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Welcome to the weekly Syria Deeply newsletter. We’ve rounded up the most important stories and developments about Syria and the Syrians in order to bring you valuable news and analysis.

Uproar Over Syria Refugees Perfect ‘ISIS Propaganda’

As controversy continues in the United States around the resettlement of Syrian refugees, Syria Deeply asked a former U.S. ambassador to Syria to help us make sense of the U.S.’s stance toward refugees coming from the war-torn country and whether or not increased restrictions serve American interests.

Fear of Checkpoints Spreads in Damascus

As the war in Syria continues, residents in Damascus say more and more young men are being detained at government checkpoints throughout the capital, in what some fear may be part of a campaign to replenish Bashar al-Assad’s diminished fighting force.

Poverty Pushing War Widows Toward Foreign Fighters

Driven from their homes by fighting, often with children to care for and with no husband to provide protection, women bereaved by the civil war have severely limited choices in seeking security – especially when local tradition means that many Syrian men are opposed to marrying widows.

More Recent Stories to Look Out for at Syria Deeply

Expert Roundup on Riyadh’s Opposition Conference

Riyadh’s Opposition Talks: a Potemkin Process?

The Aleppo Project: Imaging Reconstruction Amid War

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Author: Impunity Watch Archive