By Shayne R. Burnham
Impunity Watch Reporter, Asia
KABUL, Afghanistan – As a result of UNICEF’s report on violence against Afghan Children, the United Nations (UN) said that violations of children’s rights are rising on account of war in Afghanistan, especially with respect to deaths of children in civilian casualties, recruitment of children to armed groups, and sexual abuse.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stated that “the report focuses on grave violations perpetrated against children in Afghanistan and identifies parties to the conflict, both state and non-state actors, who commit grave abuses against children.” He continued, “In particular, the report highlights the fact that children have been recruited and utilized (as fighters) by state and non-state armed groups.”
Ban also said that although the Afghan government demobilized 7,444 child soldiers in 2003, there has not been any monitoring of children who are vulnerable to democracy.
One case that the report documents is that of children utilized by the Taliban as suicide bombers. Children as young as 12 years old are forced or tricked into performing these acts. The government have also been having children serve on their police forces, such as the Afghan Auxiliary Police and the Afghan National Police. Ban insists that the age of young soldiers be verified in order to protect children in accordance with human rights laws.
Children are also victims as a result of militant attacks on civilian targets. Children are being inadvertently killed during battle between U.S. and NATO and Afghan forces. The U.N. insists that all rules of war are followed, especially with respect to children.
Violence against children also occurs in the form of sexual abuse. Ban states that “Boys [are] kept cloistered and used for sexual and harmful social entertainment by warlords and other armed group leaders.” The U.N. urges the Afghan government to take action by legislating against sexual violence.
For more information, please see:
AP – UN: Afghan Children Being Recruited as Fighters – 25 November 2008
Reuters – Violence Against Afghan Children Rising: U.N. – 23 November 2008
UN News Centre – Afghan Conflict Claiming More Child Casualties as Insurgency Spreads – UN report – 21 November 2008