
Extortion Increasing Across Mexico

By Brandon Cottrell
Impunity Watch Reporter, North America

MEXICO CITY, Mexico – As Mexico divests much of its attention to cracking down on the nation’s drug cartel and related violence, there has been a surge in the number of extortions.  This year alone there have been 5,335 reported exertion attempts, which is already as many attempts as all of 2012.

A police vehicle is parked next to the clinic owned by Dr. Roman Gomez Gaviria on the outskirts of Mexico City (Photo Courtesy Associated Press).

An increasing number of the extortions are based on Internet usage.  Experts say that criminals can gain access to information on social networks, which they use to take advantage of a person’s excessive trust.  They determine what a person looks like, their age, address, and financial and family information  Then, they use phones and/or computer messages to “extort or commit some type of illegal action against the [targeted] person.”

Mexican authorities believe the increase in extortion is attributable to their efforts in breaking up the drug cartels.  They say as the chain of command in a cartel is destroyed, many of the gunmen and traffickers routinely employed by the cartel become desperate for income and resort to extortion.  The desperation is evident in the targets of extortion, which include multinational businesses and corner stores.

Vacationers have also been targeted.  Guests at dozens of hotels have reported that they received calls from strangers claiming “they would be kidnapped if they didn’t pay.”  According to security officials, the amount of payment demanded has ranged from $380 to $1,500.  While most vacationers report the crime to security and do not pay, the threat of extortion is still unsettling.  Security Expert Jorge Chabat says that extortion “affects all economic activity [and] it discourages investment [in Mexico].”

According to federal security spokesman Eduardo Sanchez, “The person who is a victim of extortion lives in a state of permanent kidnapping [and] they live in fear.”  Dr. Roman Gaviria, an extortion victim, has echoed that sentiment.

Gaviria, who received calls demanding $20,000, had three armed men barge into his pharmacy; he was able to escape and killed two of the men in the process.  He says that from now on his “life has been an imprisonment in my own home.”  Although police officers are stationed near his pharmacy, he sees members of the gang that stalked him lurking and believes they are being protected by corrupt police officers.

While reported extortions are at an all time high, authorities believe that the majority of extortions go unreported.  Sanchez, meanwhile, is not sure whether there is an increase in the number or whether people feel more comfortable going to the police.  Either way, according to the National Statistics Institute 92% of extortions are not reported.  Additionally, NSI reports that extortion is the second most common crime in Mexico, trailing only robbery.


For more information, please see:

ABC News – Mexico’s Crackdown on Drugs Spurs Extortion Wave – 14 October 2013

First Post – Internet used as extortion tool in Mexico – 14 October 2013

IBN – In Mexico, The Internet Is Also An Extortion Tool – 14 October 2013

Washington Post – Mexico’s Crackdown On Drugs Feeds Expanding Wave Of Extortions – 14 October 2014

Italian and Maltese Governments Call for EU Action in Response to Migrant Boat Sinkings

by Tony Iozzo
Impunity Watch Reporter, Europe

ROME, Italy – The Italian and Maltese governments have called for action from its partners in the European Union to put an end to a dangerous migrant crisis that has claimed the lives of dozens of people crossing the Mediterranean Sea from North Africa recently.

Migrants observe a memorial service held for last Friday’s boat sinking. (Photo courtesy of Reuters)

Last Friday, a boat filled with 250 migrants sank in the Mediterranean, claiming thirty four lives, after individuals were en route to Europe from North Africa. Navy ships from Italy and Malta recovered the victims’ bodies and rescued 206 of the migrants.

Friday’s accident was the latest in a series of boating accidents in the Mediterranean with migrants attempting to escape adverse conditions in their former country.

“I don’t know how many more people need to die at sea before something gets done. The fact is that as things stand, we are just building a cemetery within our Mediterranean Sea. Until now we have encountered statements, words but little more than that,” stated Joseph Muscat, Malta’s prime minister.

Muscat stated that he would join Italy in demanding action at the next European Council meeting.

The latest boat sank about sixty miles south of Sicily; roughly two weeks after another boat carrying a larger number of migrants sank less than a kilometer from Lampedusa, a tiny island between Sicily and Tunisia. That accident killed almost 300 people.

The migration of individuals from North Africa to Europe has increased over the past twenty years, but this year has seen a significant rise due to the political unrest in Egypt, the Syrian crisis, and turmoil in Libya.

Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta has urged for the crisis to be included on the European Council agenda at the October 24-25 meeting.

“We cannot continue like this. We’re in a situation where what’s happening in North Africa, Eritrea, Somalia, Syria presents us with a real emergency” Letta stated on Saturday.

According to estimations by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, roughly 32,000 migrants have arrived in Italy and Malta so far this year, about two thirds of whom have filed asylum requests.

On Monday, the latest ship carrying 137 people arrived in Italy from North Africa, just as the Italian government is planning to launch increased air and naval patrols to attempt to preempt these shipwrecks.

For more information, please see:

BBC News – Italy Steps up Migrant Boat Patrols After Tragedies – 14 October 2013

Reuters – More Migrants Reach Italy, Government Prepares to Boost Sea Patrols – 14 October 2013

Al Jazeera – Migrant Deaths Prompt Calls For EU Action – 13 October 2013

New York Times – Days After Disaster, Another Migrant Ship Sinks Near Italian Island – 11 October 2013




Colombian Governor Arrested on Murder and Racketeering Charges

By Ellis Cortez
Impunity Watch Reporter, South America

BOGOTA, Colombia – The governor of the northern province of La Guajira, Juan Francisco ‘Kiko’ Gomez, was arrested by Colombian officials for his involvement in three murders and for collaboration with right-wing paramilitaries.

Juan Francisco Gómez
Juan Gomez will have a hearing on October 30. (Photo Courtesy of El Tiempo)

Colombia’s Deputy Attorney General, Jorge Fernando Perdomo, said that Gomez was linked to the 1997 assassination of a Barrancas city councilman, Luis Lopez Peralta, and the killings in 2000 of Luis Alejandro Rodriguez Frias and Rosa Mercedes Cabrera Alfaro.

Gomez is also accused of criminal involvement with paramilitary groups in La Guajira, on Colombia’s border with Venezuela. The charges include links with Rodrigo Tovar, commander of the right-wing United Self-Defence Forces of Colombia (AUC), and Salvatore Mancuso. Tovar and Mancuso were extradited to the United States on drug trafficking charges in 2008.

The governor’s supporters surrounded Gomez’s house to try to prevent his arrest when police came for him during a festival in his home town of Barrancas, in north-eastern Colombia. He was later removed from the property in an ambulance, with undisclosed injuries and was under treatment at a clinic.

Earlier this week Kiko Gomez was charged with five counts of corruption, in a separate case. Gomez, who served as mayor of Barrancas from 1995 to 1997 and again from 2001 to 2003, was elected governor of La Guajira in 2011.

Colombia’s paramilitaries were created in the 1980s by drug traffickers and ranchers to counter leftist rebel kidnapping and extortion. However, many of the militias degenerated into death squads and carried out massacres of peasants suspected of having rebel sympathies. They also killed journalists and union members accused of favoring the leftist insurgents.

The AUC, accused of committing numerous human rights violations, demobilized during the administration of former Colombian President, Alvaro Uribe. During the demobilization, thousands of paramilitaries gave testimony and handed in their weapons in exchange for benefits, including immunity from prosecution in some cases.

More than one hundred national, regional and local politicians were investigated for links with the AUC and other paramilitaries as part of scandal known as the “parapolitics,” Dozens of those accused have been convicted.

For more information please see:

ABC News Colombia Governor Arrested, Accused of Gang Ties 13 October 2013

The Washington Post Colombian governor arrested on racketeering charges, suspected in 3 killings 13 October 2013

BBC Colombian governor Kiko Gomez charged with murder 13 October 2013

El Tiempo En ambulancia, sale capturado ‘Kiko’ Gómez, gobernador de La Guajira 12 October 2013

Senate Shifts Negotiations From Shutdown to Debt Limit

by Michael Yoakum
Impunity Watch Reporter, North America

WASHINGTON, D.C., United States –  Focus over the government stalemate shifted to the Senate Saturday, where leaders are in talks to end the nearly two week shutdown.  Word of negotiations between Senate leaders from both parties came in the wake the Senate’s rejection of a bill that would increase the government’s debt ceiling.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid spoke at a press conference regarding negotiations to end the government shutdown. (Photo courtesy of Al Jazeera)

Talks between Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell  on Saturday were their first face to face meetings in four months and their first in person negotiation about the government shutdown.

“The conversations were extremely cordial but very preliminary of course – nothing conclusive, but I hope that our talking is some solace to the American people and to the world,” Reid said.

While resolving the shutdown appears a high priority for the Senate, the rare session held Sunday had one item on the agenda: resolve the debt ceiling issue before markets open on Monday.  A near party line vote on Saturday failed to pass an increase to the debt limit problem.  Conservative members of the Senate cited the lack of clear plans to cut spending as reason for voting against the bill.

“This bill would have taken the threat of default off the table and given our nation’s businesses and the economy the certainty we need,” the White House said in a statement.

In the wake of Congressional debate over the shutdown and debt ceiling, many Americans have taken notice of the role of the federal government in their daily lives.

Political leaders from both parties have taken to characterizing the nature of the shutdown in a way that highlights their differing views of the role of government.  President Obama highlighted the federal government’s role as a source of jobs for hundreds of thousand of Americans as well as a place for farmers and small business owners to obtain loans.

Conservative members of Congress have used the shutdown as a demonstration of the impact that a smaller government would have on Americans.

Marsha Blackburn, a Republican House member from Tennessee said, “People are going to realize they can live with a lot less government.”

For more information, please see:

ABC News – Shutdown Driving Debate Over Role of Government – 13 October 2013

The Economic Times – Shutdown debate moves to US Senate as debt deadline creeps up – 13 October 2013

Al Jazeera – Government shutdown: Senate takes center stage in budget debate – 12 October 2013

BBC News – US shutdown debate shifts to Senate – 12 October 2013

The Washington Post – Government shutdown debate grates on Congress members’ moods – 12 October 2013

The Extraordinary AU Summit on the ICC

By: Danielle L. Gwozdz
Impunity Watch News Reporter, Africa

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia– The African Union (AU) will convene an Extraordinary Summit on Implementation of International Jurisdiction, Justice and International Criminal Court (ICC).  This is a follow-up to the AU’s Summit in May where it criticized the ICC for “witch-hunting African leaders.”

President Mugabe chats to VP Mujuru at the Harare International Airport before his departure for Ethiopia (photo courtesy of The Herald)

A possible collective pull-out of the 34 African countries that ratified the Rome statute – the ICC founding charter – will likely emerge among the most contentious points of debate.  Zimbabwe is not party to the treaty on the strength of its deep-rooted belief in domestic legal systems.

The AU has decided to set up a contact group of the Executive Council to undertake consultations with the members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), in particular, its five permanent members, with a view to engaging with the UNSC on all concerns of the AU on its relationship with the ICC, including the deferral of the Kenyan and Sudanese cases, in order to obtain their feedback.

Some 130 African and international civil society organizations on Monday wrote a letter to African Foreign Affairs ministers, already gathered in the Ethiopian capital, urging them to restate their support to the international court in conformity with the African states’ commitment to protect and promote human rights and end impunity.

The AU has been consistent in its critical stance against the ICC since 2009, when the world court issued a warrant of arrest against Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir.

At the 2009 Summit held in Sirte Libya that year, the Assembly of Heads of State issued a Joint Declaration stating that AU member states will ignore the ICC arrest warrant and will not take any measures to transfer Bashir to The Hague.

When Bashir subsequently visited Kenya, Malawi, Chad, Ethiopia, and Nigeria he was not arrested. The AU has repeatedly reaffirmed its stance against the ICC.

After reaffirming principles deriving from national law and international customary law, by which sitting heads of state and government and other senior state officials are granted immunities during their tenure of office, the Assembly decided that “No charges shall be commenced or continued before any international court or tribunal against any serving head of state or Government or anybody acting in such capacity during his/her term of office.”

Further, the Assembly stated that “To safeguard the constitutional order, stability, and integrity of member states, no serving AU Head of State or Government or anybody acting or entitled to act in such a capacity, shall be required to appear before any international court or tribunal during their term of office.”

ICC stakeholders fear that the Extraordinary Summit will result in an en masse Africa walk out from the ICC, a threat to the future of the Court given that with 34 ratifications, Africa is the largest regional block.

There are various efforts from civil societies, the Assembly of State Parties to the ICC (ASP), the United Nations, to discourage a possible Africa withdrawal.

There is legitimate concern that Africa appears to be a target of the world’s first permanent criminal court. Withdrawing from the ICC though is not the solution because this imbalance is not the doing of the ICC. The Court’s judicial processes have been fair, impartial, and transparent.

For further information, please visit:

Africa Legal Aid – Much Ado About the Extraordinary AU Summit on the ICC – 11 October 2013
The Herald – President leaves for AU Extraordinary Summit – 11 October 2013
News Afrique Informations – African Union’s extraordinary summit Ethiopia – 11 October 2013
African Union – Extraordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – 11 October 2013
BBC News – African Union urges ICC to defer Uhuru Kenyatta case – 12 October 2013
Yahoo! UK and Ireland – AU calls for halt to ICC cases against Kenyan and Sudanese leaders – 12 October 2013