Protests against Montreal Ban on Niqab

By William Miller

Impunity Watch Reporter, North America

MONTREAL, Canada – One hundred and twenty protestors gathered outside of Montreal City Hall on Saturday, April 17 to protest proposed legislation called Bill 94. The proposed legislation would band Niqabs and Burkas, Islamic garments which cover a womans face, from those seeking public service.

A woman demonstrating against bill 94 at Saturdays protest outside Montreal City Hall (PHOTO: CTV)

The proposed legislation would ban anyone from wearing a face covering while receiving public services.  The bill would predominantly affect Muslim woman who wear face coverings as part of their religious practices.

The bill was proposed last month after a woman was expelled for wearing a Niqab during French class. The school said it was disruptive to the classroom process. The incident has sparked debate in Montreal.

Under the new rule anyone wearing a face covering would not be able to receive public services including Government departments and corporations, non-emergency hospital services, universities, and day cares receiving public funds. The rule does not only apply to those receiving the government services, but also to those employed in government service.

Jean Charest , liberal premier said “If you are someone employed by the state and you deliver a service, you will deliver it with your face uncovered. If you are a citizen who receives services, you will receive them with your face uncovered.” He has defended the proposed legislation saying that it draws the line at accommodating religious minorities when it infringes on gender equality.

The protestors however, feel that the bill demonstrates a lack of tolerance and understanding. Meena Samreen, the Montreal woman who organized the protest called the bill hypocritical. “We send our troops to protect those women, to open educational institutes for them, and here we’re stopping women from going into educational institutes because they choose to cover their faces,” she said.

For more information, please see:

CTV – Protestors Denounce Bill 94 – 17 April 2010

Montreal Gazette – Crowed Protests Quebec Niqab Ban – 17 April 2010

National Post – Unveil, Quebec Says – 25 March 2010

Author: Impunity Watch Archive