosure
War Crimes Investigations in Burma
United States
- Los Angeles Times: Iran Slams U.S. at Conference on Fighting Terrorism
- Miami Herald: Latest Guantánamo Prison Camp Suicide was ‘Indefinite Detainee’
- National Journal: Senate Panel Authorizes Libya Operations, With Conditions
- Jakarta Globe: Tholut Faces Weapons Counts, Again
- CTV News: Top Court to Rule on Convicted Terrorist’s Appeal
- The Telegraph:Terrorism Arrests Halve
- Nairobi Star: 24 Piracy Suspects Handed Over to Country
- Nairobi Star: 24 Piracy Suspects Remanded in Police Cell
- Deutsche Presse-Agentur: Somalia Wants Anti-Piracy Court Within its Territory
- IANS: Germany Calls for Prosecution of Somali Pirates
- IANS: New Anti-Piracy Law Ready for Parliament
Universal Jurisdiction
UN Reports
- The UN News Centre: Guatemala: UN Envoy Against Sexual Violence Hails Arrest of Former Top Military Figure
- The UN News Centre: States Must Take Effective Measures to Prevent Torture — UN Chief
Ivory Coast
- Daily Nation: Torture Victims to Snub Truth Team
- Kenya Broadcasting Corporation: TJRC Requests Extention of Time
- Kenya Broadcasting Corporation: Activists Call for the Disbandment of TJRC
- Opinio Juris: The Contrast Between Libya and the Pre-AUMF “War” with Al-Qaeda
- CNN: U.S. Strains Credibility on its Libya Role
- International Justice Tribune: Albright: Beyond Global Justice
- American Society of International Law: Rwanda’s Gacaca Courts: Implications for International Criminal Law and Transitional Justice
- Opinio Juris: The CMCR Invents the “War Crime” of Material Support for Terrorism
- Christian Science Monitor: Libya’s Qaddafi Charged with War Crimes: a Help or Hindrance to NATO?
- Australian Broadcasting Company: Gaddafi Will Fight it Out: Bolton
- Council on Foreign Relations: Will the ICC Help Defeat Qaddafi?
- Groundviews: Two Years After the End of the War in Sri Lanka
- LA Times: How to Depose Kadafi
- Villanova Law Review: Jurisdiction to Adjudicate and Jurisdiction to Prescribe in International Criminal Courts
- Virginia Journal of International Law: Diplomatic or Consular Immunities for Criminal Offenses